July/August 2012
 Business Newsletter
Helping You Protect The Business You're Building™

With summer about over and the heat finally breaking, we are all getting ready to start the fall season. Fall is a time of change, with a new school year, new jobs and new business opportunities all seeming to occur at once.
Our office is no different and this fall we have some exciting new announcements. For the past several weeks, our office has been presenting our Intellectual Property Seminar to the Urban League of Cleveland's Small Business Development Center. These programs are part of series we are doing with the Urban League for small businesses in Cleveland and include a variety of programs through the fall.
We are providing these legal seminars at no cost as a way of supporting small business in our economy. I believe we all have to do what we can to encourage our communities business development. Our firm is proud to take the lead and provide these seminars on a variety of business topics. If you have an interest in attending one of these seminars or wish to see the full list of seminars available, please contact Claudia Rich in our office and she will be happy to assist you.
The Small Business Development Center is a great resource for those business startups that need extra guidance or advice, so for those of you thinking about starting a business, I would suggest visiting them or giving them a call.
Second we have added Tiffany Papp to our office. Tiffany has a finance and accounting background and is a recent graduate of the University of Akron Law School. She is joining our firm to assist both internally with finance administration as well as with client finance issues. We have found over the past several years that more and more clients are dealing with financial issues in their businesses that require a legal evaluation and assistance. Along with Aaron Kimbrell our Bankruptcy Attorney, Tiffany adds to our firm's finance and business practice area. Our firm continues to expand the services it offers our business clients and looks forward to assisting you in a variety of areas as needed.
As always, this newsletter is sent with an invitation to call us with any questions or your legal needs, and we would like to remind you we now handle bankruptcy and foreclosure and credit card defense - contact us any time at (440)605-9641 or at admin@fangerlaw.com.
Thank you and enjoy this month's legal news for your business.
Jeffrey J. Fanger
The State of Our State
Changes in Ohio Law
HB 525- The Cleveland Plan
Municipal School District Transformation
On July 2, Governor John Kasich signed Mayor Frank Jackson's plan to transform all of Cleveland's municipal schools. Some of the major changes to the current policy are;
- Requiring municipal school districts to use performance-based salary schedules in accordance with other schools that receive Race to the Top funds
- Permitting a municipal school district to suspend a teacher definitely for "good and just cause," which would include situations where the teacher has been evaluated as being "ineffective" for two years in a row
- Requiring a district's CEO to have an academic performance plan which includes a mandatory parent-teacher conference, and a plan for any corrective measures that must be made within an individual school
- In the event of necessary layoffs, teachers will be considered on a scale of teaching proficiency instead of being retained or let go according to seniority
- The creation of the Municipal School District Transformation Alliance, which will create annual updates on district school's performances and give authority to those who want to sponsor a charter school
In addition to the above changes, the plan will attempt to eliminate underperforming schools and increase the number of children in high performing schools. The steps taken in this legislation are designed to hold teachers and school districts accountable for their performance. However, the money to fund the changes is still uncertain as it requires passage of a proposed tax levy scheduled for approval in November. While the tax is estimated at $77 million for the Cleveland School District, the money is going to be divided to conquer several challenges. A couple of the most pressing issues the money would be used for are replacing retiring teachers with quality, new teachers, increasing the district's graduation rate, elongating the school day back to its original length and motivating teachers with scheduled performance based pay initiatives.
To read the bill analysis, click here
To read the bill, as passed, click here
Court Update
Recent Court Decisions That Impact Your Business
Lamar Advantage GP Co., L.L.C. v. Patel, 2012-Ohio-3319.
In a Court of Appeals of Warren County case, Sachin Patel appealed the decision of the Warren County Court of Common Pleas decision granting summary judgment to Lamar Advantage GP Company, L.L.C.. The case began in November of 2008 when Patel leased a billboard from Lamar Co. to promote a Motel 6 by signing an advertising contract with them. In the contract, Patel agreed to 38 payments of $1,107.69 every four weeks for the first year, and an increased rate for the two years after.
On January 7, 2009, Patel wrote a check in the amount of $4,147.69, of which $1,107.69 went to the billboard's rent and $3,040 went to production costs. "On March 23, 2009, Patel discovered damage to the billboard. On April 2, 2009, Patel notified Lamar Co. of the damage, and according to Patel, Lamar Co. refused to repair the sign until Patel paid rent for February and March." Patel then denied payment to Lamar Co., which prompted Lamar Co. to file suit in the amount of $4,430.76 for back rent. Lamar Co. then dismissed their action on February 9, 2010, opting instead to "invoke the contract's acceleration clause and file suit in the Warren County Court of Common Pleas for the entire amount due under the contract." The amount in question this time was $18,963.63 for damages, court costs, litigation and attorney fees and interest at 18% annually.
Both Lamar Co. and Patel filed for summary judgment, Patel claiming that he signed the contract as an agent for Motel 6, which was owned by Shine Hospitality, L.L.C. and was therefore protected under them. Lamar Co. claimed that Patel had breached the contract and was personally responsible for the debt because "he signed the contract in his individual capacity." The trial court sided with Lamar Co. and granted summary judgment in their favor in May of 2011, explaining that Patel had not indicated he was signing the contract as an agent and that "Motel 6" was not a corporate entity, but simply an unregistered trade name. The court therefore awarded Lamar Co. the $18,963.63 they asked for under the acceleration clause in addition to "$8,380.25 in attorney fees, $450.57 in litigation expenses, court costs, and interest at 4% per annum from February 2, 2009, the date of the breach, until paid in full."
Patel then appealed, assigning two errors to the trial court's decision. First, he argued that Lamar Co. should not have received summary judgment against him, and second, that Lamar Co. wrongfully received attorney fees, costs and interest. Summary judgment can only be rendered when the decision is based solely on a matter of law, not of material fact. Patel claimed that the ruling of summary judgment against him was improper because he did not sign the contract as himself, but as an agent of the corporation "Motel 6." However, in order "to avoid personal liability, an agent must disclose to the party with whom he is dealing both the agency relationship and the identity of the principal." Furthermore, to confirm that he was acting as merely an agent and not as an individual advertiser, Patel would have needed to sign the document as such; ""the typical format to avoid individual liability is 'company name, individual's signature, individual's position.'" Had Patel signed the document "On behalf of Motel 6, Sachin Patel, Agent," he may have been able to dispute his personal liability, but as he did not provide evidence to the contrary, Patel's claim was overruled.
Patel's next argument intended to reverse the trial court's decision for summary judgment was that he did not in fact materially breach the contract with Lamar Co.. "A 'material breach of contract' is a failure to do something that is so fundamental to a contract that the failure to perform defeats the essential purpose of the contract or makes it impossible for the other party to perform." Patel claims he did not materially breach the contract since he was only one payment late before discovering the damage to the billboard and being excused from payment on March 23, 2009. Patel claimed that he was only a month in arrears because after signing the advertising contract with Lamar Co. in November of 2008, they both agreed that he would share monthly rent with a Clarion hotel. Patel asserted then that his $1,107.69 payment made on January 7, 2009 was for half the rent for the months of both January and February 2009. He concludes therefore, that by March 23, 2009, when he discovered the damage to his billboard, that he was only one payment behind.
Patel also states that even in the event that he "was solely responsible for the rent, Lamar Co.'s monthly invoices indicated that January's rent was not due until February 4, 2009, February's rent was not due until March 4, and rent for March was not due until April 1. " By that logic, Patel was late with February's rent, but was then excused from payment on March 23, 2009 when he discovered the damage to the billboard. Patel concludes that in either event, his one past due payment does not constitute a material breach of contract.
After review, the court found that neither argument created a material issue of fact to be considered. The court notes that there was no other hotel mentioned in the contract, nor was there a mention of fee-splitting.
Regardless, Patel entered into a contract with an advertiser where the primary exchange was monetary payment for use of an advertising tool, the billboard. Patel admittedly violated this fundamental term of the agreement and additionally would not lose money if the contract was terminated, did not act in good faith by waiting two weeks to notify Lamar Co. of the damage to the billboard and would not be permitted to cure his breach. Due to these elements, the court finds that the trial court did not err in granting summary judgment to Lamar Co. for both the breach of contract and personal liability claims. Patel's first assignment of error was accordingly overruled.
In Patel's second assignment of error, he argues that the trial court erred when they awarded attorney fees, costs and interest to Lamar Co.. Patel claimed that the attorney fees were not proven reasonable by Lamar Co., and should have been denied on that basis. However, as a result of "Bittner v. Tri-County Toyota, Inc., 58 Ohio St. 3d 143, 146 (1991) 'unless the amount of fees determined is so high or low as to shock the conscience, an appellate court will not interfere.'" Furthermore, in these circumstances, the contract clearly stipulated that: "Advertiser shall pay Lamar all costs and expenses of exercising its rights under this contract, including reasonable attorney's fees of not less than 25% of the amount due, or $250.00, whichever is greater, and all reasonable collection agency fees." Lamar Co.'s counsel went on to explain that the fees were warranted, given that he only charged $195 an hour for the work and that it was laborious in nature. The trial court originally reduced the attorney's fees from $11,103.22 to $8,380.25 as several of the charges related to a previous case in Hamilton County, not the current case in Warren County. The court of appeals then determined that he trial court did not abuse their discretion in the award of attorney fees since Patel and his counsel had adequate time to assess and challenge the fees originally.
Patel also separately challenged the awarding of prejudgment interest to Lamar Co. for court costs, attorney fees and litigation at the rate of 4%. He claims that the interest did not begin to accumulate until February 12, 2010 when the claim was filed and that it was not due until judgment was rendered. The court of appeals determined that the trial court had indeed abused its discretion in awarding prejudgment interest by awarding interest from February 2, 2009 on. The court thereby determined that the trial court's judgment was affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded.
Article Corner
Recent News You Might Have Missed
Consideration Of Criminal History Information In Employer Decision-Making Under Title VII
June 7, 2012 - Richard Korn, Esq.
There is a delicate balance for employers who are looking for trustworthy employees through a criminal background check and those who use it in a discriminatory manner. With the current number of Americans incarcerated in their lifetimes and readily accessible personal information, an employer's decision between two candidates should be carefully weighed.
"On April 25, 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued its Enforcement Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." As nearly all employers review an applicant's criminal history in the hiring process, the regulations are intended to eliminate any additional factors such as race, national origin or age from influencing the decision.
The statistics point to the sobering fact that as of 2007, 3.2% of citizens over the age of 18 have served time in prison. "The United States Department of Justice statistics from 2001 reveal that 1 out of every 17 White men is expected to spend time in prison at some point in their lifetime. Compare this to 1 out of every 6 Hispanic men and 1 out of every 3 African American men." Therein lies the conflict that this policy intends to correct; that "automatic exclusion" on the basis of a criminal history could adversely affect hiring of Hispanic or African Americans.
In order to comply with the policy and negate any potential claims of discrimination barred under Title VII, there are several precautions employers can take. First, if one applicant is required to undergo a criminal background check, all applicants should be required to do so. Requiring only certain races, ethnic groups or age groups to undergo a background check would violate give an applicant grounds for complaint. Second, employers can, and should, demonstrate that hiring policy "does not have a discriminatory effect."
Third, employers should demonstrate that their policy is neutral for race, ethnic group and age, and "is job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity." This means that when an employer does not choose to hire or promote an applicant that they are denied on the basis of their criminal background's relationship to the job. For example, an applicant convicted of embezzlement in the past year would be rightfully denied a position as a personal finance manager, since their job would require them to work closely with personal finances and financial information. In order to fully protect oneself from a discrimination claim, employers should consider all of the following when looking at an applicant's criminal background;
"(a) The facts or circumstances surrounding the criminal conviction;
(b) The number of offenses for which the person has been convicted;
(c) The age of the person at the time of conviction,
(d) The number of years in the workforce since the conviction or since release from prison;
(e) Evidence that the person performed the same type of work for another employer since the conviction,
(f) Rehabilitation efforts, if any, the individual has engaged in; and
(g) Employment or character references"
If an employer considers these factors and can demonstrate that the applicant would pose a substantial risk to the business or the business' clients, "an employer in all likelihood will be in compliance with the anti-discrimination laws and will be able to successfully defend itself against a disparate impact claim."
A Moment Of Levity A little humor to brighten your day. . . |
The opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author of the article and/or Fanger & Associates LLC. Articles appearing in this newsletter are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. This newsletter is sent to clients and friends of Fanger & Associates LLC, as well as Ohio businesses and Ohio non-profit corporations as identified through their registration with the Ohio Secretary of State, including organizations with which Fanger & Associates LLC has no prior contact. Before applying this information to any specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney. If you have any questions regarding any topic in this publication and you already have a lawyer, please contact your lawyer. If you do not already have counsel, please feel free to contact Fanger & Associates LLC and we will be happy to assist you.