Strategic Medical Consulting, Inc.
Quick Tips Archives Homepage | Strategic Medical Consulting, Inc.

Welcome to the Strategic Medical Consulting Home page for achieved newsletters. Learning is a lifelong process. I hope that the articles I provide you with these newsletters and my Blog help you to provide your clients with the level of expertise that expect. The underwriting tips I describe are those that made a difference in particular cases. To learn more about how this service will differentiate your business from others', please visit my website.

I provide a high level of medical underwriting support for the producer by putting him/her in control of the case prior to case submission. This is important because it results in underwriting decisions that are quicker and generally more favorable. My professional background includes 15 years of clinical practice as an internist and 14 years experience as a Medical Director for life insurance companies. I am board certified in Internal Medicine and Insurance Medicine.


Other articles useful in helping you succeed in getting more cases issued, quicker can be found in my BLOG.

Strategic Medical Consulting, Inc.
Jack Cotlar, M.D.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46260

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