Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing
 Regional Association
Weekly News Update    August 16, 2010 
In This Issue: SECOORA News | Oil Spill Updates | Event Announcements | Coming Events
SECOORA is going to move to a bi-weekly format for its newsletter. 
We will continue to provide you the latest information regarding what is happening in our organization as well as items of interest to our community. 
Look for our next newsletter August 30, 2010.
If you have news to contribute, please email Examples of newsworthy items include upcoming meetings, employment opportunity announcements, and major project news.
Update on the SECOORA LOI Process
SECOORA received a total of 26 Letters of Intent (LOIs) from Members.  The Expert Panel will be meeting this Friday, and invitations to successful PIs should be distributed early next week.  The next stage of the process is for the lead PIs on successful LOIs to join the writing team for the proposal, a first draft of which is scheduled for completion September 10, 2010.
SECOORA Fall Board Meeting - Members and stakeholders welcome!
The SECOORA Board meeting will be held September 29-30 at the Hilton Garden Inn Tampa Ybor Historic District in Tampa, FL. The group name is SECOORA and the cut-off date for reservations is 8/30/10. Please contact the hotel at 813-769-9267 to make your reservation.

A travel memo and link to online registration is available on the SECOORA website at note that this is an open meeting.  Members and stakeholders are invited to attend.  Non-Board members wishing to attend are asked to submit a nominal registration fee.
BOB in Action
Lisa Adams, SECOORA's E&O Chair, has been working on a BOB (Basic Observation Buoy) project with Hilton Head Preparatory School.  This work was highlighted in a recent newsletter about an upcoming coastal cleanup in Hilton Head.   Lisa and her crew will also be at the 2010 Coastal Clean Water Festival with their BOB to educate the community about the project.  View the brochure
Interesting Articles:
Cold water upwelling stunning reef fish again Quotes SECOORA member Mitch Roffer,, August 10, 2010
Wisest use of energy? Editorial in The Sun News (Myrtle Beach), August 8, 2010
Oil Spill Updates
Nelson warns of 'toxic brew' Tampa Bay Online, August 3, 2010 
From Bi-Weekly IOOS� Z-GRAM 6 August 2010:
IOOS Response to Deepwater Horizon: Harvey Seim (SECOORA Chair) is back in theater and Dick Crout (NDBC) is back in action giving Sam a break. The attention is now focused on the transition from response to restoration. There are four main activities with which we are keeping engaged. There is a commission working to understand the causes and effects of the spill; the Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA); the Administration's Restoration Task Forces under the Secretary of the Navy and within NOAA the "Science Box" - which is our team to look at long-term science. Currently Sam and Harvey have gotten approval for a 30-day observing effort to continue to understand the location of the oil through the water column. This effort encompasses a number of observing assets including six IOOS glider assets.
Event Announcements
GEOOS Forum on Ocean Observing, ahead of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2010 
Want to hear about Ocean Observing worldwide? Sign up for the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) Workshop XXXVIII - Evolution of Ocean Observing Systems - building on infrastructure for science.  The workshop, sponsored by OES, is being held just prior to the OCEANS'10 Seattle, September 19 from 8:30AM-6:00PM.   It will feature speakers from OOI, IOOS, IMOS, Japanese Ocean Observing Systems, Neptune Canada, and several European Directors. Moderators include Dr. Rick Spinrad, VP of Research of Oregon State University and Craig McLean, Acting Assistant Administrator of NOAA's OAR.   It is no-cost but we ask that you to register at:
Charleston Area Marine Debris Spotter Program
SC Sea Grant, in partnership with COSEE SE, the SC Aquarium, SC DHEC-OCRM, Charleston Water Keepers, North Inlet- Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources are seeking Charleston area volunteers to serve as "spotters" of marine debris. Volunteers are being recruited to spot, record and report large marine debris in the waterways stretching from Capers Island south to the Edisto River. Volunteers will be trained on the use of GPS units and how to accurately record and report areas with large marine debris as well as any habitat and navigational impacts. Individuals with their own power boats or kayaks are encouraged to volunteer. The Charleston training will be held on August 18th at the SC Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Classroom. For more information and/or to register, please contact Elizabeth Vernon Bell at or (843) 953-2078.

South Carolina Marine Educators Association Fall Conference
The theme is "Green to Marine: Connections for Land to Sea" and the conference will be held October 1-2, 2010 in Charleston, SC.  To register, click here.
Georgia Association of Marine Educators (GAME) Annual Fall Conference
October 22-24, 2010 Skidaway Island
Open to everyone!
Contact Angela Bliss ( with questions.
Coming Events 
September 19, 2010 GEOSS Workshop XXXVIII - Evolution of Ocean Observing Systems, Seattle, Washington
September 20-23, 2010  OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, Seattle, Washington
September 27-October 1, 2010 Ninth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, Annapolis, Maryland
September 29-30, 2010 SECOORA Board Meeting, Tampa, FL
October 1-2, 2010 South Carolina Marine Educators Association (SCMEA) Annual Conference, Charleston, SC
October 22-24, 2010 Georgia Association of Marine Educators (GAME) Annual Fall Conference, Skidaway Island, GA
November 3-5, 2010 Sustainable Ocean Energy & the Marine Environment, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
November 13-17, 2010 Restore America's Estuaries, Galveston Island, TX.  NEW:  Early Bird Registration now available. 
November 15, 2010 NFRA Board Meeting, Washington, D.C. 
November 16-17, 2010 IOOS Regional Coordination Workshop, Washington, D.C.
February 13-18, 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Send us your news!
If you have news to contribute, email Examples of newsworthy items include upcoming meetings, employment opportunity announcements, and major project news.
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Are you interested in ocean observations, ecosystem management, marine operations, or coastal hazards? Then you should know about SECOORA, the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association. SECOORA is the regional solution to integrating coastal and ocean observing in the Southeast United States. Commitment to ocean observing technologies in our region is critical. Your input, guidance, support, and membership will insure that SECOORA continues to develop the products and services that you need. Join SECOORA and be a part of the Southeast's future. Contact Executive Director Debra Hernandez ( for more information.
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