The Parsons Company, Inc.February 2012
Mental Health Speaking Topics
  • Suicide Prevention/ Awareness
  • Navigating the Transition from War to Home
  • PTSD
  • Living Mentally Well with Kevin Hines  
  • Troops Returning Home  
  • Military Mental Health 
  • Care-giving 
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Youth/Adolescent Issues
  • Bi-Polar Disorder 
  • Acceptance
  • Grief 
  • Recovery
  • Coping Skills      

Mental Health Advocates/ Speakers

We wanted to inquire if you are in the process of planning a Spring, Summer or Fall event and looking for a dynamic speaker to present a Keynote or Workshop.
All of our speakers are touring extensively this year, internationally. Please contact us for pricing and availability or if we can provide you with any additional information.    
Kevin Hines
Survivor, Advocate, Speaker, Author; (Upcoming Release) Cracked... Not Broken, The Kevin Hines Story 
 Prof HeadshotToday, Kevin Hines is Living Mentally Well and he is here to tell his story of triumph over adversity after a suicide attempt off the Golden Gate Bridge as a youth.  
Kevin Hines
 has spoken to over a quarter of a million people about his first hand experience with suicidal thoughts, the struggles of living with a mental illness and his eventual attempt to die by jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge. A powerful, honest, and intimate presenter, Kevin's will to live and stay mentally well inspires people of all ages to change their lives for the better. He speaks from the heart and is an empowering and life altering choice for your speaking event

 Kevin's honest and humorous approach is both inviting and entertaining, leaving room for a candid discussion about suicide prevention after each presentation.
Dr. Charles Hoge
MD, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.), Author; Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior 
Dr. Charles Hoge
Already a nationally-known advocate for eradicating the stigma of mental health care in the military, Dr. Hoge now reaches out to a larger audience. Not only veterans, but their families, friends, community, coworkers, and health care providers will welcome this wealth of new insight and practical information. 


Dr. Hoge presents the latest knowledge about combat stress, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), mTBI (mild traumatic brain injury), and other physiological reactions to war. Dr. Hoge's compelling message about recognizing the value of combat survival skills will help anyone who wants to more fully understand the experience of service members and veterans.


Dr. Hoge speaks to anyone who has ever returned from a war zone, and describes how to successfully navigate the transition from the war zone - no matter how many days, months, or years have passed. The warrior's spouse, partner, family members, community, as well as coworkers and health care providers will be enriched by this informative presentation.


Terry Wise
Survivor, Speaker, Author; Waking Up: Deciding to Die, Choosing to LiveTerry Wise Headshot

Terry Wise is the author of  a highly-acclaimed book that provides a road map for the restoration of emotional health.  Waking Up is in use at numerous universities, including Columbia, Rutgers, Simmons, Northeastern, St. Mary's, and Sacramento State and has been endorsed by prominent experts in related fields. Speaking from the rarely-heard perspective of the patient, she reveals powerful insights about the entire process of recovery-for listeners who sit on both sides of the couch.  Whether it is to provide an inspirational message or help others navigate the road to emotional health, Wise equips her audiences with coping skills, pragmatic tools, and a gripping story of hope and personal triumph.

Terry is the recipient of a National Mental Health Award for distinguished achievement and work that has had a major impact on the depression community.   

Dr. Dan Reidenberg 
 Dan Reidenberg HeadshotPSY.D., FAPA, Executive Director, Advocate, Speaker
Daniel J. Reidenberg is currently the Executive Director of SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education), a national non-profit agency working to prevent suicide and help suicide survivors and those suffering with depression. SAVE was one of the nation's first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide and was a co-founding member of the National Council for Suicide Prevention. SAVE is based on the foundation and belief that suicide should no longer be considered a hidden or taboo topic and that through raising awareness and educating the public, we can SAVE lives.  


Before coming to SAVE, he was the Director of Family & Children's Service in
, overseeing 10 mental health and community-based programs.  Dr. Reidenberg's unique background includes working extensively with adolescents and adults who are seriously and persistently mentally ill, chemically dependent, and diverse personality disorders in a variety of in-patient, out-patient, partial-hospitalization and day-treatment and residential programs.  

Dan and Kevin Hines have teamed together numerous times to deliver a combined powerful presentation about their knowledge of mental illness.

The Parsons Company, Inc

Main Office:
Phyllis Parsons
(925) 934-5300
[email protected]

Northwest Office:

John Drinkwater
(509) 925-3644
[email protected]