June 2011
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Business Newsletter

Helping You Protect The Business You're Building 
In This Issue
Firm Update
Recent Legal News
Court Update
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    JeffFanger EHCWe are excited this month to be announcing a    substantial number of new staff and changes at our firm.  
    First off you will note that our Newsletter is back after a bit of a hiatus and I am very pleased to announce that we have added Larissa Martin as our new Marketing Director.  Larissa has a Master's 

Degree and a Bachelor's in Marketing and will be overseeing our webpage, newsletters and marketing activities.  We are also pleased to announce two new attorneys have joined our firm.  Elizabeth Sheard has joined our firm and will be working in the areas of Real Estate and Family Law, with a focus on divorce mediation.  Deborah Hoffman has joined our firm and will be building her practice in the areas of children's advocacy and special needs of children with disabilities, and educational issues.
    We welcome them to our firm and look forward to their very significant contributions.  As always we look forward to serving our clients and welcome your input and opinions.  We have received a lot of complements over the past few years on our newsletter and hope that you continue to find it informative and enjoyable. 


Jeffrey J. Fanger

Firm Update

What's new at Fanger & Associates LLC 


New Additions to Our Legal Team!

By: Larissa Martin


 E.SheardPic       D.HoffmanPic

                Elizabeth K. Sheard          Deborah Zaccaro Hoffman  


    Elizabeth K. Sheard and Deborah Zaccaro Hoffman have joined the firm of Fanger & Associates LLC this month as Associates.  

    Ms. Sheard has practiced for ten years in Akron, Ohio prior to joining Fanger & Associates.  She is a certified divorce and family law mediator as well as a licensed realtor and has significant experience in real estate transactional and litigation matters.  Ms. Sheard is a proud Veteran of the United States Air Force and has received the Base and Squadron and Air Force Logistics Command Airman of the Year awards, among other accommodations.    

    Ms. Hoffman practices in the areas of:  special needs advocacy, family law, estate planning, and probate.  In addition, she has an M.A. in Russian and is fluent in the language.  Prior to joining Fanger & Associates, she was in private practice for nearly two years and has over five years experience in practicing law.  

     With their extensive and diverse backgrounds, Ms. Sheard and Ms. Hoffman add new expertise to our firm and will be strong contributors to the Fanger & Associates LLC team.  Clients seeking assistance with property issues, the unique and sometimes frustrating special education process, or looking for alternative dispute resolution options regarding family law issues are encouraged to contact either Ms. Sheard or Ms. Hoffman and discuss their legal needs.  Welcome aboard ladies!



Recent Legal NewsLegalnewsPic
New Legal News That May Affect You

As Private Sector Hiring Increases, New and Efficient Hiring Techniques Can Cause Some Legal Problems

Marketwire reports that as the level of private sector hiring continues rising, new and popular rercruiting tools can cause legal issues that companies should be aware of.  With job openings growing, hiring is increasing.  The article describes how in March 2011 alone we saw private sector employers hire 3.8 million workers.  Marketwire goes on to explain that with this increase comes the growth in risk for employer's facing legal problems.  The legal troubles some companies are facing is the growing use of new selection tools like social networking media.  Some of this new technology can violate terms of the federal government's Fair Credit Reporting Act.  As Dr. David P. Jones, a recruitment expert who is president of human capital advisory firm Growth Ventures, Inc., explains, "More hiring is great news for the labor market, but increased recruiting and hiring means more risk, and a greater chance employers will face legal challenges to the hiring decisions they make."  Jones goes on to state "In fact, some of the very things employers are doing to improve their speed and quality of hiring, and reduce the costs, open the door for legal challenge," says Jones, "And making mistakes brings the cost to defend the organization, judgments if you lose, bad press and even the loss of business... all things a CEO doesn't want," add Jones.  You can read about Jones' recommendations to face these challenges and the entire article below:


Full Marketwire Article
Candice BradleyCourt Update
Recent Court Decisions That Impact Your Business 

11th District: Court Improperly Ordered Plumbing Company to Pay Attorney Fees;  Judgment Reversed


Miller v. Miller

    A legal battle which lasted almost eight years finally took a critical turn in favor of the shareholders and co-owners of Trumbull Industries, a plumbing supply company, when the courts reversed a judgment originally made by the Trumbull County Court of Common Pleas in 2003.  The court had initially ordered Trumbull Industries to pay attorney fees and expenses for their former Director, Sam Miller, as well as the former President of Briggs Plumbing Products, Daniel Umbs, and repeatedly found them in contempt of court for failing to pay the attorney fees.

     The dispute first began as the owners of Trumbull Industries, two sets of cousins, entered into conflict involving an alleged 'business opportunity'.  One of the cousins, Sam Miller, who also functioned as Director of marketing and plumbing products manager for Trumbull Industries, supposedly engaged in an undisclosed alliance with the former President of Briggs, Daniel Umbs, in an alleged strategy to run a business that would 'private brand' plumbing and related products for sale to manufacturers and other wholesalers.  Apparently Sam Miller had been ordered by the other family members to terminate all involvement in this 'business opportunity'. 

     In February of 2003, Briggs filed a lawsuit with the United States District Court against their then company president, Daniel Umbs.  This prompted the other set of cousins, which contained Trumbull Industries shareholders and officers, (the appellants) to file a complaint for injunctive relief and damages against their director Sam Miller and the former president, Daniel Umbs, of Briggs (the appellees).  They proclaimed that they had no knowledge that this underground business mission had continued.  Following these proceedings, Sam Miller and Daniel Umbs jointly moved to be reimbursed for their attorney and expense fees.  The trial court ruled against Trumbull Industries, ordering them to repay the legal fees and expenses. This decision was appealed and litigated over several years, with Trumbull Industries being found at one point to be in contempt of court for failing to reimburse Sam Miller and Daniel Umbs. 

    On November 19, 2010, the court of appeals ruled to reverse and remand the trial courts ruling. The court ruled on the grounds that "the appellee director had not been sued as a result of any 'act or omission' on behalf of the corporation, but as a result of his alleged violation of fiduciary duties under R.C. 1701.59(B), part of The Articles of Incorporation, which states that directors of a corporation have an obligation to the corporation which is in the nature of that of a fiduciary and includes two separate duties: loyalty and care."

    Therefore Daniel Umbs and Sam Miller were not entitled to be reimbursed for their legal fees incurred since the actions that were the subject of the lawsuit were not done in Sam Miller's capacity as Director of Trumbull Industries.  


 A Moment Of LevityJudge drawing
 A little humor to brighten your day. . .  

The DA stared at the jury, unable to believe the "not guilty" verdict he'd just heard. Bitterly, he asked, "What possible excuse could you have for acquitting this man?"

The foreman answered, "Insanity."

The attorney responded, still incredulous, "I could understand that. . ...but.....all twelve of you?"

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The opinions and views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author of the article and/or Fanger & Associates LLC. Articles appearing in this newsletter are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. This newsletter is sent to clients and friends of Fanger & Associates LLC, as well as Ohio businesses and Ohio non-profit corporations as identified through their registration with the Ohio Secretary of State, including organizations with which Fanger & Associates LLC has no prior contact. Before applying this information to any specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney. If you have any questions regarding any topic in this publication and you already have a lawyer, please contact your lawyer. If you do not already have counsel, please feel free to contact Fanger & Associates LLC and we will be happy to assist you.