HydroSports will open at 1:30 PM Wednesday, September 30
HydroSports Dive and Travel
Next Club Meeting, Tuesday, October 6, 6 to 8 PM.
Fall Events and News October 2009

HydroSports students nagivatingHave you felt the change in the air, a nip when you first step outside in the morning? I've seen fog on the fields. These are certain signs the days are getting shorter and that visibility in the Hood Canal and Puget Sound are getting better by the day.
Fall is one of my favorite times to dive the Northwest. Why not make an investment in your diving education by earning a Specialty Diver credential or exploring a new area with us.
We look forward to sharing the beauty of the underwater world with you soon. 
Mark Fischer
HydroSports Dive and Travel
PS. Are you interested in joining me next Spring Break in Cozumel? Let me know.  
HydroSports Staff Earn New Ratings
Professional Continuing Education is Important to You
Congratulations to four members of the HydroSports Education Team who have earned new PADI Professional credentials.
Why is professional continuing education important to you, our customers? First, con ed makes sure we are aware of the most recent safety procedures, training standards and best practices from around the world. Second, by improving our ratings, we can offer you a wider range of services. Third, our commitment to personal professional growth insures we stay fresh, enthusiastic and motivated to share our new skills and information with the local dive community.
Carol and Gregg Cline completed their PADICarol and Gregg cline Assistant Instructor ratings. The AI rating is the step up the ladder from Divemaster and enables Carol and Gregg to supervise and conduct a wide range of programs and activities. The AI Course is the first half of the Instructor Development Course (IDC).
Jeff Trembly, lead the class scoring the highest ScubaproPromotionscores at the PADI Instructor Examination held in Eugene September 26 and 27. After completing his IDC with Mark Fischer (PADI Course Director) Jeff demonstrated his teaching ability in the classroom, pool and open water settings to Barry Dunford (PADI Instructor Examiner). Jeff also completed written exams in dive physics, physiology, skills and environment, Recreational Dive Planner and Standards. All IE candidates further demonstrate their ability to (in a role model manner) respond to a simulated non-breathing diver at the surface and effect a rescue.
Pat Kirkpatrick, received recognition as a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, the second step upPat Kirkpatrick the PADI Instructor ladder. Pat also completed courses in Solo Diving and Advanced Nitrox with Don Kinney, owner of the Yellow House and well known Technical Diving Instructor in the Seattle area.
Coming in October, PADI will be releasing revised Instrutor Development Course materials. To insure the Salem area has the latest information, Mark Fischer, the only PADI Course Director in Oregon south of Vancouver and north of Eugene, will be attending a Course Director update at PADI Headquarters in California.
Your HydroSports Education Team is dedicated to providing the best possible education to you by continuing to expand our personal education.
Get Started With Oceanic

Oceanic Recession-Buster Package: $749.95. Own your own weight-integrated BCD, regulator, octopus and computer for less than the cost of 10 weekend rentals.

  • OceanPro Weight Integrated BC
  • GT3 Sport Regulator
  • Alpha 8 Octopus
  • Veo 100 Computer Combo Gauges

Oceanic Price Buster Package


Specialty Classes this Fall
Earn your Enriched Air Specialty certification with Pat Kirkpatrick in November. Enriched air extends your dive time, reduces surface intervals and reduces fatigue. The regular price for this class (instruction, books, tables and certification card) is $164. The Fall Special price is only $119.
Dive Clear Lake and earn your PADI Altitude Specialty Saturday, November 14 with Pat, Mark and the team. We'll be doing two dives at Clear Lake and will enjoy 300 foot horizontal visibility. The Fall Special price for this class is $60.
Underwater Videography Specialty starts October 28. Limit four students. Regular price, $175 (includes use of digital video camera). Fall Special, $125.
Join us!
Share Your Passion
Discover Scuba Dates
Discover ScubaBring your family members, friends and co-workers to a Discover Scuba event with HydroSports. Share the excitement and discovery of diving.
Our next Discover Scuba events are scheduled on October 8 and 29 starting at 6 PM at HydroSports.
Advance Registration is appreciated.

Your friendship and your business are deeply appreciated . If you ever wish to be removed from our mailing list, please use the safe unsubscribe link below.
If you change your email address, please let us know. 
Safe Dives!
Mark Fischer and all of the HydroSports Dive Team.
Click These Links
Staff Earn New Ratings
Oceanic Recession-Buster
Fall Specialty Specials
Discover Scuba Dates
First Aid Referesher
First Aid Class
Open Water Class Start 10-1
High Def Digital Video, Under $649
Weird Wonders

First Aid Refresher Class Sept 30

Has your First Aid certification expired?
If so, join Mark Fischer for an Emergency First Response refresher class Wednesday night, September 30, from 6 to 9 PM at HydroSports. Please call to register. 

First Aid Class October 10

Emergency First Response
You've never taken a First Aid class? What are you waiting for? Join us Saturday, October 10 and learn how easy it is to be prepared to care for a family member or friend who needs care.  
This class covers Primary care, Secondary care and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator.
Rather than be afraid to provide care in an emergency, empower yourself with knowledge and skills. You CAN save a life.
Class fee, $35. Books and certification card valid for two years, $20.
Please register in advance by calling HydroSports.

Open Water Class Orientation Meeting Oct. 1

Emergency First Response
Use the coupon at the bottom of the newsletter for savings on your Open Water Diver certification class. The first class meeting is Thursday night, October 1 at 6 PM.

HD Digital Video Now Under $649 

Bonica Snapper Digital Video System
Has the price of an underwater digital video camera prevented you from taking advantage of this great tool for sharing and saving your diving experiences? If so, visit HydroSports and see the latest from Bonica, a 1080P High Definition Digital Video system.
The system comes with camera, silicone skin, rigid case (rated to 180 feet) and foam-lined carrying case. Video lights, filters, wide angle lens, spare batteries, etc. are all readily available.
To celebrate the arrival of this new video system, HydroSports will be teaching the Underwater Videography Specialty class starting October 28.
The class is limited to four divers. Contact Mark for details.

Weird Wonders

Ever wonder what aquariums collect to show the public? Take a peek at these critters.
Click HERE
As a diver you have the opportunity to see each of these animals in their native habitat.  
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on DUI
Dry Suits! 
Visit HydroSports
for Details!
Order Your DUI
Dry Suit by
October 15 and receive a Free
Dry Suit Specialty Class
· Stock and Extended sizing including tall's and shorts
· Choice of colors
· Choice of boot size and style (RockBoots or DUI Turbo Soles)
· Sport Package: 2 pockets and a hood or 1 pocket, CF200 kneepads and a hood
· ActionWear Professional Pullover and Pants - DUI's newest insulation!
That's $770 of free stuff! This package makes the best drysuit in the diving industry the best value in the diving industry!
Similar savings on TLS Public Safety, CLX450, FLX50/50 or CF200X!
Offer Expires: March 1, 2010
for One 
For a Limited Time:
Pay for one diver's certification ($275) and a second diver participates free** 
**Each diver must purchase their Education package and their own mask, snorkel, fins, boots, gloves (or equipment of equivalent value) at HydroSports. 
Class must be started in October or November 2009.
Offer Expires: November 10, 2010