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A periodic sampling of news, analysis and opinion on economic issues of India, China and the USA
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The ICA Institute is a non-profit research institute working to foster research and dissemination of knowledge on the rise of China and India and their impact on global markets, global resources and geopolitics of the world. The ICA Institute's mission is to generate new perspectives on the role of market and resource driven economic development. ICA Institute fosters interaction and dialogue between academic scholars, industry leaders and policy makers on the impact of emerging economies in general and China and India in particular. Specifically, The ICA Institute is positioned to be a catalyst between faculty and students in International Business and industry leaders and managers.


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***************************************** International Trade As An Engine of Economic Growth Revisited: A Case of Egypt
jekem logo(JEKEM | Dec 21)
The promotion of free trade is one of the oldest policy implications offered by international economic theory. While significant disconnects have historically existed between the politics and the economics of trade policy, the rapid economic growth experienced by the export-oriented Asian countries during the 1960s and 1970s amidst a largely stagnating and trade-restrictive developing world provided a precedent for effective development policy, especially within the world's less developed countries (LDCs).

(ChindiaBiz | Dec 6)
chindiabizbannerThe Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) is an annual forum for energy professionals, policy makers and commentators to debate energy issues. As part of this year's forum, the Energy Studies Institute organized a China-India-US Roundtable on Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. This tripartite panel discussed each country's outlook on climate change and their preparations for the climate summit currently being held in Cancun. The panelists were Dr Lin Boqiang from the China Centre for Energy Economics Research, Mr Suresh Prabhu, former Indian Federal Cabinet Minister and Dr Andrew Light, Director of International Climate Policy at the Center for American Progress. This article reports on each speaker's viewpoint, and the subsequent post-presentation discussion.

India and China still top for global sourcing
(Tech Eye | Dec 20)
Nine countries from Asia/Pacific were represented in the 30 leading countries, compared with 10 in previous years. These include what Gartner describes as the "undisputed leader in offshore services", India, and the "greatest challenger in terms of potential scale", China. In the Americas region Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Peru made the list, while the Asia/Pacific regions saw Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam come in the top 30.

India's R&D investment rate is higher than USA's
(MyDIgitalFC.com | Dec 20)
Global research and development spending is expected to increase by 3.6 per cent in 2011 to $1.2 trillion. The economies of China, Korea, India, Russia and Brazil and their investments in R&D are expanding at rates substantially higher than that of the US, Japan and Germany, according to a report by Battelle.

China and India's latest love-in raises serious issues for the West
(The Telegraph, UK | Dec 20)
The dragon and the elephant should tango!" So said Wen Jiabao last week during a rare visit to India. The Chinese premier employed some uncharacteristically colourful language to convey an unusual idea - that of Sino-Indian co-operation. Relations between China and India have long been soured by bitter rivalry and mutual suspicion. Over the past few days, though, the two Asian powerhouses have cuddled up like a pair of giant pandas. This is a display of diplomatic affection that matters - not least as it could have a significant impact on the shape of the global economy.

In epic projects, the U.S. is no longer a leader
(MSNBC | Dec 19)
Increasingly, a group of rising economies - from Brazil to the United Arab Emirates - is building the showcase projects that once were mainly the pride of the U.S., Western Europe and Japan. America's Hoover Dam made headlines in the 1930s; today, it is China's $25 billion Three Gorges Dam. Just as railways and highways transformed America into an industrial superpower, the 21st-century building boom is laying the foundations for these rapidly growing economies to join the top leagues.

Policy | Politics
China Warns of Arms Race
(Newsroom America | Dec 19)
The Chinese government warned over the weekend it may have to beef up its military even more in response to Japanese plans to deploy a robust missile defense shield to protect it from North Korea.

Asking China to Act Like the U.S.
(The New York Times | Nov 27)
A key part of America's relationship with China now turns on a question that is, at its heart, an impossible conundrum: How to get Beijing to make moves that its leaders don't think are good for their country?

Logistics | Transportation
China's high-speed train sets new world record
(Peoples Daily Online | Dec 3)
A China-made new generation high-speed train CRH380A that will connect Beijing and Shanghai peaked at 486.1 kilometers per hour in a test on Nov. 3, setting a new world record for high-speed train. The old record was also made by China. The Shanghai-Hanzhou high-speed train ran at 416.6 kilometers per hour in a trial operation on Sept. 28, which is faster than any other high-speed train in operation tests in the world.

Beijing to Subsidize Green Cars with 1.7 Bln Yuan
(CRI English | Dec 6)
Beijing has approved a subsidy policy for green cars, which would provide a 1.73 billion-yuan allowance from the local government, First Financial Daily reports. The Beijing municipal government predicts that the city will have 23,000 electric and 7,000 hybrid cars on the road between 2010 and 2012. Green car owners will each be able to get about 60,000 yuan from the state and 20,000 to 40,000 yuan in subsidies from the local government.

Education & Work Force Development
Can India garner the demographic dividend?
(The Hindu | Dec 1)
The government's plans for expanding and upgrading higher education are inadequate both in size and scope. They are also impractical. For example, the IITs are already short of staff and cannot find the quality of professors that they need. The "protective discrimination" policy in vogue that reserves close to half of teaching positions for members of indigenous tribes, disadvantaged castes, and other groups makes it even less likely that top-quality faculty can be found. Some of the new IITs, now in the planning stage, are located far from metropolitan areas, and convincing well-qualified faculty to relocate there will be difficult if not impossible.

Chinese Chakkar: India losing English-speaking benefit
(Economic Times | Dec 11)
Today, China is already the world's second biggest economy after America, beating Japan a few months ago. The pivot of business is gradually shifting from the West to China, and the day is not far when Indians will do business in China just the way they do business in the US and Europe today. "So, it's time Indians learn Mandarin, or Chinese, as much as the Chinese are busy polishing their English and taking lessons in Hindi," says an official of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which last week asked schools to introduce Chinese as a subject from the next academic session.

Infrastructure | Real Estate
Highest hotel expected in Shanghai in 2014
(Xinhua | Dec 20)
The Shanghai Tower J Hotel might set the world record as the highest hotel when finished in 2014, China Daily reported Monday. The establishment, a new brand of Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd. (Jin Jiang Hotels), will span the 84th to 110th floors of the Shanghai Tower, which will rise 632 meters, or 121 stories. Construction began two years ago.

China And India Eat Our Lunch Because They're Smart And Ambitious
(Forbes | Dec 11)
Nothing stands still. A few years ago, the Russians, the Indians and the Chinese were all very helpfully sitting on the sidelines. With their goofy theories and their counterproductive policies, they posed no competition. Americans found it easy to feel superior. Half the world had tied its hands behind its back.

Why An Inept U.S. Keeps Losing Ground to China
(CBS News | Dec 20)
The Chinese are playing grandmaster chess against an amateur America that can't see beyond the second move. In a bipartisan display of geopolitical obtuseness, America continues its historic trade policy: It's free trade, except occasional lapses into protectionism when a whinging constituent must be placated, with a reliance on the World Trade Organization to settle disputes (and believing it has won something of significance when the WTO sides with it in a dispute over such a key product as cheap tires).

How can America turn the corner?
(Des Moines Register | Dec 19)
The extended decade will probably be remembered as the Bush Era. Historians will see 2001-2009 as the first two terms of George W. Bush and 2009-2013 as, essentially, the third Bush term. The parties might be different, but the policies are the same...

ICA Institute

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International Contributors Editorial Board
Prashant Das - Co-Editor | Anitha Vadavatha - Co-Editor | Ruchir Agrawal - Atlanta | Christopher Chan - Intellectual Property - Hong Kong | Dr. Sudhanva Char - Academic Resources | Harsha Harjani - Hong Kong | Asha Hemrajani - Singapore | Geoff Hiscock - Australia | Ratika Jain - UK | Innovation | Shree Pandya - Engaging Youth | Xun Sun - Architecture Consultant | Dr. Yu Xiao - USA | Dr. Nilay Yajnik - India | Dexin Zhou - China |