Sunrise Atlantic
Nick's Notes for Kids
September 2007

This Month's Topic: How to Write a Song

Hey it's me, your friendly neighborhood guitar player. So here it is September and everyone is back in school catching up with old friends and making new friends, I hope.

Got a question from a kid today about how do I go about writing songs. This is a good question although for me there is no set formula. Sometimes the chord changes come first, then sometimes it a melody or just a groove that is in my mind or heart. I think that the creative process hits us all differently and at different times. I think the first thing is to do is just sit and see where the idea you have takes you and after that formulate the song structure...You know, the intro, how many verses the bridge and the vamp. If it is an instrumental piece, the solo section. Make sure the song has a good hook or chorus, something that is catchy and memorable. You don't need a lot of words or licks for the chorus. If it is too hard to sing then it is too hard to remember.

Now, If you are writing lyrics try to tell a story in them, something that people can relate to or have experienced in their lives. What is even better is if you have experienced the thing you are writing about, then you have some knowledge of the situation and can write from experience. The key to me is to feel what you are writing so that when you project the song others can feel what you were feeling at the time.

Another thing is don't make it too long. I mean, I have heard some songs that went on and on. If the story is good you don't have to keep saying the same thing over and over. Remember you are writing a song, not a book. Try to keep your songs under four minutes if possible. I know you have a lot to say but save some for another song.

Again, I express to you that anything written from the heart will be felt by your listeners and you will get the point across.

I am starting to receive more questions and that is good. I will try to touch on the subjects you want me to in each newsletter.

So, until the next time. BE GOOD and PRACTICE. Remember, if you can see your dream you can have it.

Peace, Nico

P.S. Forward this newsletter to your friends or sign them up yourself by sending an email to You can also sign up on line at my website, or on my MySpace page, Adults welcome, too.

top of sun
Beach Pacific

top photo by Carol Ray, this photo by Dolores Ann

Summer's just about over and I was lucky enough to be at the ocean on both coasts this year. The top pic is the Atlantic Ocean at Jacksonville Beach, Florida where I saw a beautiful sunrise. This pic is the Pacific Ocean at Seal Beach in California, where I wrote my name in the sand!

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and I'm on You Tube....

addresses are below....


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This newsletter is written for young people interested in music - feel free to forward to your friends. And if you know of someone who should receive it please send us their email address (to and we'll add them. Or...they can sign up themselves at my website, or on my MySpace page,

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