To Teach Is The Answer
At least for me it is. I just finished reading both The Green Room Blog's post, "To Teach Or Not To Teach" and The Callboard's response "Are acting teachers sellouts?". How could I, as an acting teacher, not jump in?
Unequivocally, choosing the path of teaching has been one of the very best things that I've ever done in my life. And, more to the core, I truly believe that teaching actually chose me. This choice-or calling-is not merely a revamping of my survival job, rather it is a passionate expression of an art form that I care about deeply coupled with the need to serve in a way that is inherently different from acting.
Click here for complete article.
Quick Links...
Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Coach World TV Appearance
Monday, May 2
8pm ET
On the right-hand side of the page, please click, "Watch MNN2 Live."
I invite you to join me on Coach World TV as I discuss how I blend solution focus life coaching into my acting training at Art & Soul Acting.
What joy it is to open up the windows and breathe in the blossoming beauty of this moment NOW.
A core principle in the acting training at Art & Soul Acting is presence: we start class off becoming present with whatever is true for us in the moment, we explore how presence creates a moment-by-moment exploration in acting, and we complete strongly by acknowledging what remains present with us by the end of the session.
Of what value would it be to your acting to become even more present to the glorious beauty of spring that is blooming all around? How might an hour-long sensory exploration of your neighborhood garden deepen your journey as an actor?
I wish you many delights in discovering the answers for yourself!
In joy and deep appreciation, Rhonda Rhonda S. Musak Acting Coach Art & Soul Acting |
What's Going on with Acting Class?
Class began on April 29 and if you'd still like to join there is room! (9 sessions remaining; $495 for the remaining sessions)
Acting for Actors: Training & Expansion
WHEN: Fridays, 12noon-4pm
DATES: April 29-July 1 (a total of 10 Sessions)
WHERE: NYC Midtown Studio
Acting is a tactile skill that demands active participation and practice in order to achieve learning and mastery. The format of this class is designed for optimum student participation. Including a group warm up, each session brings together a series of powerful core acting exercises along with individual work slots. Students will ultimately choose the material they will work on, but they are also given guidance to ensure that their material suits where they are individually in the learning and growth process.
For their individual slots, students will have the opportunity to work on the following material:
- Scenes
- Monolouges
- Cold Readings
- Audition Prep
- Warm-Up Creation
- Solution Focused Breakdown
Class size is kept small so that participants have time to be up on their feet working, making mistakes, learning from their mistakes and growing into ever more powerful actors.
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?

Remaining reading time - 2 weeks!
On Monday, May 16th, we will be discussing the sumptuous and expansive plays of Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Eugene O'Neill.
WHEN: Monday, May 16, 7-9 p.m.
WHERE: East Village Location... will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation
Please begin by reading Long Day's Journey Into Night. Because Eugene O'Neill was so prolific, we are narrowing the list and focusing on his major works. A listing of the plays we will be focusing on can be found on the website: Eugene O'Neill Play Reading List.
Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together. Looking forward to it!
There's still time to RSVP!
What's the Student News?
 If you've studied with me and have news to share please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I will be happy to include it here!
Kemo Coleman
Congratulations on signing with American Talent Management!
Jenna Kantor
Into The Woods
May 14-28
Parkside Players
Chuck Marti
Congratulations on shooting the TV series "B-Sharp!" Stay tuned for forthcoming airing date details.