Dr. Lemen and Linda Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization Newsletter
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As this New Year and new decade begins, we find ourselves reflecting on ADAO's extraordinary accomplishments over the last six years. ADAO was borne out of the pain and anger of personal tragedy, but we have become the largest non-profit advocating for asbestos reform in the United States, achieved completely as a volunteer organization. We are excited about our path that lies ahead, one with increased unity and change.
Linda Reinstein, CEO and Co-Founder
New ADAO WebsiteNew Developments
In addition to our legislative agenda, much of our efforts in 2010 will be directed towards fully harnessing technology, which is why we are excited to launch our new website. Thanks to the power and efficiency of the internet, we are able to partner, share resources, and synergize, constantly pushing forward towards our purpose - sharing the truth about "asbestos, the deadly dust" with the public through  Twitter
, Facebook, RSS Feed, blogging and more. ADAO's website includes a variety of resources such as videos in our online library, like "Asbestos Kills" and the Chrysotile Asbestos Fact Sheet, a result of collaboration between ADAO and the Environmental Information Association. This document refutes the asbestos industry's latest fallacious claims that chrysotile is the "one, safe form" of asbestos.
ADAO's goals remain constant: to increase public awareness about the risks of asbestos, to push for ban legislation, and to further research into and treatments for asbestos-related diseases. In the past year the efforts of so many worldwide have helped move us closer to these goals. For the first time in U.S. history, the
Surgeon General's office publicly acknowledged that all asbestos fibers are a risk to public health. And the American Public Health Association adopted its Asbestos Resolution, calling on Congress to "pass legislation banning the manufacture, sale, export, or import of asbestos-containing products, including products in which asbestos is a contaminant." Moreover, ADAO has completed Phase II of our Product Testing; results will be released soon. In 2007, Phase I of our Product Testing increased awareness among the American public and Federal Agencies. We will continue to push for legislative reform by meeting with Congressional Leadership to discuss a path to a complete ban of asbestos and federal funding for a cure. 
As we dive into 2010, our optimism is renewed by these milestones, and we remain motivated by our unwavering belief that, by continuing our work together, we will create positive change.
Todd HallShare Your Story 

If you or someone you know has been personally affected by asbestos, we hope you'll participate in our website's new "Share Your Story" feature, an opportunity for asbestos victims to document their tales of courage and strength. As is our tradition, ADAO shares these narratives with policymakers, personalizing, and bringing a much-needed sense of urgency to ban asbestos. Our featured story this month is Todd, a young and talented man who lost his mesothelioma battle at the age of 39.

Chicago Skyline6th Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference 
One of the culminating events that ADAO holds each year is our Annual Asbestos Awareness Conference. This year's conference will be held April 9-11 in the centrally located and vibrant city of Chicago and promises to be our most informative to date. Please join us this year as experts from the United States, Canada, and Brazil lead discussions on the prevention, detection, and clinical treatments of asbestos-related diseases. The conference has grown considerably over the years and now brings together influential leaders and experts to discuss the battle against asbestos exposure.
Registration, tributes, and sponsorship opportunities are still available. Encourage your friends, colleagues, and other organizations you think might benefit from these discusions to attend. Also, please encourage your physicians to learn about the conference and our online patient resources. You may print and sign our new Medical Outreach Letterthen distribute it to your medical team. You can help build a larger network of support to raise awareness and prevention of asbestos-related diseases throughout the nation. Please contact ADAO with any questions at [email protected].
To see past information and videos of our international conferences, or to register or sponsor this year's conference, please visit: www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org/events/conference.html.