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A periodic sampling of news, analysis and opinion on economic issues of India, China and the USA
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Politics | Economy
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Real Estate
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The ICA Institute is a non-profit research institute working to foster research and dissemination of knowledge on the rise of China and India and their impact on global markets, global resources and geopolitics of the world. The ICA Institute's mission is to generate new perspectives on the role of market and resource driven economic development. ICA Institute fosters interaction and dialogue between academic scholars, industry leaders and policy makers on the impact of emerging economies in general and China and India in particular. Specifically, The ICA Institute is positioned to be a catalyst between faculty and students in International Business and industry leaders and managers.


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Events | Announcements
big logoDemystifying India
(URI | Oct 6)
The 2009 Honors Colloquium at URI at the University of Rhode Island will explore India through a range of topics as large and varied as the country itself.

ICA Exclusive
big logoChina-India Trade: Can It Overcome Its Logistical Stupidity?
(Chindia Biz | Sep 25)
"...It is true that the over-2000 miles long border (between China and India) runs through the difficult high-altitude terrain of the Himalayas. But that should not be a challenge given the available technology..."

The G20: What to Know, What to Expect
(The Washington Post | Sep 23)
What is the G-20? What is the purpose of the Pittsburgh Summit? What did they agree to in April? Did they do what they said they would? What is expected will happen at the summit?

ADB sees 8.2% rise for China's economy
(Shanghai Daily | Sep 23)
THE Asian Development Bank raised its forecast for China's economic growth this year to 8.2 percent, twice the average pace it estimates for growth in Asia outside Japan. The bank revised its China estimate from 7 percent in March, citing the effects of the government's stimulus package.

Stability remains central bank's key goal
(Shanghai Daily | Sep 24)
Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said yesterday that currency stability remained a key goal, though economic development, employment and other factors are taken into consideration when setting monetary policy.

Policy | Strategic Affairs
India's China Panic: Seeing a 'Red Peril' on Land and Sea
(TIME | Sep 20)
In recent weeks, public attention in India over what is perceived to be the growing threat lurking north of the border has reached feverish levels. Tensions along the Himalayan frontier with China have spiked noticeably since a round of Sino-Indian talks over long-standing territorial disputes this summer ended in failure.

India to face EU barrier at G20 summit
(India Today | Sep 22)
The success of the G20 summit beginning at Pittsburg, US, on Thursday would depend on whether the UK, France and Germany are ready to give up their entrenched positions on clinging to their existing voting rights in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

US-China relationship marginalises Europe
(Telegraph UK | Sep 23)
Unfortunately Mr Wen's diplomatic niceties could not mask the reality that Europe's relations with China have deteriorated markedly over the past five years, with worrying consequences for Europe's ability to project and defend its collective interests on the world stage.

US-EU should expand its ties with India , China: Barroso
(In Diplomacy | Sep 23)
The European Commission on Thursday said there is a need to make US-EU relationship more outward-looking by expanding its ties with countries like India, China, Brazil and Russia.

Money & Capital Markets
Indonesia's Bumi says China's CIC lends $1.9 bln
(Reuters | Sep 23)
China's $200 billion CIC sovereign wealth fund has lent Indonesian coalminer PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI.JK) $1.9 billion in its latest move to secure exposure to global commodities. In less than a week, China Investment Corporation has also bought a 14.5 percent stake in trading firm Noble Group (NOBG.SI) for $850 million and agreed a cooperation pact with commodity trader Glencore.

InfoComm | Technology
Baidu CEO draws big crowd in Google's backyard
(Yahoo Tech | Sep 24)
About 600 students crammed into a lecture room to soak up the wisdom of Robin Li, who owns rare bragging rights over Google and its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Li, 40, is the chief executive and founder of Baidu Inc., a nine-year-old company that dominates Internet search in China like Google dominates the market in just about every other major country in the world.

An assault on online piracy in China
(The Economist | Sep 24)
THE government of China allows only a trickle of foreign films and television shows to be imported, claiming the restrictions are "necessary to protect public morals". Yet there is no better place in the world for fans of Western television and cinema to live than in China.

Up, up and Huawei
(The Economist | Sep 24)
quality is steadily improving and China is being taken increasingly seriously as an innovator. The firm that embodies this new, high-tech China is Huawei, the country's largest telecoms-equipment company...

Logistics | Transportation
Airbus: China and India Will Account for 31 Percent of World Demand
(2point6billion | Sep 23)
The forecast says that demand for passenger aircraft will come from airlines in Asia-Pacific and emerging markets specifically China and India will account for 31 percent of the total, followed by Europe at 25 percent and North America at 23 percent.

Ford Hopes New Figo Will Help It Win Asian Buyers
(The New York Times | Sep 23)
Ford Motor is increasing its focus on the fast-growing car markets of the Asia-Pacific region, executives said Wednesday as they rolled out a new small car in India. The "Figo," a four-door hatchback with expansive side windows and cat's-eye headlights, was designed with the help of Indian engineers and will be built in India and shipped to nearby countries.

Infrastructure | Real Estate
(Indian) Real estate firms back in hiring mode
(The Economic Times | Sep 24)
Some of the country's largest real estate developers such as DLF, Unitech and HDIL have started hiring again, as they look to launch new projects and speed up execution of existing ones to cash in on a pickup in home demand.

Education | Work Force
Opportunity fuels skilled immigrants' exodus
(USA Today | Sep 21)
It wasn't the U.S. economy that convinced Tao Guo to leave the USA. It was the Chinese economy...

big logoWho runs the global economy?
(BBC News | Sep 21)
...the current voting structure (in IMF) does not reflect the rise of powerful new economies like China and India, which are leading the world out of recession even while growth collapses in Europe and the US.

Interview: India more balanced than typical Asian growth model
(Economic Times | Sep 23)
Stephen Roach explains what is happening in economies and markets around the world, how India and China stack up individually & with respect to each other and the path global economies will take to come out of the global crisis.

Saving the World, Without U.S. Consumers
(The New York Times | Sep 23)
Is there another model, like the one outlined by the Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen? Why have consumers in other countries - like China and Germany, which produce far more than they spend - failed to step up to the plate?

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India China America Institute

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Articles and opinion pieces are from a variety of sources and viewpoints and do not necessarily reflect those of ICA Institute. Access to some articles may require free registration to the site or may not be cited to the original source.
International Contributors Editorial Board
Prashant Das - Co-Editor | Anitha Vadavatha - Co-Editor | Christopher Chan - Intellectual Property - Hong Kong | Dr. Sudhanva Char - Academic Resources | |  Harsha Harjani - Hong Kong | Asha Hemrajani - Singapore | Geoff Hiscock - Australia | Shree Pandya - Engaging Youth | Xun Sun - USA | Dr. Nilay Yajnik - India |  Dr. Xiao Yu - USA