October 16, 2007
Dear Business Owners and Austin Voters:
In a discussion today with Johnny Barnett of Austin Unique, we realized we (Stop Domain Subsidies, together with Austin Unique) are sitting on a goldmine! We've got hundreds of Austin businesses who could easily put the Stop Domain Subsidies charter amendment on the ballot (with just 20,000 signatures). AND, we could create a permanent marriage between Austin consumers and Austin's home grown businesses -- the lifeblood of Austin's economy!
So, we have a deal you cannot refuse! Austin Unique is offering all Stop Domain Subsidies business supporters (at no cost or obligation) advertising space on the Austin Unique homepage for the next four weeks, as part of its shopping local promotions. For more information and instructions on how to submit your business info. (it takes 1 minute!) click here: www.austinunique.com/domain.htm
WHAT ARE WE REALLY DOING HERE? We are 1) putting the City Council on notice that we will not stand for tax subsidies that hurt local businesses and undermine the Austin economy, and 2) creating a PERMANENT & EFFECTIVE "shop locally" committed consumer base in our community. We will walk out of this campaign with tens of thousands of Austin consumers knowing who's on their side!
How can you help?
1. Print out the petition on the SDS site (read the instructions first!) -- or call or email Linda at ljcurti@indytexans.org or 535-0989. She can bring you materials too.
2. Sign up for Austin Unique's 4 week offer above. Again, just click here: www.austinunique.com/domain.htm
3. We have 6 foot long beautiful red and white SDS banners. If you want one for your store or restaurant, call or email Linda above. (We also have 8 x 11 inch signs for your cash register, if you prefer). Just contact Linda at ljcurtis@indytexans.org.
4. You can give a donation to our advertising campaign by sending a check to Stop Domain Subsidies, PO BOX 14294, Austin, TX 78761.
If you have not hear from us -- you will -- in the coming days. Or, feel free to call us. We want to make sure you've got everything you need to help us push to finish the petition drive gathering phase by Thanksgiving. Then our advertising push will kick in.
Thanks to all of you who are already helpin' out!
Linda Curtis & Johnny Barnett Stop Domain Subsidies & Austin Unique 535-0989 Linda 466-0710 Johnny
PS We will have a notary every Tuesday at Austin Unique's business lunch at Jovita's on S. 1st St. from 12-1. Lunch is $10 all included. Drop your petitions off there, or pick some up -- or call us and we'll send a notary to you. Remember that these lunches are great places to get and give referrals!