Foundation for Reformed Theology
John Calvin
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Stories from the Front
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We help ministers become better preachers, better teachers, and better pastors so that they may help build up the church of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the gospel, teaching the Scriptures and the faith, and caring for the people of God.

We do this by providing seminars for ministers to read, study, and discuss the gospel of Jesus Christ and the historic faith of the Christian church, particularly as articulated in the classic texts of Reformed theology.

To hear from a number of these ministers how we have helped them, please continue reading.   

Stories from the Front


Here are the stories of some of the seminar participants, telling how the Foundation has helped them and thereby has helped the congregations they serve. It is our hope that you will find this work worthy of your interest and support.

    Mr. William W. "Bill" Williamson, Jr.

    Dr. Catherine M. "Cathy" Northrup

    Dr. Steven H. "Steve" Craig

    Mr. William Richard "Dick" Neelly

    Dr. Clinton C. "Clint" Cottrell

    Mr. Richard H. "Dick" Powell

    Mr. Charles E. "Charlie" Blakely

    Ms. Nelle M. Bordeaux

    Mr. James M. "Jim" Rissmiller

    Mr. Ernest L. Gardner III 


    Dr. Robert H. "Bob" Bohler, Jr.

    Mr. Brian C. Coulter

    Mr. James C. "Jim" Yearsley

    Dr. Kenneth "Ken" Broman-Fulks  


Thank you for your continuing interest in, commitment to, and support of, the Foundation for Reformed Theology.

I hope that you will help us help these pastors and many others like them in their ministries to build up the congregations of the church of Jesus Christ.
Dr. James C. Goodloe IVGrace and Peace,
Dr. James C. Goodloe IV, Executive Director
Foundation for Reformed Theology
4103 Monument Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23230-3818
(804) 678-8352

"Better Preaching, Better Teaching, Better Pastoral Care"

How to Support the Foundation


The Foundation is exempt from Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3)
and is not a private foundation as defined by Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.