Firm Logo 2010June 2011
Nonprofit Newsletter 
Proudly Serving Our Clients Since 1992

Helping You Protect The Business You're Building
In This Issue
Article Corner
Court Update
Firm Update
Legislative Update
Nonprofit Resources
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JeffFanger EHC      

    Nonprofit Organizations have over the past few years faced harsh realities of compressed budgets, growing demand for services and lackluster philanthropic support.  Many nonprofits have found that their mission has been complicated by the ever increasing legal and fiscal requirements that they have to effectively navigate.  At Fanger & Associates, we have been representing nonprofit organizations since 1992 and understand the unique needs and challenges that face the nonprofit community. 

    We hope that this newsletter's timely, practical and concise information assists you in your mission and with your planning and services.  Whether you are a small nonprofit with no staff and a full volunteer board or a large multi-million dollar organization, the reality of today's environment is that you need information to better respond to the challenges you are facing.  We encourage your comments and input with respect to this newsletter, as we want to provide Ohio's nonprofit community with the information and guidance they need.     

    Please contact us with any questions or suggestions for topics you would like to have us cover in future issues, and be sure to click on the "confirm" link above to ensure you receive future issues. 

 Jeffrey J. Fanger


Article Corner        LegalnewsPic 

Motivational Articles for Nonprofit Businesses    


"Nonprofits Must Plan to Survive"


    "Why is it that some nonprofits have continued to flourish, while others have seen their following dwindle, and their mission left not achieved? What kind of factors and strategies must nonprofits do to assure their success? How can they effectively plan to succeed?"


    A recent article in Ezine by Richard Brody describes important steps to success that nonprofits must take to effectively achieve their goals.  He discusses the common mistakes that some of these businesses make that can hold them back and vanquish all of their hard work.  The article explains how nonprofits can get ahead by using their strengths and competitive advantages. Many helpful ideas are outlined that nonprofits can utilize including, quality leadership, effective training, progressive thinking, strategic planning and analyzing an organization's operations.  


For more tips and full article from Ezine  

Candice BradleyCourt Update
Recent Court Decisions of Interest to Non-Profit Organizations

5th District: Workers Compensation Eligibility Reversed in Appeals Court

Stair v. Mid Ohio Home Health Ltd.(05/13/2011)

    A claimant who had previously been denied eligibility for participating in the Workers' Compensation Fund finally received a long awaited victory on May 13, 2011 from the Court of Appeals of Ohio.  The Richland County Court of Common Pleas had initially ruled in favor of both the claimant's employer, Mid Ohio Home Health, Ltd, and the Administrator of the Bureau of Workers' Compensation, on the grounds that the claimant was ineligible to participate in the Workers' Compensation Fund because "her injury was not work-related since her employer did not own or control the parking lot in which she was injured."

    The claimant's job involved her performing household chores at five client's homes each day.  Her wages were hourly and included travel time between client's homes.  On the day in question, the claimant drove to her employer's residence to pick up her paycheck in between appointments with clients. Due to the proximity of her place of residence to the office, she was required under Mid Ohio's policy to pickup her paycheck from their business office on a regular basis.  After she had retrieved her paycheck, she fell on a patch of ice in the parking lot in front of the office and subsequently, incurred injuries.  Mid Ohio had scheduled the claimant to go to a work assignment after picking up her paycheck.  

    A major statute which affects Worker's Compensation law in the state of Ohio is the "coming and going rule".  This rule maintains that an employee injured while commuting to and from work doesn't qualify for the fund.  However, an employee must be considered a "fixed-situs employee" for the coming and going rule to be imposed.  A fixed-situs employee refers to an employee with a fixed place of employment. 

    The claimant continued to defend her position by stating that she was not a "fixed-situs employee" for the reason that she would complete her work duties at the homes of her clients and additionally, was "in the course of her employment when she was injured."   The Court of Appeals of Ohio reviewed the case and agreed, ruling in favor of the claimant.  

    Consequently, The judgment of the trial courts was reversed and remanded on the basis that the claimant was not considered a fixed-situs employee and was injured while walking in the employer's parking lot and engaging in specific acts Mid Ohio required her to do regularly as part of her employment.




Firm Update

What's new at Fanger & Associates LLC 


New Additions to Our Legal Team!

By: Larissa Martin


 E.SheardPic         D.HoffmanPic

                                       Elizabeth K. Sheard       Deborah Zaccaro Hoffman  


    Elizabeth K. Sheard and Deborah Zaccaro Hoffman have joined the firm of Fanger & Associates LLC this month as Associates.  

    Ms. Sheard has practiced for ten years in Akron, Ohio prior to joining Fanger & Associates LLC.  She is a certified divorce and family law mediator as well as a licensed realtor and has significant experience in real estate transactional and litigation matters.  Ms. Sheard  is a proud Veteran of the United States Air Force and has received the Base and Squadron and Air Force Logistics Command Airman of the Year awards, among other accommodations.    

    Ms. Hoffman practices in the areas of:  special needs advocacy, family law, estate planning, and probate.  In addition, she has an M.A. in Russian and is fluent in the language.  Prior to joining Fanger & Associates LLC, she was in private practice for nearly two years and has over five years experience in practicing law.  

    With their extensive and diverse backgrounds, Sheard and Hoffman add new expertise to our firm and will be strong contributors to the Fanger & Associates LLC team.  Clients seeking assistance with property issues, the unique and sometimes frustrating special education process, or looking for alternative dispute resolution options regarding family law issues are encouraged to contact either Ms. Sheard or Ms. Hoffman and discuss their legal needs.  Welcome aboard ladies!



Candice Bradley Legislative Update
Potential Legislation and Recent Changes in Ohio and Federal Law

New Proposed Law - Protection of Charitable Assets Act

    A new uniform law known as the Protection of Charitable Assets Act, has been proposed by the Uniform Law Commission, or, ULC.  The ULC is an organization composed of state commissions on uniform laws from each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.   If the Act is approved by the ULC and adopted by the states, it will expand on the authority of the state Attorney General over the protection of charitable assets for each state that adopts it.  The act would also require charities totaling over $5,000 in assets to register with the state and file an annual report. Supporters of the Act argue that having a list of registered charities will be a valuable resource for the Attorney General and assist donors in their search for charities they would like to contribute to.   Opponents of the Act dispute that the Act may create registration burdens on charities that fundraise in multiple jurisdictions.  The Act will undergo a final review and vote at the annual meeting of the Uniform Law Commission commissioners on July 7, 2011.  


Read additional information from Charity Lawyer Blog


Read additional information from The Nonprofit Times 


Women and Computer Nonprofit Resources
Spotlighting Internet Resources for Nonprofits

                           LINC OHIO

Legal Information for Nonprofit Corporations 


What:  The website is for anyone thinking of starting a nonprofit organization and assistance for existing nonprofits to help them accomplish their goals.  

Mission:  To help support new and existing nonprofit organizations with their legal & management needs.

Services:  Provides over 2,500 Internet resources to help nonprofit organizations to either get started and/or to continue to grow effectively.  

Check It Out:  Resource Center - includes:  advocacy & lobbying, background information & portals, faith-based initiatives, federal and state regulations, grants, IRS and nonprofits, nonprofit leadership, nonprofit & technology, Office of Management and Budget, publications, starting a nonprofit, taxes, three-sector partnerships, U.S. Post Office - nonprofit information, volunteerism.     

Firm Logo 2010 
The opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author of the article and/or Fanger & Associates LLC. Articles appearing in this newsletter are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. This newsletter is sent to clients and friends of Fanger & Associates LLC, as well as Ohio businesses and Ohio nonprofit corporations as identified through their registration with the Ohio Secretary of State, including organizations with which Fanger & Associates LLC has no prior contact. Before applying this information to any specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney. If you have any questions regarding any topic in this publication and you already have a lawyer, please contact your lawyer. If you do not already have counsel, please feel free to contact Fanger & Associates LLC and we will be happy to assist you.