March 2010
Volume 18
Welcome to SPEEDSTER!

Have you heard? Last month we announced the presale details for our very special AACA 75th Anniversary Commemorative Book! This book will be like no other!

The innovative publishing concept of the "artifact inclusion" is based on time line research which finds and reproduces rare historical artifacts and items such as programs, tickets, telegrams, newspaper articles or letters. These items facilitate an involvement of the reader with the memory joggers and placeholders in history that reveal a time evolution of both the AACA organization and the icon of the automobile itself. It is an entertaining and informative way of paying tribute to the significant milestones and personalities that shaped the growth and dynamics of the club today. As you browse the pages of this unusual presentation you will have the opportunity to literally hold history in your hands. It is both a compelling and unforgettable experience.

The book will feature large colorful and information packed pages with over 50 historical artifact inclusions, packaged in a protective slipcase included!


Correction to February SPEEDSTER: The Saratoga Automobile Museum article should have listed that the museum is located in Saratoga Springs, NEW YORK. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Please visit their website for more info. Thanks!

We want to hear from you!

Tell us about a young car enthusiast! We want to hear about young kids you may know who love the hobby just as much as we do! Do they help out at your shop? Have you taken them on a tour? Do they collect antique model cars?

Send us your pictures and a brief story about the young person you know who loves antique automobiles!

Congratulations Fran Shore!

At the Annual Meeting last month member Fran Shore was the honored recipient of The Lee Iacocca Award. This award was created in 2006 by the Iacocca Foundation in its effort to find a cure for diabetes and garnerfinancial support for on-going research. The Lee Iacocca Award recognizes car shows and enthusiasts for outstanding Dedication to Excellence in Perpetuating an American Automotive Tradition.
More information about the Award and Foundation is available at

Member Contribution
It Wasn't Just Infatuation
By Clark G. Ballard

They say you never forget your first love.  Well, I guess that's true because, even though the first car I loved wasn't very pretty, I'll never forget it.
When I was in high school in 1957 I bought the 1929 Model A Standard Coupe I currently own.  It's now beautifully restored and I drive it often, but I must admit, it wasn't my first love.  That "affair" started in 1952 when my older brother, Claude, paid $50 for a beat-up 1929 Model A Sport Coupe that had definitely seen better days.  The front spring was broken on one side so it had a serious list to port and the top had been replaced with olive drab canvas with a huge hole in the back where the rear window belonged. It had sealed-beam headlights that didn't work, a rat's nest of wires under the hood, four mismatched 16-inch wheels with bald tires, and enough holes drilled in the firewall to qualify as metal Swiss cheese.  It was the first car in our family other than my parents' car, and I thought it was beautiful!
A used front spring was soon located and installed, and the Model A immediately looked more alert and attractive. Considering that the winter temperature in the mountains of Idaho often stayed below zero for days at a time, the next step in our "restoration" was to fasten some old tent canvas in place of a back window. This, along with plugging most of the holes in the firewall, considerably diminished the wind whistling through the interior. The canvas top was then painted white, which made a real esthetic improvement to the Model A's faded black paint.
Against all odds, the engine ran like a top and the radiator held water reasonably well if a can of Stop-Leak was added regularly. The leaking radiator led to the first crisis with the "new" car in the family.  Because it wouldn't hold anti-freeze, my brother had to fill the radiator with water and place a piece of cardboard in front so it wouldn't freeze while driving. Then, when parking for any length of time, the engine had to be drained or it would freeze and break the head or the block.  Needless to say, this rather involved routine somewhat limited use of the car until warmer weather arrived, but my brother still drove it (and took me along) as often as he could.
After getting home from one trip we became involved with some evening activity, planning to drain the Model A later.  About 10 o'clock that night, with the temperature hovering near 30 degrees below zero, it suddenly dawned on us that we hadn't drained the radiator. We rushed out with a flashlight, opened the petcock and .....nothing!  Not a drop came out.  We'd been warned about this, and were now sure that the Model A had seen its last days, and that we would once again be afoot.

Member Contribution
Member Photo Find
By Dick Hamlin

Recently my sister gave me a copy of the attached picture.  She is the baby in white in the center. I was not born yet, so missed out on this family outing in the family Model T.
My dad, Dr. Fred Hamlin, designed and built the "luggage rack" that appears on the running board.  He was proud of it, and even had a patent for it.  I don't know the model year of the Model T, but the picture was taken about 1921. 

Library & Research

Hello's & Goodbye's at the Library

The AACA Library & Research Center is proud to introduce you to the newest member of our team, Sara Parme. Sara, our brand new Catalog Librarian, comes to us from the University of Pittsburgh where she earned her Master of Library Science degree.  In addition to catalog duties, Sara will lead the way with technology. She will handle our Facebook page, main webpage, and podcast. She will also be part of the team that develops our digitization program in the coming years.  Her experience, skills, and enthusiasm are a great asset for the library. Be sure to stop in and say hello to Sara the next time you are in Hershey!
Sara's position was created after the departure of Kathy Armstrong. Kathy worked for the library for 16 years and is responsible for the majority of entries in our online catalog. She is President of the Mustang Club of Central PA and very active in the Susquehanna Valley Vintage Sports Car Association, a non-geographic region of AACA. We look forward to seeing Kathy and her husband Sam at events throughout the year!

Can you identify?


The library receives hundreds of donations throughout the year.  Usually the items we receive are literature, but we often receive memorabilia and mystery items.  We recently found this item on the bottom of a box of donated material.  Can you identify it?  It is 6" long and 1 5/8" wide.  There are right-hand threads on the end of the arm and an "R" stamped on the handle.  If you have an idea of what it might be simply email Chris

AACA Museum

Catch them while you can...
Competition Motorcycles, GM Futurliner,
Camaro & Firebirds

exhibits end soon!

From their inception during the last decade of the 19th century, motorcycles have been associated with speed and excitement, and from then until now literally hundreds of manufacturers have capitalized on that image by investing in racing motorcycles and teams. Many of these well-known and lesser-known marques are featured in the "Fast from the Past". More than forty motorcycles owned and restored by members of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America are placed on display; their styles and vintage will cover every era and every aspect of the motorcycle sport, from the fearsome board trackers of the teens to road racers of the 1970's capable of speeds approaching 200 mph.

See more photos and a complete list of bikes for this exhibit here.

GM Futurliner

General Motors' dramatic, bus-like Futurline was created for the Parade of Progress display. Only 12 were built, of which eight are known to exist, and five of those are in utter disrepair. Don't miss your chance to see Futurliner, one of the most significant collector vehicles of all time.

Camaros & Firebirds

This special exhibit features the history of GM's Camaros and Firebirds. Every generation of these "pony" cars from 1967 - 2002 will be included! The exhibit will highlight high-performance and competition versions plus factory prototypes. The Camaro will be revived in 2010 with a new model that will also be on display as part of this exhibit. Another featured car will include the Trans-Am Firebird once personally owned by Burt Reynolds while filming the "Smokey and the Bandit" movies.

Remember AACA members get into the AACA Museum FREE! Bring your membership card next time you visit.

Automotive Trivia

How much do you know!?!

1) What were the first two imports to have a significant level of sales within the US?

2) Which automotive manufacturer was the first to set up a finance company to provide retail financing for its vehicles?

3) What was the average selling price of a new car in 1929?
  Scroll down for the answers!

Speedy's Notes 

March Judges' Newsletter is out and available online!
AACA National Award Winner on Jay Leno's Book Club
Check out this video of Josh B. Malks with Jay Leno for his book Cord Complete which won the AACA 2009 Thomas McKean Memorial Cup award presented at our AACA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.75 AACA Logo

AACA 75th Anniversary!
The Diamond Jubilee Celebration being held in Louisville, Kentucky has lots in store for those who attend. Meet brochure available online now! Check out the AACA 75th Anniversary Website for more information. 

We also have lots of beautiful new 75th Anniversary merchandise available on our website, be sure to check it out!

Spread the word!
Help us spread the word by sponsoring a new member!
Click here for AACA MEMBERSHIP benefits and details including a MEMBERSHIP Application or call us at 717-534-1910.    
Join in the Discussion
Check out our topics on the AACA Forum  
Read and print newsletters. Visit the links provided in each section for more information. Use the articles in your region publications and updates. Join our mailing list and please share issues with family, friends and future AACA members! SPEEDSTER Archives Here

Calendar Spotlight!

March 21-26 2010 -
The AACA Sentimental Tour takes you on A Springtime Adventure in the Texas Hill Country.
This five-day tour showcases the picturesque hill country a few miles west of Austin and San Antonio where the wild flowers should be in bloom. See breathtaking scenic views and drink in the flavor of cowboy lifestyle. READ more about this event here! 
Email for questions or more info:  
April 8-11 2010 - AACA Southeastern Spring Meet at Charlotte Motor Speedway. More details available on the Hornets Nest Region AutoFair website.

April 22-24 2010 - AACA Western Spring Meet in Tucson, Arizona. Meet details available here.

April 29 - May 1 2010 - AACA Central Spring Meet in Metropolis, IL. 
Registration and details available here.

For a complete listing of events please visit the
AACA Calendar
The AACA Exhibitors Brochure and the Owners Briefing Checklist offer a wealth of information. Please take the time to read them over. If your AACA Region or Chapter would like to sponsor a future National Event, please contact Donald Barlup, Vice President of National Activities.  Thank you for your support!

Trivia Answers 

1.  What were the first two imports to have a significant level of sales within the US? - Volkswagon and Renault
2) Which automotive manufacturer was the first to set up a finance company to provide retail financing for its vehicles? - Willys-Overland in 1915
3) What was the average selling price of a new car in 1929? - $700

Thanks for playing!
Source: Automotive Milestones. Trivia of a Most Unique Machine,
Edited by Clark Cassell and Charles Merritt, Braddock Publications.
*Please note the Trivia section may not be 100% accurate and is offered for entertainment purposes only.*

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Click below to find us!

In This Issue
Member Contribution
Library & Research
Museum News
Speedy's Notes
Calendar Spotlight
Contact Us
Quick Links
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About The Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA)
The Antique Automobile Club of America, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is the country's premier resource for the collectible vehicle community. Since its formation in 1935, the Club, through its national office, publications, and membership, aids individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of automotive history.

Contact Information for Speedster Newsletter:
AACA Headquarters
501 W. Governor Road
Hershey, PA 17033

Phone: 717-534-1910

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