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We hope you enjoy our Newsletter and Updates. If you ever have content you want us to consider including, please contact us!  Kentucky Equality Federation is the Commonwealth's largest all-volunteer organization with 3 Independent member organizations and an additional 5 organizations as coalition partners!

Kentucky Equality Federation leader steps down because of health reasons; in May 2012 we lost our founder and president
Kentucky Equality Federation founder and President Jordan Palmer stepped-down for unspecified health reasons.  The Lexington Herald-Leader had been given the exclusive, but TV stations WYMT, WKYT, Wave3, and Lex18 also pick-up the story:  


They reported: 


A high-profile advocate for gay and lesbian people in Kentucky is stepping down because of a serious health condition. 


Jordan Palmer, president of the Kentucky Equality Federation, will turn over the reins of the organization to another officer as of May 7, according to a news release. 


Palmer plans to return to the federation when he is able, but said it's not clear when that will be. 


He declined to speak publicly about his health problem, but told federation members in a statement that it is life-threatening without immediate treatment. 


Palmer said he is to have surgery soon. 


"Should my luck run out, please know that serving Kentucky Equality Federation and working with all of you has truly been the highlight of my life and I have absolutely no regrets," Palmer told the group's officers and members in an email. 


The federation advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people. It has pushed for same-sex marriage in Kentucky. 


Last year, the group protested after an employee of a public pool in Hazard asked two gay men with disabilities to leave. 


In another instance, Palmer pushed for federal authorities to take over another case involving a gay man who said he was attacked in Harlan County because of his sexual orientation. 


The FBI took the case. A grand jury indicted two men on charges of kidnapping the victim and beating him because of sexual orientation - the first such charges in the nation under the federal hate-crimes law. 


Joshua Koch, vice-president of policy and public relations at the federation, will take over as temporary president. 

Jordan Palmer's Legacy:

From Mr. Palmer protesting Governor Fletcher and later Representative Fischer (2) for saying ' gays had not suffered enough,' sponsoring a Soulforce Equality Ride, forcing school boards to allow Gay-Straight Alliances, rallying at  Northern Kentucky University and the  Hazard Pavilion forcing policy changes, organizing Kentucky's 1st Gay Marriage License Day, assisting in restoring the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program (KADAP) to successfully pushing the first federal hate crime, the accomplishments and compassion of Mr. Palmer cannot be measured. These are only some of the accomplishments of a great man who puts the needs of others before his own.

Jordan Palmer's legacy in Kentucky's struggle for equality is secure. The Board of Directors hope he will return to his post when he is ready, able, or willing. 
Kentucky Equality Federation confirmed the following new volunteers:

 - Attorney Jillian Hall, Legal and Allies Outreach Director
 - Jody Gregory, Board of Directors
 - Fran Everage, Board of Directors

Thank you for your time, attention, and dedication to equality! 

Please forward this email to as many people as possible!  We need them on our email list!

For Equality,

Todd H. Melton, Jr.
Interim Chairman of the Board

Joshua Koch

Click here for a complete list of management and volunteers.
In This Issue:
Kentucky Equality Federation leader steps down because of health reasons; in May 2012 we lost our founder and president
Kentucky Equality Federation names NEW volunteers
Public Advocate
Financial Help

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Discrimination Reports III

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Public Advocate
Part of Kentucky Equality Federation's Mission is to act as public advocate for citizens of the Commonwealth who suffer from discrimination, hate crimes, school and workplace bullying.  If you or someone you know needs our assistance, please contact our Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and School Bullying Committee directly.  Kentucky Equality Federation will be your advocate!
Financial Help
Kentucky Equality Federation also offers financial assistance to qualified individuals who need help paying for rent, utilities, life-saving medications, and other essential items as our budget permits.
Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer wrote an editorial to the Louisville Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader.  Both editorials have been published. (more)  
Governor Beshear, DADT, and Love is Love:

 - Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear responds to Kentucky Equality Federation about the Equality Bill currently being considered by the Kentucky House and Senate. (more) 


 - Artist shares "Love is Love" music video with Marriage Equality Kentucky. (more) 

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