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September 27, 2007

Today's press conference fell a little flat.  The media fully intended to be there, and then a breaking news story interfered.  It happens!  Don't worry, there's an article in this week's Chronicle and there's always another day for campaigns.

Meanwhile, thanks for those of you who were able to make it. 

Many of you have already started petitioning today -- thank you so very much.  The stores and restaurants who are already set up have their names in red on the web site.  We want to see all of you busines owners over this next week change from to red!

Just go to the SDS web site and print out the materials on the front page.  We'll be in touch soon and will drop by stickers if you want them.

Last thing -- we need plenty of hands at First Thursday next week.  Sign up to help from 5 to 10 pm.  Email Linda or call 535-0989.

Thanks y'all -- we're off and running!

Linda Curtis & Brian Rodgers
Stop Domain Subsidies

Want to donate to the cause?  Send a check to Stop Domain Subsidies, PO Box 14294, Austin, TX 78761.  That's where you can also mail filled in petitions -- but make sure you have them notarized or we'll send a notary right to ya!

PS  We will have a notary every Tuesday at Johnny Barnett's of Austin Unique's business lunch at Jovita's on S. 1st St. from 12-1.  Lunch is $10, including tax and tip and they're a lotta fun.