Firm Logo 2010April 2012
 Nonprofit Newsletter   
   Proudly Serving Our Clients Since 1992  
   Helping You Protect the Business You're Building TM
In This Issue
Reach Out
Article Corner
Court Update
A Moment of Levity
Nonprofit Resources
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JeffFanger EHC

           Spring is here, and even though it feels like winter, we are excited about our firm's current activities. First, we want to commend Tim Smanik on his participation in "Reach Out" with The Cleveland Metro Bar Association on March 29. Tim provided pro-bono counseling for the nonprofit attendees and will do so again on April 25. The article "Reach Out" details his experience and provides information on how to get involved with the program. Tim will be attending the remainder of this year's Reach Out sessions, and we support his participation in the nonprofit community.

            We are also excited to announce our sponsorship of the Hillcrest Regional Chamber of Commerce's 2012 Business Expo. Fanger & Associates will have a table at the Expo and we hope to see everyone looking to make new business connections. The event will be held at 700 Beta Conference Center in Highland Heights on May 3 from 3-7pm.

            As always we want to thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and encourage you to stay up to date with the laws governing Ohio. Enjoy the month of April and feel free to contact us with your feedback or any legal questions you may have.


                                                                         Jeffrey J. Fanger 

Reach Out                              
Participation in the Nonprofit Community

            The Cleveland Metro Bar Association held the first of four "Reach Out" seminars on March 29, which provide education and free  legal counsel to nonprofit leaders and organizations. This session was entitled "Fundamentals of Nonprofit Governance," and featured John C. Goheen and Jennifer L. Adams of Ulmer & Berne LLP.


            Tim Smanik, Fanger & Associates' resident nonprofit attorney, attended the March 29 seminar and said of his experience; "Cleveland is a really special city in terms of charitable organizations and the people who lead them. We also have a vibrant legal community, and the combination has real potential for Reach Out and the success of nonprofit organizations in general." Tim was pleased that he was able to give his undivided attention to the participating nonprofits, as there were fewer than expected at the first session. Reach Out is hoping and planning for a bigger turnout for the April 19 seminar since the first session had more than enough lawyers to go around. The legal turnout was, according to Tim, "reassuring." He said it was "good to see that other lawyers in the community will give up their time for something this valuable."


The next session held on April 19 will feature Linda A. Striefsky and Jacinto A. Nunez of Thompson Hine LLP and Cynthia A. Binns and John D. Moran of GrafTech International Holdings Inc. on the topics of contract basics and real estate challenges.   To sign up as an attorney or a nonprofit leader, visit the Cleveland Metro Bar Association's Reach Out page at for full eligibility requirements.


We thank Tim for his contributions to the nonprofit community and we are proud to have him as a member of our legal team.


The State of Our State                           
Recent Changes in Ohio Legislation

Sub H.B. 267- 129th General Assembly


            Sub H.B. 267 enacted February 8, 2012 adopts the Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act. The bill permits unincorporated "Ohio nonprofit organizations to merge and consolidate with other types of domestic and foreign entities in a manner generally similar to mergers and consolidations currently authorized for limited liability companies."  

            H.B. 267 modified previous versions by allowing "the merger or consolidation of two or more corporations," either nonprofit or for profit, if the final entity will be a nonprofit. "The bill also provides "default" mechanisms similar to those in the Nonprofit Corporation Law relating to voting procedures, meeting requirements, and other matters relating to internal governance that apply when an association fails to establish its own rules of governance."

Finally, "The bill provides that if a domestic public benefit corporation is one of the constituent entities of a merger or consolidation that leaves a domestic nonprofit corporation as the surviving entity, the court of common pleas of the county in which the public benefit corporation has its principal office must approve the merger or consolidation. However, no court approval is necessary if (1) the surviving entity or new corporation is a public benefit corporation or (2) the surviving entity or new corporation is not a public benefit corporation, but the domestic public benefit corporation transfers assets as if it were being voluntarily dissolved, returns assets that are required to be returned upon the merger or consolidation, and receives approval of the merger or consolidation by a majority of the directors of the domestic public benefit corporation who have no financial interest in the merger or consolidation. Existing law, retained in the bill, authorizes the Attorney General's charitable law section to review a proposed merger or consolidation involving a domestic public benefit corporation that does not leave a domestic public benefit corporation as the surviving or new entity and to enforce the merger and consolidation provisions of the law."


All information taken from the Ohio Legislative Service Commission Website.  To view the full bill, click here.


LegalnewsPicArticle Corner                          
Informative Articles for Nonprofits
"Assessing a Donor's Legal or Mental Capacity to Give"

By Mike Patterson; Area Director of planned giving for the Arthritis Foundation based in San Antonio, Texas


At a recent National Conference on Philanthropic Planning, Laura Hansen Dean and Marcia Inger Navratil from The University of Texas at Austin discussed the potential conflicts that may arise when charitable gift planners pursue elderly donors.


"Developing relationships with aging donors...means dealing with potential issues of mental capacity," said Dean and Navratil during the presentation. They cautioned gift planners against accepting a donation without ensuring the donor's complete "understand[ing of] the nature and effect's of [his/her] acts." This is the requirement put forth by legal capacity, intended to prevent excited gift planners from inadvertently applying undue influence to prospective donors.


"The key concept for gift planners to remember is "undue" influence. This is widely accepted to involve some form of coercion or control over an individual that removes their free will or causes them to fail to understand the consequences of their actions."


Dean and Navratil suggest that the best strategy to maintain an accurate assessment of donor capacity is through continued contact and a consistent relationship. This way, if an indication of diminishing mental capacity arises, the planner can see the change for his or herself.   In a case where the gift planner has any concerns, "they should immediately suspend discussion of a charitable gift until the donor's capacity can be determined, perhaps through consultations with the donor's family or professional advisors."


The speakers suggested that planners convey all of the consequences a gift can have; they posit that open communication allows donors to fully appreciate his or her decision. Dean and Navratil further recommend asking a donor to involve their family or financial advisors in the decision to make a charitable gift. While this may lead to the suspension of a gift, it will remove much of the burden of applying undue pressure from the gift planner. They also suggest keeping detailed and documented records of each contact with a potential donor to allay allegations of undue pressure.


Even with these precautions, "a family may still challenge the validity of a charitable gift, resulting in either litigation or other talks about a donor's estate or gift. However, they state, "when a donor has freely and with good judgment made a gift to charity, not only is the charity entitled to that gift, the charity has a responsibility to honor the donor's wishes and intentions."


To read the full article click here


Candice BradleyCourt Update
Recent Court Decisions of Interest to Nonprofit Organizations 

State ex rel. Bilaver v. Indus. Comm., 131 Ohio St.3d 132, 2012-Ohio-26 


In a Supreme Court of Ohio case decided January 10, 2012, the judgement denying Frank Bilaver temporary total disability compensation was upheld. In September of 2007, Bilaver left his job with Fluid Line Products, Inc. after he was denied permission for an extended leave of absence. "When Bilaver later applied for TTD compensation, the commission found that his decision to leave Fluid Line constituted a voluntary abandonment of employment that barred compensation."


Bilaver then filed a complaint in the court of appeals, stating that his removal from Fluid Line was not of his own accord and that he was in fact fired. He claimed that the trial court had "abused its discretion in finding that he had voluntarily abandoned his job at Fluid Line." The court disagreed, finding that Bilaver was not fired, but quit, giving two weeks notice to Fluid Line after the company denied his request for extended leave of absence. Bilaver claims to have rescinded his voluntarily departure in a letter dated September 27, 2007, but the court found that the letter did not clearly indicate his wish to remain under Fluid Line's employ. The court also found that a letter from Fluid Line to Bilaver was simply a statement of Bilaver's departure, not proof that he was fired.


The first crucial decision point in this case is that "a claimant who voluntarily leaves his or her former position of employment cannot receive TTD compensation unless the claimant has secured other employment and is prevented from doing that job by a flare-up of the original industrial injury." State ex rel. Baker v. Indus. Comm. (2000), 89 Ohio St.3d 376, 732 N.E.2d 355, syllabus. The second point stemming from this is Bilaver's allegation that his departure from Fluid Line was involuntary, which the court found flimsy at best. Without "evidence that Bilaver secured another job and was prevented from doing it by his industrial injury, the commission did not abuse its discretion in denying TTD compensation." 



A Moment of Levity                              
Judge drawing 

Women and Computer Nonprofit Resources
Spotlighting Internet Resources for Nonprofits

                           LINC OHIO

Legal Information for Nonprofit Corporations 


What:  The website is for anyone thinking of starting a nonprofit organization and assistance for existing nonprofits to help them accomplish their goals.  

Mission:  To help support new and existing nonprofit organizations with their legal & management needs.

Services:  Provides over 2,500 Internet resources to help nonprofit organizations to either get started and/or to continue to grow effectively.  

Check It Out:  Resource Center - includes:  advocacy & lobbying, background information & portals, faith-based initiatives, federal and state regulations, grants, IRS and nonprofits, nonprofit leadership, nonprofit & technology, Office of Management and Budget, publications, starting a nonprofit, taxes, three-sector partnerships, U.S. Post Office - nonprofit information, volunteerism.     

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The opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author of the article and/or Fanger & Associates LLC. Articles appearing in this newsletter are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. This newsletter is sent to clients and friends of Fanger & Associates LLC, as well as Ohio businesses and Ohio nonprofit corporations as identified through their registration with the Ohio Secretary of State, including organizations with which Fanger & Associates LLC has no prior contact. Before applying this information to any specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney. If you have any questions regarding any topic in this publication and you already have a lawyer, please contact your lawyer. If you do not already have counsel, please feel free to contact Fanger & Associates LLC and we will be happy to assist you.