About Us

The ICA Institute
is a non-profit research institute working to
foster research and dissemination of
knowledge on the rise of China and India and
their impact on global markets, global
resources and geopolitics of the world. The
ICA Institute's mission is to generate new
perspectives on the role of market and
resource driven economic development. ICA
Institute fosters interaction and dialogue
between academic scholars, industry leaders
and policy makers on the impact of emerging
economies in general and China and India in
particular. Specifically, The ICA Institute is
positioned to be a catalyst between faculty
and students in International Business and
industry leaders and managers.
From Our Publications
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: The Emergence of a Super Zone
(JEKEM) This paper discusses the rapid growth of the Pearl River Delta in the southern province of Guangdong in China, not only as part of a national development strategy but also in terms of the creation of a super zone with the neighbouring areas, particularly Hong Kong. This paper shows the success of the development of the coastal region of Guangdong province and the creation of a megalopolis between the cities of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. This success is explained by the synergy created between these two neighbouring areas, particularly after Hong Kong's reunification with China in 1997 and the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement between Hong Kong and China in 2003. ***************************************** |
***************************************** Get used to higher food prices (Kansas City Star | MAr 18) Asia's ever-larger middle class is taking a meatier bite out of the world's food economy.Diets in India and China are moving up the food chain, with newly prosperous Asians relying less on staple grains and more on protein. At the same time, America is shifting more of its harvest into ethanol. Government mandates to gas up the country with more renewable fuel have ethanol production shooting up like a cornstalk in July. That means less corn is going toward someone's meal.
China establishes a comprehensive socialist legal systemt (Beijing Review | Mar 17) China's newly revised Criminal Law eliminates the death penalty for 13 economy-related crimes, as the country moves to reform its penalty system and better protect human rights. The amendment marks the first time since the Criminal Law took effect in 1979 that the country has reduced the number of crimes subject to the death penalty.
India's 2011 Budget: 'Quietly Laying the Groundwork' for Reforms (Knowledge@Wharton | Mar 10) According to the Capgemini-Merrill Lynch 2010 Asia-Pacific Wealth Report, India's HNWI (high net worth individual) population and its wealth grew 50.9% and 53.8% respectively in 2009. In absolute numbers, India is still low (with 126,000 HNWIs against China's 477,000). "Going forward, China and India are likely to remain the fastest-growing HNWI segments in the world," says the report. World Bank data shows that India will overtake China as the fastest-growing major economy in 2012, and the number of HNWIs is expected to increase.
China | The government introduces the country's new mantra (The Economist | Mar 17) THE pursuit of happiness, runs one of the most consequential sentences ever penned, is an unalienable right. That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China's normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session. Increasing happiness, officials now insist, is more important than increasing GDP. A new five-year plan adopted at the meeting has been hailed as a blueprint for a "happy China". The prime minister, Wen Jiabao, however, appeared downright miserable as he described the challenges he faces.
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Capital Markets
***************************************** Gold, China, and Facebook: Detecting market bubbles (CNN Money | Mar 18) What do you think is the biggest bubble today?
"...China's economy. It exhibits all the tell tale signs that have characterized all the great speculative manias throughout history. We have reflexive dynamics under way that are self-fulfilling. Look at property prices -- they're rising rapidly, driven by increasing amounts of credit. It's not an overly leveraged situation yet, but it's increasingly so..."
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***************************************** India | Preparing the Underprivileged (Knowledge@Wharton | Mar 10) The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have produced some of India's finest engineers, who have achieved success at home and abroad. Competition is fierce for places in the 15 institutes, of which eight were added in 2008 and 2009. The IITs typically accept one in 60 applicants from among 450,000 each year. That competition has long sustained an industry of coaching classes that is often criticized for the quality of students it produces. Still, the classes are popular among those who can afford them.
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Real Estate
***************************************** India | Private Equity Exits From Real Estate Likely To Rise (Wall Street Journal | Mar 18) So far this year, there have been six exits worth a combined $124 million, according to research firm VCCEdge. In 2010, there were eight exits from realty investments worth $1.2 billion (54.24 billion rupees) mostly through share buybacks, mergers and acquisitions, and one initial public offering (Nitesh Estates Ltd). This year's sales took the share buyback and the mergers and acquisitions route.
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***************************************** China, India Dominate List of World�€™s New Nuke Power Projects (Forbes | Mar 16)
New nuclear power projects underway. China: 27 Russia: 11 India: 5 Brazil: 1 USA: 1 World Total: 65
Of the 442* power stations worldwide, the US has the most. A look at the US vs the BRIC nations.
USA: 104 Russia: 32 India: 20 China: 13 Brazil: 2
Nuke Power Share of Electric Grid USA: 20% Russia: 18% Brazil: 2.9% India: 2.2% China: 1.9%
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***************************************** A step to assure America's competitiveness (My Central jersey | Mar 18) I recently traveled to China, and what I saw was not a surprise, but rather a confirmation of everything I have been hearing. Fast growth, modernization and investment on a scale and pace never seen before are ever-present. Some people choose to focus on China "the adversary" or make statements for political opportunism, but I prefer to focus our attention on practical solutions. What can be changed in the U.S. to better respond and remain competitive?
What is Sarah Palin doing in India? (BBC | Mar 18) ...Ms Palin will be well received. As a rank newcomer, she has novelty value with the audiences. Also...India loves women leaders - India's most powerful leader is Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party chief and daughter-in-law of Indira Gandhi, the country's most powerful prime minister ever. Indians also have traditionally loved Republicans. So while Ms Palin's journey to India may never be fully explained - unless she comes clean to the Delhi glitterati in audience on Saturday night - it will possibly end up provoking a lot of interest. To mop up that kind of attention in the world's largest democracy cannot be a bad thing for any aspiring US presidential candidate.
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ICA Institute
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