PHDC Newsletter
January is the month to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
Issue: #26January 13, 2011

There are many ways you can act locally to make your world a better place; some are mentioned in this newsletter. May I suggest you start with membership in your neighborhood Democratic Club? Members' dues - still only $25 per year for a resident, $15 student or low-income, $20 for non-resident affiliate - help the Club produce meetings and otherwise contribute to the active political life of the neighborhood. You can join online, by mailing in a membership form with a check, or at the next meeting. Thank you for your support.

One more thing: At the end of the next meeting on Feb. 1st, the Club will elect 2011 officers. Once you have joined as a regular (resident) member, you can run or nominate someone for the Executive Committee, which consists of 6 officers. For those who may be interested, here's a description of each office and its general responsibilities. A list of nominees to date is at the bottom of this newsletter. The remaining topics for February's meeting are yet to be determined; decisions will certainly be influenced by what people said at our January meeting.

                                                                                    Joni Eisen, President
                                                                                    Potrero Hill Democratic Club
Quick Links
In This Issue


An overview with links to get more info and/or sign up

SAT. JAN. 15, 10AM - 1PM, Esprit Park Community Work Day
, Minnesota & 20th. Annual cleanup and gardening day, sponsored by SF Park & Rec and Burning Man. Coffee & beignets from Just For You, snacks. For more info.: Email
MON. JAN. 17, 8AM - 12:30PM, Martin Luther King, Jr National Day of Service
. Meet at the African American Art & Culture Complex, 762 Fulton St @ Webster for breakfast, a rally and then transportation to a volunteer activity of your choice. Opportunities include DPW city cleanup, garden repair at AAACC, tree planting, food pantry/kitchen, painting, reading for seniors, and park cleanup. Presented by Organizing for America, Citizen Hope, AAACC, the SF Dept of Public Works and Park & Rec, the Glide Foundation, Lefty O'Doul's, the National Parks Dept, and Mo Magic.

WED. JAN. 19, 6 - 8PM, San Francisco Food Bank. Thanks to everyone who signed up at the PHDC/BVHPDC meeting on Jan. 4th. If you used the link we sent you the next day to sign up directly with the Food Bank, you're in and they're depending on you. If not, it's too late - no more openings for that shift. You can still, however, volunteer another time. They're open and need help every day.

SAT.  JAN. 22, 9AM-noon, Warm Water Cove planting & wildflower seeding
, 24th St at the Bay. Coffee & juice at 9. Snacks, gloves and tools provided. Please bring your own drinking water. Presented by GreenTrustSF, Port of SF, and volunteers from Progress Park on Indiana St.  For more info, call 415-282-5516.


Join Supervisor Malia Cohen and District 10 this Saturday, and join all of Potrero Hill 2 weeks later
Malia Cohen 
� Saturday, Jan. 15, noon to 3PMCommunity Appreciation Event with Supervisor Cohen this Saturday at Bayview Opera House, 4705 Third St. Program 12:30-1:30. Food, fun and family entertainment! For more info: Eddie at 415-692-3556 or email
Unite Potrero
� Saturday, January 29, 10AM to 4PM
. UNITE POTRERO Community-wide Get-together. During a day-long series of conversations about the future of the neighborhood, we will create a collective vision and work together to make it a reality. Registration 9:30, event 10-4 at the Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro. Raffle drawing, free food & childcare. The activities will build on each other, so please arrive by 10AM and plan to stay into the afternoon. Think of it as a sort of daylong retreat. Yours truly is on the planning committee, and I hereby extend you a personal invitation to a fun day of connecting with your neighbors. Be there or B ☐.


Brainstorming, SF redistricting, officer nominations 
PHDC's first event of the year was a successful & fun joint meeting with our D10 cohorts from the recently-formed Harvey Matthews Bayview Hunters Point Democratic Club. We began in small groups brainstorming program ideas for the coming year. Many issues came up; we'll organize the data soon and report to both clubs.

With the 2010 Census results out, and redistricting of District 10 boundaries looming in San Francisco, three veterans of last decade's redistricting wars - Espanola Jackson of Bayview, and Tony Kelly and Ron Miguel of Potrero Hill- shared their thoughts and experiences, and answered questions.

Both clubs took nominations for 2011 officers - PHDC's election will take place at the end of its Feb. 1st meeting.
Incumbents running again:

Joni Eisen - President

DeWitt Lacy - 1st VP/Membership

Monisha Mustapha - 2nd VP/Political Action

Additional nominations:

Isaac Bowers - 1st VP/Membership

J.R. Eppler - Secretary

Hilary Cohen - Treasurer

No one has yet been nominated for the position of Webmaster. Nominations may be made through the first part of the February meeting. Please run or nominate someone; here's the description of officers' duties.