The Pulse of Our Congregation September 2009

In this Issue

Looking Ahead

Karen Zeitz Shares Photos from Israel!

September 2009 Activities

Rabbi's Message: Rabbi Julie Greenberg

Your Help is Needed!

September 11 - Community-wide Shabbat Dinner

Lunch & Learn - Back by Popular Demand!

Classified: Let Jack-of-All-Trades Help You Get Things Done


Looking Ahead

Beyond the High Holidays and Simchat Torah we arrive at Shabbat Bereishit, the very beginning of the Torah. On Kabalat Shabbat, October 16 at 7 PM, we join together for a rich service that will feature Dr. Lori Lefkovitz, the Kolot Director of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, who will enlighten us about: Gender, Creation and Creativity. This will mark the first Sibyl Cohen Memorial Lecture. Sibyl passed away suddenly on November 1, 2006. She still is very much missed. -- Roby Jacobs, event chair

Bagels & Books Brunch
On Sunday, October 25th, at 11 AM, enjoy an exquisitely composed, absolutely captivating true story about a gentile couple who saved 100's of Jews from Nazi extermination by harboring them as their "guests" in the Warsaw Zoo. The book is "The Zookeeper's Wife", by Diane Ackerman. Margie Wiener will facilitate the discussion. More details will be announced.

Marking Life Cycle Events

Making a financial contribution to Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir is a great way to mark special life events, simchas, yahrzeits, etc. We are happy to send an acknowledgement of your contribution to a designee of your choice. Contributions can be sent to our regular P.O. Box address, or contact Evy Simon, at 215-561-7474 or, if you'd like to have an acknowledgement card sent.

Thank you.

Newsletter Design and eMail Marketing:

Ilene Hass
Creative Solutions
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Dear Friends and Members of Leyv Ha-Ir~Heart of the City,

L'shana tovah, Happy New Year.

I am looking forward to seeing you later this month as we celebrate the High Holy Days together. This is a good time to notice the fluid nature of this life. As we look around, we notice that things have changed. We are older. Some people are no longer with us. There are new people with us. The circumstances have changed. There are also new opportunities.

One constant is that Leyv Ha-Ir~Heart of the City is a volunteer run organization. We do not have full time staff. This means that the functions which sustain our operations are completed by our members. Please amplify my gratitude for these volunteers. As you attend services, feel free to thank people you see exerting effort. Our members our proud to provide High Holy Day services for our wider community. Please help me recognize their contribution.

Michael Meketon, President
Leyv Ha-Ir ~ Heart of the City

  • Karen Zeitz Shares Photos from Israel!
  • Photos from Karen's recent trip to Israel: Top to Bottom:

    (1) This is a large gold menorah on display near the Western Wall, awaiting the building of the Third Temple.

    (2) Although this picture is slightly out of focus, it's of Karen in full Phillies regalia, holding up a ceramic shard she has just uncovered at Hebrew University's archeological project from the site of the 1st and 2nd Temples in Jerusalem.

  • September 2009 Activities
  • Saturday - September 5 - 2009, 10:00 AM
    Shabbat Morning Service
    Join us for a lay-led service back at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Washington Square, followed by a dairy/veggie potluck lunch.

    Saturday - September 12 - 2009, 7:00 PM
    Selichot Service
    These prayers, led by Rabbi Julie, are part of our preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Join us at the William Penn House, 1919 Chestnut Street, Community Room.

    Friday - September 18 - 2009, 7:30 PM
    Erev Rosh Hashanah
    Our Rosh Hashanah services will be led by Rabbi Julie Greenberg, with Cantorial Soloist Jessi Roemer and the Leyv Ha-Ir Choir. Join us at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. Please register in advance on our website.

    Saturday - September 19 - 2009, 10:00 AM, Rosh Hashanah First Day
    Our Rosh Hashanah services will be led by Rabbi Julie Greenberg, with Cantorial Soloist Jessi Roemer and the Leyv Ha-Ir Choir. Join us at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. Please register in advance on our website.

    Saturday - September 20 - 2009, 10:00 AM, Rosh Hashanah Second Day
    Our Rosh Hashanah services will be led by Rabbi Julie Greenberg, with Cantorial Soloist Jessi Roemer and the Leyv Ha-Ir Choir. Join us at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. Please register in advance on our website.

    Saturday - September 20 - 2009, 6:00 PM, Tashlich Ceremony
    A group of Center City congregations will hold a Tashlich ceremony (symbolic casting of sins into water) on the bank of the Schuylkill at the Walnut St. Bridge.

    Sunday - September 27 - 2009, 6:00 PM, Kol Nidre
    Our Kol Nidre services will be led by Rabbi Julie Greenberg, with Cantorial Soloist Jessi Roemer and the Leyv Ha-Ir Choir. Join us at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. Please register in advance on our website.

    Monday - September 28 - 2009, 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Yom Kippur
    Our Yom Kippur services will be led by Rabbi Julie Greenberg, with Cantorial Soloist Jessi Roemer and the Leyv Ha-Ir Choir. Join us at the Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. At approximately 7 PM, a break fast will be held on the second floor. Please register in advance, for both or either, on our website.

    As part of the Kehillah of Center City we are invited to attend all of the events that are sponsored by the Kehillah and our larger community. To learn more about these events, check out the link to Center City Kehillah.

    Click here for a complete look at Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir activities for the upcoming two months.
  • Rabbi's Message: Rabbi Julie Greenberg
  • Dear Chevre,

    We are in the month of Elul, moving daily towards our New Year and reading daily about the raging health care battle taking place in this country. At this time of introspection, it makes sense to steep ourselves in Jewish values relevant to this most pressing issue, one that affects every one of us.

    Jewish tradition values an informed citizenry. Even when most of the world lived in the dark ages of ignorance, the literacy rate (of males) in Jewish communities was astoundingly high. Commitment to intellectual achievement has been a signature quality of our people. The ignorance, misinformation, and gullibility displayed by so many Americans at recent town hall meetings on health care matters is upsetting to a Jewish sensibility.

    Jewish tradition values dialogue. The Talmudic process, for instance, is one of deep and far- ranging discussion with respect and tolerance for minority opinions. When the Rabbis made legal rulings by majority decision, they also recorded the dissenting opinions. They realized that minority views might be relevant to future conditions. The inability of many Americans to engage in calm, reasonable problem-solving about the health care crisis is sad from a Jewish point of view.

    Jewish tradition values the well being of the whole community, not just of the most able or most affluent within it. The context of our discussion has to be "how" to accomplish decent health care for all, not "whether" to do so. I hope that in this coming year, each one of us will draw on Jewish sources for an infusion of spirit and energy to further productive engagement with health care policy. Our neighbors, representatives, doctors, and insurance companies need to hear our voices.

    May this be a year of learning, respect and compassion for all,

    Rabbi Julie

  • Your Help is Needed!
  • With the High Holidays fast approaching, we are looking for Hearts, Hands and Eyes - that is VOLUNTEERS to man the Welcoming/ Check-in desk before and during the Services.

    Email Roby Jacobs if you can help out.

  • September 11 - Community-wide Shabbat Dinner
  • The kick off event of an exciting fall season! See old friends and make new ones at The Gershman Y's community-wide Shabbat dinner.

    Whether you're young or old, reform or orthodox, gay or straight, the Gershman Y is a community center for all people.

    Come at 7:15 for artists talk on Painting Midrash in the Borowsky Gallery. Stay for schmoozing, singing and relaxing. Certified Kosher meat dinner will be served. Price: Adults $15 / Children $10.

    Purchase tickets at or call 215-545-4400. Friday, September 11 at 8 PM
    Location: The Gershman Y
    401 South Broad Street, Philadelphia

  • Lunch & Learn - Back by Popular Demand!
  • Rabbi Julie Greenberg will be leading us again in a "lunch and learn" discussion. This Fall's series will be about "The Prophets".

    Save these dates:
    Thursday, October 22
    Thursday, October 29
    Thursday, November 12
    Thursday, November 19

    All sessions will be held from 12 - 2PM at the Bellevue Building, 200 S. Broad St., at the offices of PREIT (Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust).

    This is a brown-bag event and there is no charge to attend.

    More details will appear in the October eNewsletter.

  • Classified: Let Jack-of-All-Trades Help You Get Things Done
  • I am available for all forms of jack-of-all-trades, general-purpose work you need done. Please call John Mason at (215) 271-2982. Thanks.

    :: 215-629-1995