Greetings! Welcome to LifeLines, the monthly newsletter of PSI. With programs in malaria, reproductive health, child survival, HIV prevention and tuberculosis, PSI promotes products, services and healthy behaviors that enable low-income and vulnerable populations to lead healthier lives in more than 60 developing countries.
CEO Insight: (Re)introducing Water
Dirty drinking water has always been a problem. In the mid-1800s, water-related diseases killed hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S., including U.S. President James K. Polk!
These days, those of us in developed countries take safe drinking water for granted. Yet each year more than three million people are killed by water-related diseases. Despite those shocking figures, water still doesn't have its proper place on the international agenda.
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World Water Day Videos Go Viral
viral video
PSI and leading international health organizations  joined together with GOOD to launch a cutting-edge video series aimed at mobilizing broad grassroots support for the global problems of access to clean water. The series launch coincided with World Water Day on March 22. Check out the video series...

PSI, Partners Urge Nations to Take Action on Water Issues
On March 22, millions of people came together to celebrate World Water Day. PSI joined in these efforts, creating a coalition of organizations to help raise awareness on the lack of access to clean drinking water in developing countries. In addition to creating the viral videos with GOOD, PSI has helped plan several events on Capitol Hill  to generate political will around this important issue. Read more about the WWD 2009 campaign...
New Documentary Shows Power of PSI/Sudan's Water Programs
In her new documentary, "Life is Water," photographer Jenn Warren follows children and families in Southern Sudan, revealing the challenges they face in accessing safe drinking water. The documentary follows PSI/Sudan's community outreach officers and their efforts to teach people in the region how to use water purification products to prevent cholera, diarrhea and other fatal diseases that are caused by dirty water. Check out the video...
Country Spotlight: Madagascar
Sur Eau in Store in Madagascar
Exacerbated by nearly annual cyclones, some 75% of the Malagasy population does not have access to clean drinking water. To combat this problem, PSI/Madagascar and its partners launched the Sekoly S�r'Eau program to provide schools and restaurants with water purification products. PSI/Madagascar continues to provide health education regarding the importance of safe water usage and good hygiene at school and at home. Learn more about PSI's work in Madagascar...
PSI TV - Click here.
In This Issue
(Re)introducing Water

WWD Videos Go Viral

PSI Urges Action on Water Issues

New Documentary Features PSI/Sudan

Spotlight: Madagascar

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