Congress In Your Pocket
In This Issue
New State Apps
BlackBerry Versions
Top FAQ Answered
Great Reviews
Quick Links










Volume I, Issue 1
Early May, 2009

Thank you for your business and for opening our first bi-weekly newsletter.  We promise to bring you news and offers that will be worth your time reading.  In this issue, we welcome new applications, answer the top question we get from users, share a great review from Macworld, and announce a 50% off sale on Congress+ this week only.
New State Applications
Welcome, Georgia and Virginia

Apple Logo

Congress In Your Pocket is proud to offer two new states: Georgia and Virginia.  Both are available in iTunes now in Plus and Pro versions.

We are also in development with folks in the states of Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Tennessee, and Washington.

We're hiring.  In addition to the remaining 39 states (we also offer California), we are looking to expand globally.  Please drop us an email if you would like to be our partner where you live.
BlackBerry Versions
Apple LogoWe recognize that not everyone in the world has an iPhone or even wants one.  In fact, our most-requested "feature" is that we offer a version for the BlackBerry.  Congress In Your Pocket as well as Georgia and Virginia are available for BlackBerry users as an optimized web application.  For more info, click here.
What's with my update?
Apple is working on it; here is the fix

By far, the most common bug people report to us is that the information is not updated although they downloaded the most current version of the application.  In addition, when some Pro users update the app hangs or crashes.

We submitted a report to Apple, who assure us they are working on a fix.  In advance of that, we've hired a new developer to work on this issue from our side.  In the meantime, if you do not see the current information, please do the following:
  1. Delete the application on your iPhone
  2. Delete the application in iTunes
  3. Download the application in iTunes again (don't worry, you will not pay for it twice).
  4. With your iPhone attached to your computer, make sure the application is checked to sync.
  5. Sync
Please remember that 99� and Plus versions of our applications do not provide instant updates.  If you need to have the information updated all the time in your work, please consider the Pro versions, which are yearly subscriptions and far less expensive than anything we've seen in print or on any other device.
Apple Logo
Free Promo Codes
Thinking of upgrading to Plus or Pro?  Would you like to try out one of our state applications?  Email us at and we will email you a free four-week trial. Feel free to pass it along to a friend or colleague!
Great Reviews

MacworldWe appreciate all of the good reviews you have given us in iTunes as well as your constructive feedback in our survey.  Sometimes the toughest ones we've received have helped us to improve.

As the app has grown over the past 6 months, we recently caught the eye of Macworld.  Their take?  "If you are an activist or just and interested citizen, Congress+ is indispensable."  Here is a link to our website for more reviews.

Our team works hard everyday to earn that high praise and hope you'll continue to review us in the App Store and provide your thoughts on how to improve.  If you have any updates or feedback, please respond to this email and we'll get back to you very quickly.
Thank you for reading this newsletter.  As always, I'm here if you have any questions, comments, or feedback on any of our applications.  We answer every single email and appreciate your business very much.
Michael D. Cohen, Ph.D.
Congress In Your Pocket
Founder & CEO
Save 50% Have you been thinking about upgrading to Congress+ but you were waiting for the price to come down?  Now is the time.  For one week only, we are selling Congress+ for $4.99.  This includes all of the information in our database and a free update in early 2010.  Click here to upgrade now!
Offer Expires: May 13, 2009