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The ICA Institute
is a non-profit research institute working to
foster research and dissemination of
knowledge on the rise of China and India and
their impact on global markets, global
resources and geopolitics of the world. The
ICA Institute's mission is to generate new
perspectives on the role of market and
resource driven economic development. ICA
Institute fosters interaction and dialogue
between academic scholars, industry leaders
and policy makers on the impact of emerging
economies in general and China and India in
particular. Specifically, The ICA Institute is
positioned to be a catalyst between faculty
and students in International Business and
industry leaders and managers.
Here is the latest issue of the ICA Institute Newsletter.
The Creation and Destruction of Value: The Globalisation Cycle (The Economist | Sep 3) The world that emerges from this recession will be shaped largely by China and America...But how much of a crisis of values is this in China or India or the rest of the emerging world?
India, China leading global economic recovery: Moody's (Economic Times | Sep 3) Boosted by good growth in India and China, the world economy is starting to recover from the one of the worst financial crisis in
decades, says Moody's. For the April-June quarter, the Chinese GDP expanded by 7.9 per cent while that of India grew 6.1 per cent.
"The world economy is starting to recover thanks to renewed growth in China and India," Moodys' Economy.com, which is part of Moody's, said in a report.
Ford plans to bring Rs 3L-plus small car (The Times of India | Sep 1) Ford has started work on a new low-cost small car to sell in fast-growing markets like India, China, Eastern Europe and South America...the new small car would not be confined to one market but will be positioned across markets, sporting a "Rs 3 lakh
(around $ 6500)-plus price range," making it one of the low-cost cars for the company globally.
India's exports drop 28.4 percent in July (Forbes | Sep 1) India's merchandise exports fell for a tenth month in July, dropping by nearly a third from a year ago, the Ministry of Commerce said. Exports were valued at 660.4 billion rupees ($13.6 billion), down 28.4 percent in dollar terms from 815.5 billion rupees ($19.0 billion) a year earlier, according to government figures. Imports also fell, shrinking 37.1 percent in dollar terms to 951.2 billion rupees ($19.6 billion), from $31.2 billion a year earlier.
PepsiCo To Hold November Board Meeting In India (CNN | Aug 31) PepsiCo Inc. (PEP) will hold its November board meeting in Mumbai, highlighting the growing importance of that international market for the snacks and beverage giant and other large U.S. companies.
Real estate market worldwide is leading economy out of recession (Examiner | Sep 4) There is strong new reports that the global real estate market is hitting the bottom and some impressive positive news is coming from real estate markets around the world. In the U.S., the real estate market has yet to hit the bottom, but at least it is very close.
India's first moon mission 'over': space agency (Yahoo News | Aug 30) NEW DELHI (AFP) - - India's first moon mission, launched amid much fanfare last year, came to an abrupt end Saturday after the country's lunar craft lost contact with its controllers, the national space agency said.
America, Not China, Will Lead 'Asian Century', Says Report (Epoch Times | Sep 3) Titled Why America will lead the 'Asian Century,' it refutes, however, the prevailing view that China will be the "paramount power" as expressed by South East Asian authority Dr. Milton Osborne or that America could be superseded by China's superior approach to power as Joshua Kurlantzick argues in his book How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World. (Kurlantzick's book was one of the gifts given by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to then U.S. President George Bush on their first meeting).
Policy | Politics
Why trade agreements are all the rage in Asia (The Economist | Sep 3) ...amid the general gloom, activity on one sort of trade-bilateral free-trade agreements (FTAs)-continues at a feverish pace in Asia. This month, another deal was signed, this time between India and South Korea. The agreement is the first between two of Asia's four biggest economies (India, China, Japan and South Korea). But the stream of FTAs, typically between one large economy and a smaller partner, has become a flood in the past decade. From just six in 1991, their number had increased to 42 by 1999.
U.S. Grad Schools: No Longer The Apple Of Their Eye? (CBS News | Sep 3) Policy makers face a more complicated challenge. Any way you do the math, the share of the world's graduate students heading for our shores is shrinking. The U.S. now faces stepped-up competition from Europe and Asia for the world's best and brightest students....the total number of graduate applications from international students still remains below 2003 numbers...there was a 3% decline in graduate school admissions to overseas applicants between 2008 and 2009.
India Plans to Tap Africa, Latin America for Exports (Bloomberg | Sep 5) India will extend tax refunds to exporters and explore new markets in Africa and Latin America to bolster overseas sales after shipments fell in the past year because of the global recession. *****************************************
Money & Capital Markets
State Bank of India boosts China network (South China Morning Post | Sep 7) State Bank of India is expanding its overseas operations, including its branch networks in Hong Kong and on the Chinese mainland, even though the global credit crisis has not yet come to an end.
InfoComm | Technology
China's telco sales hit $205 bln in first 7 months (Reuters | Sep 2) China's total telecom revenue reached 1.4 trillion yuan ($205 billion) in the first seven months of the year, a 12.2 percent rise over last year, the country's Ministry for Industry and Information Technology said.
The number of net new mobile phone users for the first seven months was 61.4 million, reaching a total of 703 million users, while the number of fixed line users fell 12.4 million in the period, the ministry said late on Wednesday.
TCS aims 10% revenue from government projects; to hire 25,000 people (Economic Times | Sep 3) Finding immense potential in government projects, leading IT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is aiming 10 per cent of its total revenue from these projects in the next three years, besides, adding 25,000 employees this year. TCS last year recorded total revenue of $6 billion and it expects to increase it to $10 billion in the next few years. Out of the total revenue, the domestic market has a share of 70 per cent and the rest comes from the global markets...
Industry | Manufacturing
India Eyes Australian Coal as Domestic Demand Soars (VOA News | Sep 4) India is consuming more coal than it can produce or import, so a senior government minister has been sent to Australia to look at ways to secure additional supplies.
Australia is the world's largest exporter of coal. In 2007, the trade was worth more than $20 billion, and sales to Japan accounted for almost half of all exports.
Infrastructure | Real Estate
China's Property Investment May Rise by 30% in 2010 (Bloomberg | Sep 5) China's property investment growth may rebound to around 30 percent next year and support the nation's economic recovery, central bank adviser Fan Gang said. China's property sales surged 60 percent by value in the first seven months and home prices in 70 major cities rose the most in 9 months in July from a year earlier as Premier Wen Jiabao's $585 billion stimulus and an explosion of lending spur home construction and purchases.
Health | Medicine
Birth rate in Cambridgeshire village (UK) tops India and China (Mirror News | Sep 3) The village has just 7,600 residents but has a higher fertility rate than India, China, Indonesia, Brazil and the USA. Experts believe it stems from its high concentration of young couples with many thirtysomethings settling down.
Video: China's Economic Recovery (Bloomberg | Youtube | Aug 31) Interview and discussion with the Former Chief Asia Economist of Morgan Stanley, Andy Xie. He talks about the economic growth in China after the global recession.
India has to learn to compete better (The Business Line | Sep 1) "...India's (glass) is only quarter-full; and we think it is half-full!..."
"China's way of competing is different from India's. It may get the greater slice of the pie, but India needs to get an adequate piece too! How do we internally reform to make ourselves competitive? That's India's problem"
Is China deliberately understating the size of its trade surplus? (The Economist | Sep 3) In theory China's trade surplus with America should match the deficit that America reports in its trade with China. The government in Beijing claims that its surplus with America fell to $62 billion in the six months to June. Yet official statistics from Washington, DC, show that America ran a deficit with China of $103 billion during the same period.
ICA Institute
Please send your comments/suggestions to prashant.das@icainstitute.org