Bringing Austin voters and local business to City Hall
"Perhaps Austin's city budget is so transparent, you can't even see it."  Anonymous City Planner.
A Little Less Corruption News
June 2010
In This Issue
Taking the Cake!
Volunteer Corner
Millions for Mansions
New Police Monitor
TAG Wins!
How to help
Taking The Cake!
The Wasteful 4

Did you know that water ratepayers in Austin could be set for a -- get this -- 73% rate increase in just 5 years due to the insistence of the Wasteful 4 City Council members (Leffingwell, Shade, Martinez and Cole) on building the lavish and unnecessary $1.3 billion Water Treatment Plant #4?! Did you know that for 1/10th the cost, we could implement real water conservation?!

Watch ace researcher, Scott Henson, explain this to the Council.
Scott Henson
Read more at here @ SOS.
Property Tax
Protesters Unite!
mock hearing pt1

Watch Our Mock Hearing!

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and get quick help with others going through the same thing.  Email us at
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f you're not happy with the outcome of your hearings, come to our July 15th meeting (details below) or send us a note.

Volunteer Corner
A special thanks is in order to volunteers - Brian Davis, Jim deCocq, Ila Falvey, Chris Hauboldt, Albert Johnson, Dan Jones, Lorri Michel.

More volunteers needed - come to our next meeting, Thurs., July 15, 6:30 - 8:00 pm, Carver Library

Email or call or text us:
[email protected]
call 512-535-0989
text 512-657-2089
Let us know how
 you can help.
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We attended the city's only budget charade, uh we mean charrette, last week.  City staff must have outnumbered the audience 3 to 1. Just 2% of the budget was up for discussion to close the City's $11 to $28 million shortfall. came up with an easy $14 million by having developers pay fees to process their development plans, like they do in other cities.  But that item wasn't in the 2% up for dialogue.

Watch this short video.

We'd love to hear your thoughts about any of this first newsletter edition right here in the comments section.

Your buddies,
Linda Curtis & Brian Rodgers
Millions for Mansions in Property Tax Giveaways
Rick Harden Hstoric properties Austin's historic property program has been so gamed by Austin millionaires for properties undeserving of unseemly property tax breaks, one of Austin's premiere preservationists, Rick Harden, reluctantly blew the whistle on them at City Hall last week.  Watch the video of Rick's amazing testimony. You can also watch appraisal attorney Lorri Michel's testimony here and Brian Rodgers' here.  P.S. Michael King of the Austin Chronicle did a great piece on this issue in December, and here's Wells Dunbar's piece this week.
Public Safety is 2/3 of the City Budget!
Del LlanoShouldn't citizens get a little accountability in return?  We attended the city's meeting asking citizens what we want in our next Austin Police Monitor.  Lots of great ideas there.  A new citizens group - Austin Police Accountability Coalition (APAC) is now formed -- next meeting is Tuesday, June 22 at 5604 Manor.  Meanwhile, why don't you watch the brilliant and beautiful activist attorney Ann del Llano tell the Council what kind of accountability citizens are expecting in light of the recent Keypoint and related scandals.
Civil Liberties Victory by TAG
Texans for Accountable Government deserves a medal, or even a little local coverage!, for winning (with help from ACLU'ers, a Public Safety Commissioner and Austin Councilwoman Laura Morrison) some meaningful reforms in the new "fusion" center being established in Austin under the Homeland Security Act, protecting some of Austinite's civil liberties. Read more here.
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