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Managing Change
Effective change management engages leaders at the right level, ensures that people in the organization understand and care about how the change will impact their work...
Building an Organizational Change Management Competency
Given the pace of business change today and in the future, building a change management competency is going to be a clear competitive advantage for organizations of the future...
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![kate and stacy 2010]( | Kate Nelson and Stacy Aaron |
The workforce continues to evolve. Experts predict that half of the workforce will be either contractors, temporary workers, or freelancers by the year 2030. Companies who understand how to motivate and engage these workers will be the ones who thrive. Along the same lines, many organizations are choosing to outsource work overseas. They see this as a path to dramatic cost improvements for their organization; however, succeeding at this model is not easy and takes a strategic, thoughtful effort.
In our first article The Future Workforce, we talk about the trends of contingent workers. How will your organization need to adjust to keep up? In our second article, The Far Reaching Impacts of Off-Shoring, we talk about the challenges of off-shoring work. If you are thinking about or are currently off-shoring work, there are some basic approaches that will help you manage the transition that people leaving as well as people staying are going to experience.
Enjoy the newsletter and, as always, let us know what you think! E-mail Feedback. All the best, Kate and Stacy
The Future Workforce
Can you imagine fully half of the people who work for your company being either contractors, temporary workers, or freelancers? That may very well be the future we face.
A 2012 Economic Intelligence Unit Studyshows that by the year 2030, 50% of the workforce will be made up of contingent workers. The U.S. contingent workforce is made up of self-employed individuals, independent service firms, entrepreneurs and temporary workers. By 2020, 40 percent of American workers, or nearly 65 million people, will be contingent, and shortly thereafter that percentage is expected to rise to 50 percent.
Others confirm that the use of contingent workers is already on the rise, and will continue. The Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as reports from the Staffing Industry Analysts, a research and advisory firm focused on staffing and contingent labor, have demonstrated that the number of contingent workers has been increasing year over year for a few years. And in June 2011, over 34% of the 2000 organizations surveyed by the McKinsey Global Institute said they plan to use more temporary labor in the next five years.
The Far Reaching Impacts of Off-Shoring
"Off-shoring", "right-shoring", "out-sourcing", "out-tasking"... we've heard lots of terms for the act of finding less expensive labor (often times knowledge workers) in other regions of the world. Whatever you call it, sending work overseas to less expensive labor markets is seen as a path to dramatic cost improvements for many organizations.
For organizations seeking to reduce costs by sending work to other countries, the path is long and difficult. Off-shoring may be absolutely necessary for your organization to remain competitive or possibly just stay in business, but don't underestimate what it will take to do it and do it right. With the pace of change around the globe these days, even the basic questions like "Where should we send the work - India? Ireland? China?" may be hard to answer. The work involved in identifying the activities that will be off-shored is difficult; finding the right "provider" of the work you seek to off-shore is challenging; and crafting a sound contract is tough.
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In Your Shoes
Barbara Bass Training Specialist MillerCoors
Have you approached projects differently
after the certification? If so, how?
The short answer is yes. Post certification training, it became clear to me that a project needs not only a project leader but also a change management leader (could be same or different people). Thus, I approached my next project with this thought in mind and requested the opportunity to trial the concept - 2 different leaders. Learning - clear role expectations between the two leaders is a critical component. Made creative use of the Roles and Responsibilities Template.
What advice do you have for others trying to drive change?
Continue to believe in yourself and what you think is right. Others involved in the project may not appreciate the forms, nor express excitement about filling them out, yet using the concepts (what the form is designed to do) in discussions with clients may prove fruitful. Always have a plan "B" ready to implement.
What one thing has helped you the most in driving change in your organization?
Summarizing what I learned in certification training to the project sponsor and project leader. When they "get" that the transition phase is of primary importance, managing the change initiative is a lot easier. The right sponsorship is key. Change happens when the project is sponsored by someone who is well respected (or in a major decision making role). Resources are abundant and cooperation is effortless.