October 2010 Newsletter

Our chance to bring change to Kentucky is fast approaching!  Election Day is November 02, 2010.
The LGBTI Election Agenda
It is vital that we let people running for political office know OUR agenda; please sign the action alerts below
  1. Marriage Equality in Kentucky.
  2. End discrimination against LGBTI people in employment, housing, credit, and accommodations.
  3. Restore the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program.
Statement from the Chairman on God's role in Kentucky's Homeland Security
Chairman Richard Jones "Kentucky Equality Federation urges Kentucky lawmakers to focus on improving the quality of life for all Kentuckians instead of trying to force religion on the citizens of the Commonwealth." - Richard T. Jones, Chairman 

"This is a clear violation of Kentucky's Constitution." (story)
Our community
Kentucky Equality Federation

LGBTI assaults, murders, and suicides have made national headlines.  With the anti-gay stands of the Tea Party, new radical agenda's (such as the Republican Party of Texas making sodomy illegal again), the publicity of the Defense of Marriage Act being struck down, and most important, the Prop 8 trial in California is leading to more and more anti-gay sentiment. 

Whitley County Judge Executive Pat White, Jr. told the entire Commonwealth he had a problem with LGBTI people in an interview with the Lexington and Hazard CBS affiliate.  When the public and especially our youth hear a public official telling them there is something wrong with them, it sets a horrible prescient; every time someone speaks out against our community, a child is listening

Sometimes people hate a person, community, or something so much that the feeling becomes so familiar to them they cannot remember feeling any other way. We must educate the public and be there to support Kentucky's youth!

In addition, Mormon Church leaders decided to broadcast a verbal rampage against gays to millions of viewers across the nation last week.

If you or someone you know is being discriminated against, harassed, bullied, or suicidal, please contact our Discrimination, Hate Crimes, or School Bullying Committee for assistance, or a mentor.  If we cannot help you, we will place you in contact with an organization that can.  If you know someone suicidal, please call the Trevor Project at (866) 4U-TREVOR immediately!


The current sentiment is reaching everyone in our community, and the Associated Press published an excellent article about this which we have posted on our official blog. 

Kentucky votes on November 02, 2010
Kentucky Equality Federation will not tell you who to vote for, that is your sole decision as a citizen. We did however asked Kentucky newspapers and respectable bloggers for their favorite articles; ones they would want our readers to be aware of.  You may read them below. Above all, VOTE your conscience on November 02, 2010:
  1. November election uncertain and lawmakers are reluctant to prefile bills (United We Stand - Kentucky's LGBTI News)
  2. Whitley County Judge Executive passes resolution against gay marriage (United We Stand - Kentucky's LGBTI News)
  3. Kentucky House of Representatives Adopts Christian Principals (United We Stand - Kentucky's LGBTI News)
  4. Message to Rex Smith: Not This Time (Hillbilly Report)
  5. A message to Democrats (Hillbilly Report)
  6. Kentucky Young Democrats also looking to oust Senate President David Williams (United We Stand - Kentucky's LGBTI News)
  7. Eight Ky. House members in Fayette County face challengers (Lexington-Herald Leader)
  8. Louisville Courier-Journal Voting Guide: Meet the candidates
We also encourage you to visit Project Vote Smart for Kentucky Senate candidates, and Kentucky House candidates.

-> Visit the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Voter Information Center to find out where you vote!
Office of the President
Last week the Board of Directors asked Kentucky Equality Federation co-founder Jordan Palmer to resume being president of the organization.  Mr. Palmer refused, but later accepted under the condition that the Board would begin an immediate search for a replacement, and that his official title be "Interim President." 

Mr. Palmer stated he needed "simply a prolonged rest," after assisting in two political campaigns this year and serving as president of the Federation since its conception.
New Volunteers / Website Construction
Kentucky Equality Federation welcomes:
  1. Anderson Ruth, as a Political and Community Blogger (blog.kyequality.org).  Mr. Ruth lives in London, KY and will also serve on the Discrimination, Hate Crimes and School Bullying Committee.
  2. Jeff Johnson, Political and Community Blogger (blog.kyequality.org).  Mr. Johnson lives in Louisville, KY and was the Central Kentucky Regional Director, and will continue to assist the Federation as a stand-by volunteer.
  3. Darren R. Morgen, Central Kentucky Regional Director. Mr. Morgen lives in Louisville, KY and and will also serve on the Discrimination, Hate Crimes and School Bullying Committee.
After a long absence, Kentucky Equality Federation's Community Blog is back: http://blog.kyequality.org

In addition, our Action Center remains under heavy  construction after canceling our Contract with Orchid Suites.  The address will remain the same: www.kyLGBT.org, or http://community.kyequality.org.

As always, you can find everything from our primary website at http://www.kyequality.org.
Thank you for your time, attention, and dedication to equality! 

Please forward this email to as many people as possible!


Dean Byrd
Treasurer and Secretary of the Corportion
In This Issue
The LGBTI Election Agenda
The Chairman on God's Role in Kentucky's Homeland Security
Our community; assaults and suicides
Office of the President
New Volunteers / Website Construction
LGBTI Religious Icon Retires
Celebrate Safe Schools Week in Kentucky

NOTE: You must subscribe to our official press releases and our official blog separately.

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Discrimination Reports III
Public Advocate
Part of Kentucky Equality Federation's Mission is to act as public advocate for citizens of the Commonwealth who suffer from discrimination, hate crimes, school and workplace bullying.  If you or someone you know needs our assistance, please contact our Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and School Bullying Committee directly.  Kentucky Equality Federation will be your advocate!
Financial Help
Kentucky Equality Federation also offers financial assistance to qualified individuals who need help paying for rent, utilities, life-saving medications, and other essential items as our budget permits.
LGBTI Religious Icon Retires
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God.

When will we learn that human beings are of infinite value because they have been created in the image of God, and that it is a blasphemy to treat them as if they were less than this and to do so ultimately recoils on those who do this?

In dehumanizing others, they are themselves dehumanized. LGBT people are part of God's family.-

Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Clebrate Kentucky Safe Schools Week!

Safe schools week in the Commonwealth of Kentucky is October 17-23rd!

Please visit the Kentucky Center for School Safety for additional information about suicide prevention, school bullying, etc.