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Dear Special Olympics Vermont community,

 Bob Kay

It is with great sadness that we write to let you know that Robert Kay of Burlington, VT passed away surrounded by friends and family on February 28th. Robert, known to many as Bob, was a member of the Special Olympics Vermont Board of Directors for the last eight years, an excellent athlete and a dominant presence in self advocacy for the disability community.


As an SOVT athlete, Bob competed in 9 of the 12 sports offered in more than 101 events. He was a member of Team USA at the Special Olympics Winter World Games in Nagano, Japan in 2005 where he competed in alpine skiing. He competed in golf at the first Special Olympics National Games in Ames, Iowa in 2006. Bob was also a leading voice as a Special Olympics Vermont Global Messenger where he presented to organizations on the impact of Special Olympics in his life and his fellow athletes.


Jeff LaBonte, Chair of the SOVT Board of Directors wrote, "Bob was a valuable member of the Special Olympics Vermont Board of Directors for the past 8 years.  Having his perspective as an athlete allowed us all to be mindful of the big picture for the organization.  His contributions and outgoing personality will be greatly missed.  On behalf of the Board of Directors, our thoughts and prayers are with Bob's family, friends and all of the athletes that were lucky enough to have known him."


Bob was extremely active as a self advocate in Vermont and throughout the world. In Vermont, he worked with Green Mountain Self Advocates, serving as their CEO in previous years. He was involved in self advocacy on a national level through Self Advocates Becoming Empowered which took him throughout the country.


Bob traveled extensively throughout the world and, among many other volunteer positions, he volunteered for Habitat for Humanity where he helped build homes as far away as New Zealand. Bob also worked at Ri Ra's Irish Pub in Burlington.


Bob represented the best of Special Olympics Vermont - sportsmanship, friendship, enthusiasm, loyalty and courage.


Our hearts go out to all, 


The Staff and Board of Directors

Special Olympics Vermont  
