Why Leap with Passion?
by Rhonda Musak
A few years ago, in the middle of a sweltering July day, my sister turned to me and said, "My New Year's resolution is going really well." Caught completely off guard, I searched way back through the annals of my mind for a moment of time that was not a humid 97 degrees. I finally recalled that yes, at the beginning of that year, I too had New Year's resolutions! And that's where our similarities ended: I had zero recollection of my "life-changing" resolutions that were designed as the New Year arrived with its fresh hope.
Cut to yoga class a few months later at the end of a particularly long and exhausting week. I arrived to class early and was able to relax on my mat with the pleasure of not needing to be or do anything. My mind emptied as I gazed at the trees out the window while listening to calming music and the sound of my own breath. It was a complete revelation. I realized that even if yoga was not to follow, just having a concrete time and space in order to unplug from daily life and to tap into a deeper inner place was already of infinite value.
And thus, "Leap with Passion" was born: An end-of-the-year workshop allowing both time and space in order to be intentional about the year just lived and the new year about to begin.
I began designing the Leap with Passion workshop...
Click here for complete article. |
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Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Save The Date
LEAP With Passion into 2012!!!
December 3
December 11
Book Club for Actors'
December 4
Laser Acting Workshop
January 17
Book Club for Actors'
After the Nov/Dec meetings, the Book Club for Actors' will be on holiday hiatus. The next book club will be announced in January 2012.
Winter Session of Classes
2012 dates to be announced
Greetings! I find it quite appropriate to kick off the holiday season with the two Julia Child quotes I share at the bottom of this newsletter. We all delight in her epic masterpiece of a cookbook; however, none of us were there over the course of the 10 years (YOW!) she spent writing it!
Most of my students (and myself also!) know a little something about being "in the middle place." During this busy holiday season, I invite you to take some time out and celebrate the amazing masterpiece of your life right where it is in this very moment.
My 4th annual end-of-the-year workshop, Leap with Passion into 2012!!!, offers an unparalleled opportunity to see and appreciate all that you are...all that you have accomplished in 2011. This powerful perspective shift becomes a springboard for implementing 3 life-changing focuses that you design yourself to make 2012 absolutely luminous. It's wonderful to finish the masterpiece and then celebrate...but it's even better to celebrate along the way!
Wishing you & yours an outrageously fantastic holiday season!
Rhonda Rhonda S. Musak Acting Coach Art & Soul Acting |
What's Going on with Acting Class?
Fall acting class registration is now closed. Please stay tuned for 2012 class details.
Laser Acting Workshop: January 17
Monthly acting workshops...expand, explore, express!
Workshop Topic To Be Announced...Stay Tuned!
WHEN: Tuesday, January 17, 6:30-9:30
WHERE: Midtown studio location will be sent along with registration confirmation.
FEE: $35
It's Time to LEAP with Passion!!!
Now in its 4th year, the annual Leap with Passion Workshop is a sought after favorite of many of my students.
Please see article at left
about why I created the Leap
with Passion Workshop.
Leap with Passion into 2012!!!
WHEN: Saturday, December 3, 11-4
2 spots left!
Sunday, December 11, 11-4
WHERE: Midtown studio location...will be e-mailed with registration confirmation
FEE: $105
Do you get near the end of the year wishing to slow down and take stock of your life in order to make changes that stick for the New Year? And in a blur of the holiday rush, the next thing you know...it's February!
That's exactly why the Leap with Passion Workshop was created.
In this 5-hour workshop, participants will have the opportunity to:
- Turn the challenges of 2011 into fuel for 2012.
- Set goals for 2012 that really inspire.
- Discover who they need to be in order to create their greatest desires.
- Express and joyfully celebrate life.
Rhonda Musak expertly and lovingly guides people to find out what matters most in their lives and then provides the tools to make their dreams come true.
~ Lynn Lobban ~
Click for complete details & registration.
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?
Remaining reading time - 3 days!
On Monday, November 28 and on Sunday, December 4 we will be discussing the plays of Jean Giraudoux. The Book Club for Actors' is offered twice. Please choose either meeting.
WHEN: Monday, November 28, 7-9 p.m. OR
Sunday, December 4, 3-5 p.m.
WHERE: East Village Location... will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation
Please begin by reading The Madwoman of Chaillot. After that, feel free to read any play from the Jean Giraudoux Reading List found on the Art & Soul Acting website: Jean Giraudoux Reading List. For the most robust conversation, participants are asked to read at least 3-4 plays.
Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together. Looking forward to it!
Click for complete details & to RSVP.
PLEASE NOTE: After the Nov/Dec meetings, the Book Club for Actors' will be on holiday hiatus. The next book club will be announced in January 2012.
What's the Student News?
 If you've studied with me and have news to share, please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I will be happy to include it here!
Megan Bussiere
Performing the role of Judy
Midtown Arts Center, Fort Collins, CO
November 18-January 1
Bellisant Corcoran-Mathe
Congratulations on your recent performance of Dora in Death to the Book Club at Alfred University!
Jenna Kantor
Baruch in Concert