Option XXII: Reformed Theology and the Family
Primary Sources
Calvin, John. Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice, translated by Mary Beaty and Benjamin W. Farley, Foreword by John H. Leith. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox, 1991. Part IV, 13 (pp. 112-116); Part V (pp. 121-136).
Calvin, John. "Projet D'Ordonnance sur les Mariages." In Corpus Reformatorum 38/I:33-44, 105-114. Some if not all of this is available in English in: Witte, John, Jr., and Robert M. Kingdon. "Marriage Ordinance (1546)." In Sex, Marriage, and Family in Calvin's Geneva. Vol. 1, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage, pp. 51-61. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2005.
Baldwin, Claude-Marie. "Marriage in Calvin's Sermons." In Calviniana: Ideas and Influence of John Calvin, edited by Robert V. Schnucker, pp. 121-129. Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies 10. Kirksville, Missouri: Sixteenth Century Journal Publications, 1988.
Kingdon, Robert M. Adultery and Divorce in Calvin's Geneva. Harvard Historical Studies, vol. 118. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. ix + 214 pp.
Barth, Karl. [On Marriage]. In Church Dogmatics, edited by G. W. Bromiley and T. F. Torrance, Vol. III, The Doctrine of Creation, Part 1, � 41, section 3, pp. 304-329. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1958.
Barth, Karl. "Man and Woman." In Church Dogmatics, edited by G. W. Bromiley and T. F. Torrance, Vol. III, The Doctrine of Creation, Part 4, � 54, section 1, pp. 116-240. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1961.
Brunner, Emil. "The Community of Life: Marriage and the Family." In The Divine Imperative: A Study in Christian Ethics, translated by Olive Wyon, Book 3, Section 2, Chapters 31-32, pp. 349-384. Cambridge: Lutterworth, 1941. Philadelphia, Westminster, [1947]. 728 pp.
Secondary Sources
Browning, Don. From Culture Wars to Common Ground: Religion and the American Family Debate. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997. 399 pp.
Piper, Otto A. The Christian Interpretation of Sex. New York: Scribner, 1941. xv + 234 pp.
Bainton, Roland Herbert. What Christianity Says About Love, Sex and Marriage. New York: Association Press, 1957. 124 pp.