Issue 15

DX Main Logo 
June 2010
In this Issue 
Letter from our President - A New Document Express
DX Announces Flood Integration with 
 DX Announces New Calyx Interface 
Compliance Updates, Industry News & DX Compliance Memos 
NEW!  Follow us on
Upcoming Events 
 Del Mar Datatrac Client Conference
 June 9-11, 2010
 ARIA Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
MBA Annual Convention
October 24-27, 2010
Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
LOS Interfaces and Partners 
Loan Energizer!
LPS National Flood
NAMB Logo 
NexLevel Advisors LLC 
Letter from our President
Paul New
Paul Fosco, President
A New Document Express
Over the past year or so, you may have noticed some subtle changes in our appearance, business and marketing approach.  In January, 2009, Document Express started Phase 1 of its rebranding initiative, which included updated company colors and corporate slogan.  Gone are the days of 'The Last Word in Document Technology' as we embraced 'Exceptional People...Extraordinary Results'.  A new company website was launched that embodied our new colors and slogan.  If you haven't checked it out recently, please visit us at
Phase 2 of the rebranding process brought updated marketing materials and the unveiling of our e-mail campaign series, Twitter account and Compliance Memos.  We also added staff to our sales team,  product marketing department and dramatically revamped our advertising and display materials.
By July, CyberDocs users will be introduced to a whole new website look.  The updated CyberDocs encapsulates our new colors, slogan, names and features!  "CyberPick-Up" will be referred to as "Secure Pickup" and a Tracking button will be added which is designed to take users directly to a Tracking Log screen. There, the user can view tracking information for e-mails while tracking Secure Pickups that have been sent and retrieved.  It's a whole new world we are sure you will love!
We are excited to embark upon  the final  phase of our rebranding initiative, which we believe is the biggest one yet.  In the next few months, we will be renaming our some of our products and will be updating the website with the latest technology.  While the "facelift" will give our product line and website an updated look, they will be even easier to use and navigate with.  The site will have a ton of great new features and technology and we can't wait to show it to you!  Keeps your eyes open for our official launch date!
Document Express Introduces BytePro Flood Integration 

Byte LogoMay, 2010 - We are excited to introduce our latest integration with BytePro - Document Express Flood.  BytePro users are able to access our integration from the Interfaces-Flood menu in BytePro.
The interface sends the loan data from BytePro to CyberDocs where the data is then sent to our partner, LPS National Flood.  Based on the property address, LPS determines whether or not the property is in a flood zone.  If manual research is not required, the completed flood certificate is returned to BytePro as a PDF document in a matter of seconds!  If manual research is required, the flood certificate will be emailed to the BytePro user within 24-hours.  If the property is deemed to be located within a flood zone, the flood certificate is sent back with a CertMap� - an aerial view of the property which maps out the flood zone.  It is that simple!
Contact us today to take part in our large volume discount that we receive from our partnership with LPS National Flood!  Call us at 800-476-3627 or email us at
New Calyx Interface Now Available 
Calyx LogoDocument Express launced it's latest integration with Calyx Point in April, 2010.  By simply utilizing the Interfaces - Closing Documents functions found on the menu bar, Calyx users can select Document Express from the list of available document providers to launch our online doc-prep system from within the Point application.  Calyx users will not be forced to exit the Point software at any point during the process.
From the instant the document order is placed, the document package is attached directly to the loan file in Point.  Any data changes made in our software can be "written-back" to the loan file enabling Point to remain as the true system of record.  These services are paired with the ability to seamlessly transfer all data from Point to Document Express which allows Calyx users to work more efficiently and effortlessly.
 This new and exciting interface joins a long list of other Document Express applications, including our interface accessed by clicking on Services and then choosing Document Express from the Initial Disclosures, Closing Documents and Flood Certificates selections.  Using this interface does not require access to our software, as all functionality and data entry is performed within the Point application.

CyberDocs Changes and Updates

New Ohio Notice of Escrow of Taxes and Regularly Monthly Payments Added to Initial Disclosure PackagesFebruary, 2010:  Not later than 24 hours before a loan is closed, the Mortgage Broker/Loan Officer shall deliver to the Buyer, a written disclosure that includes a description of what is covered by the regular monthly payment , including principal, interest, taxes and insurance, as applicable.
Revised/New Ohio Disclosures Added to Initial Disclosure Packages:  February, 2010:  The Ohio Commerce Division of Financial Institutions posted revised forms to their website as a result of changes due to Ohio HB 1.  The term "Loan Officer" was replaced by "Loan Originator" across the Department's forms.  Also, a new form, Business Relationship Disclosure Notice, was posted to meet the existing requirements for OH Revised Code 1322.075, as well as a change in title of  the Good Faith Addendum to Mortgage Loan Origination Disclosure Statement (MLODS) Addendum. 

Revised Wisconsin DFI Disclosures:  April, 2010:  The WI Department of Financial Institutions revised their Consumer Disclosure Statement and Mortgage Broker Agreement as a result of WI 2009 SB62.  The Consumer Disclosure Statement was revised to remove the word "consumer" from the title and the term "mortgage banker" from the document.  The Mortgage Broker Agreement was revised to include a new paragraph referring to the 2010 HUD GFE in place of the exisiting Mortgage Brokers Fee section, removing text from the Borrower Acknowledgment above Section 1, reformatting the terms and conditions section and adding space for the Originator's Unique Identifier. 
New Origination Statement and Itemization of Fees Added to All Packages:  April, 2010:  To comply with recent Colorado requirements, VA requirements and as a general courtesy to our clients, we are now including an Origination Statement and Itemization of Fees in all packages.  This document breaks down each fee charged in connection with the loan and indicates if it is a borrower paid, seller paid or lender paid fee.  The Document Express code for this document is GENJ8R.
Revised RESPA FAQ's posted by HUD:  April, 2010:   HUD posted revisions to the RESPA FAQ's.  Further clarification was provided for sections GFE-General #33, GFE-Important Dates #5, GFE-Block 1 #7 and #8 and Sections 4 and 5 - Right to Cure and Tolerance Violations #9 and #12.  Here is a link to the updated FAQ's.

Compliance Updates and Industry News 

New Regulation Z Escrow Requirements
Effective April 1, 2010, Lenders are required to set-up an escrow account for any higher-priced mortgage loan that is secured by residential real estate.  Effective October 1, 2010, Lenders will be required to set-up an escrow account for higher-priced mortgage loan that is secured by other collateral - non real estate - that is a principal dwelling.  These requirements apply to first-lien transactions only and is not applicable to condominium dwellings when the condominium association maintains a master policy that covers the individual units for items such as homeowner's insurance and property taxes. 
HUD Revises Section 184 Riders
March, 2010:  HUD has revised section 184 riders for Fee Simple, Tribal Trust and Individual Allotment.  The revised riders now include a Statement of Occupancy paragraph and the language in the rider meets Section 184 Program requirements regarding borrower notification of occupancy requirements.  As a result, HUD will no longer require the borrower to sign an occupancy statement at closing.
We sincerely hope you enjoyed this issue of our quarterly newsletter.  As always, we welcome any suggestions, comments and criticisms to help better serve you.  Feel free to contact us anytime at or at 800-476-3627.