Bringing Austin voters and local business to City Hall
A Little Less Corruption News
September 2010
In This Issue
Volunteer Corner
Property Taxes
How to help
Stop the Shaft!
ADAPT of Texas
No Millions for Mansions
Taking the cake!
The Wasteful 4

Leffingwell, Martinez,
Cole & Shade

You gotta hand the cake to Mayor Lee Leffingwell who, at the budget hearing last week, tried to imply that the $1.3 billion unnecessary & bloated Water Treatment Plant #4 was a "remote" budget issue.  Watch Bill Bunch of Save Our Springs Alliance nail the Mayor.
Bill Bunch
Save Our Springs

Bill Bunch 2
See Part II of Bill here.

Volunteer Corner
KEYE-TV Coverage-Water Hikes
Marvin Watson
Thank you! Brian Davis, Jim deCocq, Jim Eastburn, Ila Falvey, Chris Hauboldt, Dan Jones, Lorri Michel, Michael Miller, Debbie Russell and  new volunteer Marvin Watson, featured in the KEYE coverage above.

More volunteers needed!

Email or call or text us:
[email protected]
call 512-535-0989
text 512-657-2089
Still fighting an unfair property appraisal?
mock hearing pt1

Watch Our Mock Hearing above and visit our one stop shop on our website.

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and get quick help with others going through the same thing.  Email us at
[email protected]

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Thanks for signing the petition to stop the water hikes! 

The Austin City Council will vote next Monday, Sept. 13th on the proposed 36% water hikes and budget.  SO...please get others to sign the petition or here on Facebook=>Find us on Facebook.
Growth Must Pay for Itself
Brian Rodgers 8-26-10

There's growing support for common sense notion that growth pay for itself.
(Click the pix for Part I,
click here for Part II)

Pretty please pass the petition on to your friends & neighbors.
  Here's a petition you can take out by hand if you want.

Your buddies,
Linda Curtis & Brian Rodgers
PO Box 6718
Austin, TX 78742

P.S.  For your enjoyment, here are your priceless comments sent to the Council with the petitions.
Stop the Shafts
Desmond D'Souza, Stop the Shafts
Desmond-D'Souza 8-26-10
Watch Desmond's brilliant testimony (for Part I click the pix to the left, and for Part II click here), from a new neighborhood group in the Spicewood Springs area who was kept in the dark about the City's plan for a mining & tunneling operation right in their backyard for the unnecessary & bloated Water Treatment Plant #4.  Stop the Shafts

Are Austin's Mobility Impaired Our Bastard Children?
Jennifer McPhail, ADAPT of Texas
Jennifer-McPhail 8-26-10
Jennifer McPhail of ADAPT of Texas, movingly challenges the City Hall's refusal to say whether the $5 million for Austin's mobility impaired will be included in this year's budget.  Without basic accessibility, says McPhail, "I am nothing more than a bastard member of this society."  This connected well with others who waited 6 hours to speak to the Council about the water rate hikes.  All of Austin needs open government, fiscal accountability and just a little respect and common decency.
No Millions for Mansions Update
Rick Harden,
Austin Preservationist
Rick Harden Hstoric properties
Two key victories were scored since our last update on efforts to halt the millions in property tax reductions the City is giving for bogus historically designated millionaire mansions on the west side.  First, Austin Community College opted out.  Then AISD followed them. The Heritage Society, in response, is in a real snit and is trying desperately to hold on to these historic giveaways to Austin's wealthiest. Whistle-blower preservationist, Rick Hardin, responds.  And here's are two great pieces in the Statesman by Sarah Copolla and by humorist John Kelso in Sunday's paper.  P.S.  There's a whole new section of our site devoted to No Millions for Mansions.  Special thanks this month go to Jane Hayden for her efforts on this issue. is dedicated to bringing ordinary voters of all persuasions and Austin's local businesses to City Hall to demand fiscal restraint, open government, and that growth should pay for growth.   We understand that little changes without political reform.  Join us!  Support our work by volunteering and/or making a financial contributionThank you! is a political action committee registered with the Texas Ethics Commission and the City of Austin.  We support or oppose candidates and ballot measures.  The next cityb election is May 2011. Shade, Riley & Morrison are up.
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