Equipping Churches to Engage Their Culture in Worship
Center for U.S. Missions, December 2008
Christmas/Epiphany Issue |
 Dear Worship Beat Subscriber:
Merry Christmas and a Christ-filled New Year,
This issue is full of ideas for your Christmas/Epiphany worship and more. Here are also some last minute ideas for videos and more for the 12 days of Christmas & Epiphany. "Joy to the world, the Lord is come!" Those of you who were at the Mission Partners conference in November will also find the promised video sources used in the opening worship service. Enjoy!
Your fellow worshipper, Rev. Mike Zehnder National Missional Worship Consultant |
SOS - Songs of Substance/ Songs of the Season
Songs of Substance answers the question, "Where's the Beef?" These are Praise & Worship songs with more than just great melodies. They have theological substance and/or clear Christocentricity. We commend these contemporary songs to you as valuable for corporate worship any time, but some (Songs of the Season) are particularly referenced in this issue for their usefulness on soon-approaching dates of Church or culture. To see the full text of these songs and/or to hear a sound sample or download a LeadSheet go to the SongSelect section of ccli.com.
Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin | Daniel Carson | Ed Cash | Jesse Reeves CCLI Song No. 5183443 © 2008 Vamos Publishing | worshiptogether.com songs | sixsteps Music | Alletrop Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) | (Admin. by Music Services) This is one of the most incredible contemporary texts to come out so far in 2008 with clear Christocentricity, Justification, Substitutionary Atonement, Propitiation for Sins, Real Presence in the Lord's Supper, Incarnation, God's love for Sinners - WOW! Partial Text Quotes: "Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel, The Rescue for sinners, The Ransom from heaven, Jesus Messiah Lord of all . . . He became sin who knew no sin that we might become His righteousness, He humbled Himself and carried the cross, Love so amazing . . . His body the bread - His blood the wine, broken and poured out, all for love, The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn, Love so amazing love so amazing . . . All our hope is in You . . . All the glory to You God, the Light of the world." Topics: Incarnation, Justification, Christmas, Lord's Supper, Cross, Salvation, Advent, God's love, Hope and Comfort, Ransom/Rescue, Good Friday, Attributes of God. Don't forget that Chris Tomlin is a high tenor and sings in the stratosphere not fit for congregational singing. Most of his songs need to be taken down a fourth. This particular song appears in the Key of B but works nicely in the Key of G, the chorus simply soaring to a D, and keeps the verse from going below middle C. For the uninitiated, you can change the key at the click of a mouse for either Lead Sheet or Chord Chart using the Song Select Feature that is available as an additional service on the CCLI website. Highly Recommended.
This Is Our God with What Child Is This by David Moffitt, Sue Smith & Travis Cottrell Incredible fusion of two great worship songs available at GreatWorshipSongs.com. Download an Mp3, Lead Sheet, Chord Sheet or all three at the aforementioned website. The question, "What Child is This?" is answered both by the chorus of the same song as well as the primary statement of the second song: "This is our God!" Wonderful, touching arrangement, musically and textually, that only hearts of stone manage to sing without appropriate moistness in the eyes over the wonderful amazing grace of God made flesh - Emmanuel - God with us. Remember when you sing it that "Even the angels longed to look into these things." Worship teams: forget the congregation is present and let this song carry you places where the amazed angels first found their own craving satisfied and their voices rejoicing with "Glory to God in the highest!" A winner for EPIPHANY as well as Christmas as God is manifested to all: THIS is our GOD! Highly Recommended. MEDLEY IDEA: try combining the traditional " O Come, All Ye Faithful" with the contemporary " All Bow Down" by Ed Cash and Chris Tomlin Other winning Christmas and Epiphany season Songs you may not have heard or thought about: 1. You Came - David Moffit, Sue Smith, Travis Cottrell © 2007 New Spring, div. of Brentwood-Benson Music 2. Desired of All the Nations - Mike Hurst, David Moffit & Sue Smith © 2006 New Spring, div. of Zomba Enterprises - great for EPIPHANY, energetic chorus 3. All Over the World - Matt Redman & Martin Smith © 2005 Thankyou Music - great for EPIPHANY. The titles themselves of these last two show how they fit into the Epiphany season. 4. Your Love Came Down - Paul Baloche and Rita Baloche © 2007 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Leadworship Songs (Admin. by Integrity Music, Inc.). The songwriter behind some of the Church's popular contemporary worship tunes, including "Open the Eyes of My Heart," "I Love to Be in Your Presence," and "Above All" has written a song that to my mind and ear expresses the "Emmanuel-ness" wonder of the Christmas and Epiphany seasons even though it is not written as such. Because the cross is mentioned so frequently it probably sounds more like Lent. BUT - that's WHY "love came down," or in Paul's words, "A King sent from Heaven, And nailed to a tree, A Prince wearing thorns for a crown, You suffered and died, So that I could be free...YOUR LOVE CAME DOWN." A nice tie-in to the cross-driven purpose of Christmas joy.
Video Clip Resources from Major Films for Christmas/Epiphany
by Rev. Tom Van Duzer
Are you looking for some good Christmas videos that tell the Christmas/Advent story? Would it be great if they are FREE? Wingclips.com offers 1-3 minute video clips from first-run commercial films for ministry purposes. Best of all, you can subscribe and use medium resolution (320x240) videos for free. Our church has found the medium resolution fine for our purposes. While not as visually sharp as high resolution (640x480), sound is excellent and many people may not be able to tell the difference in resolution. If you want to upgrade, the $15.95 per month or $139.00 per year fee expands your resolution and the catalogue of offerings. For Christmas and Advent, Wingclips offers 5 clips from "The Nativity Story," the 2006 dramatization of the Christmas story. The clips are:
Are You Afraid? (1:29) Mary and Joseph discuss their fears of caring for the child and how they will know that he is special.
Broken No Vow (2:24) An obviously pregnant Mary faces telling her parents and her fiancé about her pregnancy.
God made into flesh (2:56) Adoration of the Magi at the (historically incorrect) manger, commenting on the incarnation and the meaning of the gifts.
I believe you (1:17) Joseph tells Mary about his dream and believes her virgin birth.
Why is it me? (0:56) Mary talks to Elizabeth about the burden that she must now endure carrying the Son of God. Other movie clips for Christmas include...(To download and read the rest of this article, click here).
Rev. Tom Van Duzer is the pastor of Light of Life Lutheran Church, a mission plant in Indio, CA, and he is also the Vice President of the LCMS Commission on Worship.
FREE Newly Composed Chrismas/Epiphany Downloads From the pen of Rev. Tom Van Duzer
An Old Text Revised:
You Who Were Rich-Lead Sheet.pdf You Who Were Rich-sample.mp3 You Who were Rich-text & story.doc
An Original Song
Come to the Cross of Jesus.mp3
Come to the Cross of Jesus.pdf
Any problems with this or questions? Due to technical difficulties, the clickables above did not work. For downloads, please contact the author directly at pastortom@lightoflife4u.com.
Three information-packed and enjoyable days of Worship and Music Seminars led by National Missional Worship Consultant, Rev. Mike Zehnder, are coming soon in February. You may choose to attend the seminars as a package or a la carte. Select 1 day, 2 days, or all 3 days of seminars.
Topics include "Designing Worship to Engage the Culture (Day One)," "Praise Team Basics (Day Two)," and "Spiritual Dynamics in Contemporary Worship (Day Three)."
The first seminar on Tuesday, February 3, "Designing Worship to Engage the Culture," consists of 1) Intro to Missional Contemporary Worship; 2) Resources for Planning Biblical Contemporary Worship; and 3) The Spiritual Art of Word-Weaving and Worship Flow. In Part Two (2), live, downloadable, web-based resources will be shown that even a small church can utilize with minimal cost. Part One (Intro) is designed for the following people: Pastors, Worship Leaders, Worship Planners. Part Two (Resources) is also appropriate for your Worship Technology people.
Attention will be given to pastoral, music and leadership issues which affect how we "make disciples" - reaching out to unbelievers so they might experience a relationship with Jesus Christ and helping believers grow in the faith so that they have an effect on the culture around them.
On Wednesday, February 4, the topic is "Praise Team Basics." Designed first for Musicians and Worship Leaders, and secondarily for Pastors and Tech People, this seminar addresses six basics:
- Spiritual maturity
- Song repertoire
- Recruiting and developing instrumentalists and singers
- Sound equipment & instruments
- Technology
- Advertising and marketing
Thursday, February 5, will feature "Spiritual Dynamics in Contemporary Worship." Topics include Planning Contemporary Worship with Biblical Integrity, SOS - Songs of Substance, "Where's the Beef," The Power of Encouragement, and there will be a "free-wheeling, anything goes" Contemporary Worship Q and A.
Special pricing is available for those who attend more than one seminar and for groups from the same congregation. Plan to attend the Center for U.S. Missions Seminar in New Braufels, TX on February 3 - 5, 2009 where Rev. Mike Zehnder will lead WORSHIP AND MUSIC SEMINARS at "On The Edge Leadership Training, Winter 2009."
To register or for more information, go to http://www.centerforusmissions.com/index.php?page=ote-worship
The Unchanging Parts of Missional Worship
by Michael J. Zehnder, National Worship Consultant
In order to be more missional and culturally sensitive in worship, churches around the globe have either changed or are considering changing worship practices that have long remained the same. What gets little discussion is what doesn't change. Here are five things that do NOT change in worship, no matter what techniques or styles are applied. 1. God Himself does not change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus' sameness yesterday, today, and tomorrow is our rock solid foundation - the "rock that is higher than I." Cultural mores, modes, and methods may change but God's means of forgiveness through Word and Sacrament will never change, His faithfulness doesn't waver, His promises aren't modified. Whatever He was yesterday, or will be tomorrow He can always just say, "I AM"!
He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind. (1 Samuel 15:29) 2. God's Word does not change. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever. (Is. 40:8) For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. (1 Peter 1:23) The Word of God stands inviolable. Heaven and earth will pass away, but not God's Word. It will never change, and it should never take second place in our lives. The Word of God is a means that brings us to faith and feeds that faith for living and all decisions, including those about worship. 3. Sound Doctrine Does Not Change Titus 1:9, speaking of leadership, says, "He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it." Pilate and the world may ask, "What is truth?" but doctrinal truth taught in Scripture does not change nor may it be watered down. It is "God-breathed" and "is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction, and training in righteousness." Sound leadership hinges on sound doctrine and those who teach correctly from God's Word about worship or any other subject are to be cherished. 4. Spiritual Needs Do Not Change People of every generation need a Savior because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 The Father wills that all men should hear this proclamation and come to Christ, and according to his own word, Christ will not turn them away, 'Him who comes to me I will not cast out.' (John 6:37) I've been on numerous mission trips and every time I preach or teach in a foreign land with a translator at hand, I am confronted with the tremendous cultural differences between me and my audience. A lot of preaching techniques I use in America to hold attention and advance interest would be totally meaningless to foreign audiences. Sometimes I start to fret about it and then I remember the great truths of the passages above. Once I do that I am completely relaxed: they need a Savior just as I need a Savior and they have human needs just as I do. Suddenly the gap closes and I remember my preaching style matters nothing in comparison to their spiritual need for Jesus to be their Lord and Savior - same as for me! 5. Spiritual Hunger Does Not Change The Father seeks to draw all people to Himself in every generation. Paul preached: "From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us."(Acts 17:26-27). Paul was preaching to spiritual seekers of his day and making it clear to them that God was seeking them and smoothing the path for them to seek Him.
- Hebrews 11:6 informs us that God rewards those who "earnestly seek Him."
- It is a biblical fact that we will always have spiritual seekers among us; this will never change, nor should our attempts to reach those seekers with the Gospel.
Some things may change in planning culturally relevant worship; some things must never change!
This article first appeared in the December, 2008, issue of Mission Moments, from the Center for U.S. Missions. Permission is given to copy this article for distribution within your own congregation/ministry. Please credit the author and the Center for U.S. Missions in Irvine, California, www.centerforusmissions.org. For more information, contact the Center at 949-854-8002 x1780.
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Job Seekers
Seeking a Ministry...
Congratulations to WB advertiser Eric Larson who has accepted a new position at Baltimore Lutheran!
Congratulations also to WB advertiser, Tim Dommer. He has accepted a position as Worship Pastor at Home Church, near Cincinnati, OH.
Seeking Parish Administrator position. Currently living (and would like to stay) in Omaha area. Former purchasing agent for Alegant Health Care System. Dedicated church member, faithful Christian and resourceful individual; able to relate well with other staff members and an eye for innovation and challenges in serving Christ. For more information, contact Pastor Kenton Rohrberg, Messiah Lutheran Church, Hays, KS at krohrber@ruraltel.net or call 785-625-2057.
Contemporary and Diverse Worship Leader - I am a person who * Leads people to the throne of God in worship with a mission to reach the unchurched arts community. * Envisions, writes, produces, directs and leads worship services of every style. * Manages the church's Worship and Music Department for such widely diverse events ranging from week-to-week operations to more extensive productions. * Organizes people into effective ministry in a large church setting. Involves many people in leading the worship experience. * Implements special events and projects resulting in significant growth for the church. * Utilizes various media within the worship experience including video, projection, sound, light and special effects. Willing to relocate. Contact mike.zehnder@worshipconsultation.comfor more information. [Editor's note: This anonymous advertiser's resume and picture are on file with me. He is HIGH quality, mission-oriented man with multiples abilities, an infectious smile and a super-positive attitude. Team player. I highly recommend you ask me for his information.] Contemporary Worship Leader I believe in reproductive leadership and want to encourage others to share the love of Jesus. My gifts and passion are with contemporary, but respects all styles of worship. Can sing and perform with keys, guitar, bass, and other instruments. Have professional level technical skills in audio, video, graphics, and lighting. [Editor's note: This leader wishes to advertise anonymously so please contact me for more information. I have on file his resume, cover letter and picture. He has greatly understated his abilities in my estimation.]
Contemporary/Alternative Worship Leader Seeks FT Position Graduate of Concordia University, Irvine with strong background in several musical styles but especially with rock and alternative music. Four years experience. Looking to obtain a position requiring strong musical skills where I can carry out my calling to empower others, lead passionate Christ-centered worship and grow the kingdom. Similar artists include Phil Wickham, Tim Hughes and David Crowder. Lead band with voice and acoustic or electric guitar. Ministry Values: Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Relevance, Community & Empowerment. [Editor's note: This young man is advertising anonymously. I have his resume and pic on file. So contact me for more info: mike.zehnder@worshipconsultation.com or 480-861-5000. He is a very talented, up-'n-coming worship leader with a heart for the Lord and is a real team player with a kind spirit. Humble. Doesn't even mention he's great with percussion as well.]
Teacher/Musician - I am a teacher/musician from Michigan looking for a music position in a Lutheran church near the Phoenix area. I am planning to move as soon as I find a job. If your church or a Lutheran church you know are looking for a pianist, music/choir director, I am very interested in applying for open positions. Lauren Ford 734.347.6734 flauren00@yahoo.com
These ads are free. Send your 50-75 word ad with contact information (or let me know if you prefer to advertise anonymously through me) to my email above. Mike Z. | |
Positions open. . .
Congratulations to WB advertiser, Lord of Life Lutheran in Westfield, IN which is currently interviewing 3 candidates for their position. We join them in praying for God's guidance through this process.
Director of Music to lead our music ministry to new and exciting heights. The congregation currently worships in 3 weekend services (2 traditional and one contemporary). We are looking to enhance and expand our current offerings which have been led by gifted lay people and volunteers. In this position, we seek to bring all music under one leader. If you have questions or know of someone who may be interested, please contact me. My phone number is: (319) 366-1569 ext 224. A ministry description is available and we would welcome the chance to speak with any interested individuals. OfftJ@TrinityCR.org Minister of Music - Growing congregation in New Berlin, WI, is looking for an individual to build and develop an exciting music program. This is a part-time position, that includes not only performance and musical leadership, but planning, as well. Individual must have excellent organ/keyboard skills and have a heart for people and Christ's mission to the lost. Primary duties to include: organist for traditional worship; worship leader and keyboardist for contemporary worship; accompany adult choir; worship planning. Our goal is to encourage God's people in their musical participation to enhance all expressions of worship. Contact: prankin@peacelutheran.org Director of Music to lead our music ministry to new and exciting heights. The congregation currently worships in 3 weekend services (2 traditional and one contemporary). We are looking to enhance and expand our current offerings which have been led by gifted lay people and volunteers. In this position, we seek to bring all music under one leader. If you have questions or know of someone who may be interested, please contact me. My phone number is: (319) 366-1569 ext 224. A ministry description is available and we would welcome the chance to speak with any interested individuals.
Worship Leader - Lead worship at a dynamic church plant outside of Raleigh, North Carolina. Job includes teaching music classes during the week in the target area. Two years experience and a college degree are preferred. High proficiency with keyboard and guitar is desired. This full time position includes benefits through the Concordia Plan. Please send your resume to: pastor@jordanchurchnc.org
Part-Time Worship Leader Needed Ascension Lutheran Church, St. Louis, MO, part-time Worship Team leader, skilled in electronic keyboard playing and programming capability, working with Pastor on music selection, helping to develop band and singers. Contact pastor@ascensionstl.com or arlo@ascensionstl.com. These ads are free. Send your 50-75 word ad which includes your contact information (or tell me if you prefer to advertise anonymously) to: mike.zehnder@worshipconsultation.com |
Worship Consultation Services
Everyone can use some expert feedback, further training and new resources - the landscape changes so fast it's hard to keep up. Here's help in not only keeping up, but in getting ahead for your future!
Onsite Worship Consultation - Improve your contemporary, blended, or traditional worship, start something from scratch (like a new service or a satellite ministry), or kick it to the next level. Consultant: Rev. Mike Zehnder, National Missional Worship Consultant
Worship Seminars for your congregation, local worship team, conference or group.
Worship Consultation Services - fuller description of all worship consultation services available as PDF.
National Missional Worship Resources at the Center for United States Missions located on the campus of Concordia University in Irvine, CA can provide worship issue consultation or assist your ministry in a catalytic way for growth and change. This link takes you to the "Worship" area of the Center for U.S. Missions website.
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