The Latest from SECOORA
April 16, 2012
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association |
Glider Deployment | PI Articles | SECOORA Annual Meeting - Register Today! |Other News of Interest | Job Announcements | Coming Events |
USF West Florida Shelf Glider Deployment
The University of South Florida is in the midst of a glider deployment intended to traverse the region from just west of DeSoto Canyon to just north of Tampa Bay. Glider Bass was deployed on Saturday, March 17, 2012 near Pensacola, FL. Its progression may be viewed online at http://ooma.marine.usf.edu/CROW/ and http://secoora.org/maps/. This is the first of what they hope will be a regularly repeated sampling route. Bass is equipped with CTD, Chlorophyll, CDOM, Dissolved Oxygen, and other optical property sensors, along with passive acoustic recordings for a multidisciplinary suite of measurements. Four isobath-normal transects (Pensacola, Panama City, Cape San Blas, and Florida Middle Grounds), plus intervening legs were planned. One of these (Panama City) was skipped due to an adverse current.
The goal of this effort is to combine these glider data with other observations and model simulations to determine and predict water property distributions on the West Florida Continental Shelf with applications to societal relevant matters such as harmful algae, fisheries, hazardous spill tracking and search and rescue. Please contact Chad Lemke (clembke@marine.usf.edu) or Bob Weisberg (weisberg@marine.usf.edu) for more details.
 | View Glider Tracks on secoora.org |
PI News: Two New Journal Articles
Adams, L.G., Levin, D. R., and L. Spence. In Press. "Students Monitoring Coastal and Inland Waters with the Basic Observation Buoy (BOB)". Marine Technology Society Journal. 46(2), 2012, 56-64.
Zheng, L., Weisberg, R. "Modeling the west Florida coastal ocean by downscaling from the deep ocean, across the continental shelf and into the estuaries". Elsevier - Ocean Modeling. 48, 2012, 10-29.
Last Chance to Register for the SECOORA Annual Meeting
SECOORA's Annual Meetings will be held May 7-9, 2012 at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS). Please register via the SECOORA Web site and view the preliminary agenda for May 8th. Registration closes April 23, 2012!
Other News of Interest |
Oceans 2012 University Row
Old Dominion University is the Host University for the Oceans 2012 Conference and we are working with the organizers to encourage universities to have a presence in both the exhibit area and by sponsoring students and faculty to attend. With an expected attendance of over 2,500 and an exhibition of hundreds of marine-related companies, and state and federal entities, Oceans 2012 will provide unique opportunities for Universities to showcase their research and educational activities in coastal engineering, marine sciences and marine technologies, especially in the area of ocean observing, and predicting. A key local theme of Oceans 2012 will be Coastal Inundation and Sea Level Rise, an issue faced by many coastal areas. We invite you to showcase your institution's innovative research and engineering solutions to this important issue. Please join ODU in the University Row in the Exhibit Hall by reserving a booth today! More information about the Oceans 2012 Exhibition can be found here: http://www.oceans12mtsieeehamptonroads.org/main.cfm/EID/25/Exhibitors-to-Date/. MTS is offering a University discounted rate per booth of $2600 and your institution will receive two additional full conference registrations valued at $1200.
Articles of Interest
In NOAA's National Ocean Service Weekly News from April 5, 2012:
- Florida Keys Sanctuary Issues Permits for Transplant of 80,000 Protected Coral Colonies (ONMS)
- NOAA Collaborates to Increase Access to Climate Data in the Southeast (CSC)
- First Regional Operational Forecast System Available for the Northern Gulf of
Mexico (CO-OPS, OCS)
Proposal puts turbines near key refuges on Atlantic Flyway from E&E Publishing.
The National Ocean Economics Program updated their site to include marine based import and export shipping volume and value data for 1997 through 2011 for Ports and population and housing data for the nation and all coastal states and their counties from 1990 through 2010.
Job Announcements |
Technician/Data Manager Deep-C Research Consortium
The Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory seeks a Technician/Data Manager to provide technical expertise for effective data input, management, and access in support of the fisheries ecology section of the Deep-C Research Consortium related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. View the details. |
Coming Events |
April 17-19, 2012 The 11th International Radiowave Workshop (ROW 2012) Workshop, Toulon, France
April 15-20, 2012 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
April 23-27, 2012 SPIE Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IV, Baltimore, MD
April 30-May 4, 2012 2012 National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR
April 30-May 3, 2012 AGU Science Policy Conference, Washington, DC
April 30-May 3, 2012 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX
May 7-9, 2012 SECOORA Annual Meeting, Miami, FL
May 15-17, 2012 From Stem to Stern II, Clearwater Beach, FL
June 3 -6, 2012 WINDPOWER 2012 Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA
June 21-22, 2012 Sea Level Rise Summit: The Future of Florida and the Coast, Boca Raton, FL
June 24-28, 2012 National Marine Educators Conference, Anchorage, AK
July 8-13, 2012 EARTH Workshop, Wilmington, NC
October 14-19, 2012 OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE, Hampton Roads, Virginia |
Send us your news! |
If you have news to contribute, email communications@secoora.org. Examples of newsworthy items include upcoming meetings, employment opportunity announcements, and major project news. |
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association Are you interested in ocean observations, ecosystem management, marine operations, or coastal hazards? Then you should know about SECOORA, the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association. SECOORA is the regional solution to integrating coastal and ocean observing in the Southeast United States. Commitment to ocean observing technologies in our region is critical. Your input, guidance, support, and membership will insure that SECOORA continues to develop the products and services that you need. Join SECOORA and be a part of the Southeast's future. Contact Executive Director Debra Hernandez (debra@secoora.org) for more information. |