The Actor Producer: Part I
Several years ago I was checking out at the Act One Bookstore in Chicago. Always an easy upsell, the clerk asked if I wanted to read some really amazing plays-of course I did! I was then handed a small green and white volume of four plays by French playwright Jean Giraudoux. I said thank you, purchased my items and went on my merry way. Had I known how my life would be changed by that teeny tiny miniscule would-never-have-made-the-nighttime news transaction, I might've broken into a cosmic shuffle!
Click here for complete article.
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Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Save The Date
August 12-28, 2011
I love FringeNYC! This year we will be kicking off a new studio event "Art & Soul Acting Takes on FringeNYC." Join myself and fellow studio folk as we attend a variety of shows together during two glorious weeks of NYC theatre.
Details to come.
Fall Session of Acting Classes
September 2011
LEAP With Passion into 2012!!!
December 2011
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
A dream come true!
It has LONG been my vision to lead weeklong professional acting workshops for teens. I am beyond the moon to announce that my 1st Acting Intensive will begin on August 1st and will be held at Minooka Community High School outside of Chicago.
I am busily preparing and sooo looking forward to meeting and connecting with these passionate acting students as we delve into a wonderful exploration of acting technique which will culminate in a performance!
My favorite month of the year has begun: July! Sunshine, beaches and warm lazy days-here I come.
And while I absolutely love the idea of lazy summer days, the truth is that it seems more like Spring at Art & Soul Acting': the Book Club for Actors' just doubled in size, I am beginning my new Monthly Laser Acting Workshop series, and I am also prepping for my very first Summer Acting Intensive for Teens (to be held outside of Chicago)!
All of this blooming activity certainly hasn't happened overnight, but through endless amounts of visioning backed up by powerful action-and yes, more than a bit of support...and lots of prayers. So I ask, what are you holding as a future vision? And what might be even a few actions that you could easily and joyfully take toward your glorious vision during this month of summer fun? No time like the present for moving forward!
In sunny days and magical creation, Rhonda Rhonda S. Musak Acting Coach Art & Soul Acting |
What's Going on with Acting Class?
Oh so much! I have been working on creating some very exciting classes for Fall 2011, registration begins soon. Here, in short form, is what I've got cookin' (more details to come throughout July):
Acting for Actors: Technique I I'm absolutely mad for the acting technique that I teach! My students have found that it is like going from 0-60 in their acting work in a matter of seconds. This class is a perfect primer for stepping into the world of this most awesome and creative way to work as an actor.
Acting for Actors: Training & Expansion Essentially, my ongoing acting class combining powerful technique and individual class work slots.
For individual slots, students can choose to work on the following material:
- Scenes
- Monolouges
- Cold Readings
- Audition Prep
- Warm-Up Creation
- Solution Focused Breakdown
Acting for Non-Actors
Who doesn't love to act? But not everyone wishes to devote time to outside classroom study and rehearsals. This is the perfect class for anyone who would like to express and explore with no further commitment beyond class. Fun, too!
Class sizes are always kept small so that participants have time to be up on their feet working, making mistakes, learning from their mistakes and growing into ever more powerful actors.
Details & Registration to Come!
Monthly Laser Acting Workshop: July 2011
Hooray! Monthly acting workshops... expand, explore, express!!!
Sub-Personality: Letting Your Unconscious Lead the Way WHEN: Monday, July 25, 6:30-9:30 PM WHERE: Midtown studio location will be given post-registration. FEE: $35 One of the most amazing acting tools I have discovered is a little-known piece of work called Sub-Personality. The power of this mighty acting tool is found in the unconscious mind. The Sub-Personality Process allows actors to...
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?

Remaining reading time - 7 weeks!
I am beyond thrilled to announce that the Book Club for Actors' has expanded to two meeting for each playwright!
On Monday, August 22 and on Saturday, August 27 we will be discussing the comedies of Kaufman & Hart.
WHEN: Monday, August 22, 7-9 p.m. OR
Saturday, August 27, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
WHERE: East Village Location... will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation
Please begin by reading You Can't Take It With You. After that, feel free to read any other plays by Kaufman & Hart. A complete list can be found on the website: Kaufman & Hart Reading List.
Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together. Looking forward to it!
There's still time to RSVP!
What's the Student News?
 If you've studied with me and have news to share, please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I will be happy to include it here!
Congratulations to Shea on her recent performance in Gin Joint.
Congratulations to Ryan on his recent appearance on The Today Show.
Jenna Kantor
Heads up for August:
Jenna's self-produced cabaret
Details to come.
Also, congratulations to Jenna! She was recently cast in Hairspray...details to come.
Chuck Marti
Heads up for August:
The Choice
Performing the role of a priest with "issues"
Theater For The New City's Dream Up Festival
155 First Avenue - btw 9th & 10th Streets
August 15-29
Ticket details to come.
Jimmy Pravasilis
Henry V
Performing the role of Henry V
Hudson Shakespeare Company
July 16-August 6
Click here for details.
Steve Sharkey
Congratulations to Steve! He will be joining an inspired group of actors in residency at Au Brana near the medieval town of Lectoure, France.