Gibson Pharmacy
2505 S. Carrier Pkwy.
(S.E. Corner of Carrier & Pioneer Pkwy.)
(972) 264-0268


According to an article that appeared in the Dallas Morning News on Dec 25, 2009:

"Hundreds of tons of salt excavated from the Department of Energy's underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico are destined for cattle feed in Texas.

The DOE's Carlsbad field office has reached an agreement with Magnum Minerals LLC of Hereford, Texas, which will buy up to 300,000 tons of salt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, known as WIPP. Magnum Minerals officials said most of the $600,000 worth of salt will go into cattle feed."

So my question is this: How will that affect the cattle and the people eating the cattle who ate the salt from a nuclear site? The first thought is the thyroid. Organic grass fed beef just keeps looking better and better. 

Brief on Salt in Dallas Morning News


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Gary Ray and his wife Kathy grew up in a small town in SW Oklahoma and were high school sweethearts. Gary attended Southwestern State College at Weatherford, Oklahoma, and graduated with the last class before it became a university. Gary, Kathy, and their 2 children then moved to Ft. Worth, Texas where Gary worked for Skillern's Drug. Gary and his family moved to Grand Prairie in 1975, with Gary continuing to work at Skillern's on Main St. until 1980 when he purchased Gibson Pharmacy located in the Gibson Discount Center from Bill Muegge. Gary and Kathy also had their daughter that year. When the Gibson Discount Center closed in 1986, Gary and Kathy relocated to their present location across the street. All three of their children graduated from South Grand Prairie High School.

While we are a "mom and pop shop" with several family members working with us at the pharmacy, we also have some staff who are not family members:

Lance is a certified pharmacy technician, registered technician and is our compounding technician.

Natalia is a certified pharmacy technician, registered technician, and handles a lot of our paperwork.

Diana is a registered technician and handles the front end and most of our special ordering. When you come in, she's usually the one who greets you.

Rebecca is a certified pharmacy technician, registered technician, and our Saturday compounding technician.

There are several other people who work with us once or twice a month and are most appreciated.

Family members who work with us are our daughter, Michelle, who does a lot of our graphic work, computer work, and helps with the paperwork. Bonus is we get to also enjoy our granddaughter, Kari, who often tags along. Also working with us is our daughter-in-law, Marijo, who does our deliveries Monday-Friday in the evenings. Our son, Gary Jr, helps out regularly on the odd jobs that his Mom needs help with.

Gary joined and trained with PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America) in 1990. He is required to obtain 20 hours per 2 years of continuing education. He usually does 3-4 times that much. He feels it requires those hours to stay on top of the continually changing world of medicine. He enjoys the compounding as he feels that returns to the roots of medicine - when the drugs were used to treat the individual patient and their symptoms.

Gary would like to take this opportunity to invite you to come in and meet him and his staff. He would like to offer his store's services in filling your prescriptions and helping to treat your individual symptoms. May Gibson Pharmacy fill your prescriptions?


Well, we have had our first hard freeze this year. Now is the time to plan on trimming those tree limbs while the sap is down. Also, it is the time to trim off asparagus ferns nearly to ground level. This is also when I trim my roses.

I am planting green onions, onion bulbs, potatoes, and asparagus roots. Be sure to lay some hay or straw over potatoes and asparagus roots on super cold days and evenings. Take it off on pretty ones. Onions and garlic are a lot more hardy.


1.) Get your prescription bottle from your old pharmacy
2.) Give us a call at (972) 264-0268
3.) Tell either Gary or one of our technicians:
          Your name
          Your phone number
          Your old pharmacy name and their phone number
          The prescription number or numbers
          Your doctor's name (and their phone number is great, too)
4.) Any insurance information
5.) We'll handle the rest

You can also just bring in your prescription bottle in to us.

New Years Cabbage

1 1/2 lbs. lean ground beef
1 1/2 t. salt
1/2 t ground pepper
3 T. long cooking rice, uncooked
1 T. green onion, minced
2 eggs
28-oz. can diced tomatoes - Italian is my favorite
6-oz can tomato paste
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. vinegar
1 T. dried onion
1 small head cabbage, chopped
1/4 c. salsa - I prefer mild

Mix beef, salt, pepper, rice, minced green onion, and eggs together. Form into 12 - approx one inch wide - meatballs and set aside. In another bowl, combine tomatoes, tomato paste, brown sugar, vinegar, salsa, and dried onion and set aside. Place half the cabbage into lightly greased 13" x 9" baking pan, top with half tomato mixture, then top with the meatballs. Pour remaining sauce over top. Sprinkle with remaining cabbage. Cover with foil. Bake at 325 F for 1 hour. Reduce heat to 250 F and bake for 3 hours. Yes, I know, 4 hours total. Be careful removing foil - steam will escape.


Disclaimer: This newsletter is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Anyone who has a serious disease or ailment should consult a physician before initiating any change in treatment or before beginning any new treatment. All items are my opinion.