Anyone can 
extreme resiliency...
The story:
Last December 8, 2011, Michelle Renee and daughter, Breea were held hostage... again. 
That day 18-year old high school senior, Breea became paralyzed on the left side of her body after an acute onset of Multiple Sclerosis.
Michelle and her daughter, Breea, had to survive an unwanted intruder. Their work together and ability to face this life-altering condition with grace and humor helped to bring about Breea's incredible recovery. 
Though Doctors said she would never walk again, Breea crossed the stage unassisted to receive her high school diploma this summer.
Michelle Renee Heahshot
About Michelle:
As an author and speaker, Michelle has taught extreme resiliency for over ten years. However, with her daughter's recent Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, Michelle has developed unique strategies to cope.... and to recover. 

She has overcome the trauma of domestic violence, a horrific home invasion/kidnapping with her daughter Breea (then seven years old) and has had to navigate the challenges of her daughter's Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. She is the author of Held Hostage, which is also a Lifetime movie that has premiered globally.
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Phyllis Parsons 

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