Our New Look
Advanced Technology
Affording Dental Care
Special Offers
494 Route 299

Highland,        New York 12528

(845) 691-5600

Before and After
CAD Before


Dear Friend,


Welcome to the premier issue of of our practice newsletter, written by yours truly.  I've been wanting to write a newsletter for a long time but with three teenagers and a  practice that keeps me and Rosie very busy, the time committment for a traditional newsletter seemed overwhelming.  So here it is, our e-mail newsletter...a  professional and personal forum to share information about our practice, staff and topics of interest in the field of dentistry.  Please feel free to share it with family and friends. We'll also be offering money saving discounts on select products and services, so be sure check each issue for details.  And to make sure you continue receiving emails from our office, please click on the confirm link at the top of the page.


Please enjoy,  your comments are always welcome.


Best regards,





 Check out the new look of our building!


For those of you who haven't visited us recently, you're in for a pleasant surprise.  We've just completed a complete exterior renovation of our building and have received rave reviews from our friends and neighbors.  Some of our patients have actually driven right past us, looking for the old brick building.  Our new look is not only more esthetically pleasing but our building is now much more energy efficient because of the foam/stucco exterior and high efficiency windows and doors.  In the coming months we'll complete our landscaping, resurface the parking lot and change our sign.  We're also planning to remodel the reception area and front office.


 Paperless office = less waste and better service.


Three years ago we began an initiative to make our practice completely paperless by creating a totally digital office environment.   Eliminating paper charts and forms not only helps save resources but also allows our staff to be more responsive to the needs of our patients.  For instance, if I receive an emergency call on the weekend, I can access records from any location in the world, even  from my mobile phone. Our staff can also instantaneously e-mail original xrays in a digital format to a consulting specialist or insurance consultant without any degradation of image quality.  Insurance claims are now submitted electronically via the internet to insure rapid claims review and insurance reimbursements, and we receive immediate verification that the claim was more "we never received your claim excuses from the insurance company"! Our digital x-rays produce 90% less radiation than conventional x-rays and the diagnostic quality is vastly improved.  Even my ability to convey this newsletter to you is the result of our committment to taking 21st century dentistry to a whole new level.


By the way, if you haven't visited our web site lately, you really should.  I've recently updated it with a new look and tons of useful information about the services we provide.  There are even  animations on specific dental procedures and  movies about cosmetic dentistry.  Also check out the gallery of actual cases treated by me.

Affording dental care in tough economic times.

It's not hard to understand that when people have to curtail their spending, taking care of their dental needs may have to be postponed.  In my practice I've seen a shift away from comprehensive care and a dramatic increase in emergency care.  The irony is that emergency care almost always costs more than the original problem would have cost to fix if it had been attended to in a more timely manner. And because dental emergencies are usually prompted by pain, patients find themselves with no choice and may have to re-focus their economic priorities at the worst possible time.

Here's the best advice I can give on the subject.

1.  Consider using Care-Credit, an interest free financing plan available in my office and over 125,000 other dental and medical offices nationwide.  You can link to their website directly from this newsletter Care-Credit, my web site or you can call my office for more information

2.  Take care of small problems before they get worse.

3.  Keep up with regular dental check-ups and cleanings.



During this season of of giving, we especially remember the good things in our lives with appreciation and gratitude.  We are very fortunate to have the support and friendship of so many great friends and clients for so many years.

On behalf of all of us at The Center for Advanced Dentistry, please accept our best wishes for a happy holiday season and a healthy New Year.

Earn $100 by referring someone to our practice.


No kidding,  if your referral gives us a try, you get a $100.00 credit on your account... it's that simple.  Just make sure they mention your name when they call.

Helpful Links

Buy 3 tubes of Fluoridex toothpaste and get 1 free.
If you're already using Fluoridex toothpaste you know no other toothpaste prevents tooth decay, decreases sensitivity and whitens your teeth better...that's why I use it and so does everyone on my staff. If you're not presently using Fluoridex, here's your opportunity to try it and save some money besides.

Fluoridex toothpaste must be prescribed by a dentist and is available in our office.
Offer Expires: January 31, 2011  Present this coupon or mention this ad to receive discount