Centex Technology
Centex Technologies Newsletter

November, 2011 

Centex Technology


Thank you for taking the time to participate in our monthly newsletter. This month we will discuss Google Plus One, inform you of the benefits of blogging for businesses, and talk to you about email marketing. We will also discuss online affilate marketing. You may visit our website at www.centextech.com or give us a call at 254-213-4740 if you have any questions.
Google Plus One - What Is It All About?
 Google Plus One                                      

Google Plus is fast gaining popularity and stealing the limelight enjoyed by Facebook in the area of social networking. More and more people are moving on to Google Plus in order to manage and control their online presence and keeping in touch with existing friends as well as building new contacts. Google Plus has launched a plus one button that sets it apart from other social networking websites and allows users to control what they wish to show to group of people.


Benefits of Blogging for Businesses

Benefits of BloggingBlogging generally consists of making written entries on different topics on a regular basis and making them available for reading to everyone or a selected group of people on the internet. It is a kind of self publishing as it does not require any substantial investment. The popularity of your blog determines how many people are going to be reading it on a regular basis. Many business houses are fast waking up to the immense benefits of blogging for their increasing their business. The fact that it is economic and quite a cheap method of promotion have led several companies to incorporate it into their advertising strategyread more...

Email Marketing - Reach Out To Masses
Email Marketing 

Incorporating email marketing into your promotional strategy is quite a simple and cost effective way of initiating or maintaining contact with your customers. It also helps offer great rewards to your organization in terms of increased sales and profits that go a long way towards making your business a success. Newsletters and product brochures can be transmitted using email marketing so that potential customers become aware of new product lines. If you conduct your email marketing process effectively, it can lead to a lot of word of mouth publicity as well apart from helping you get in touch with your existing clients.  read more...


We are located at 501 N. 4th Street (Corner of 4th & Ave B) in Killeen, TX. and 13455 Noel Road Suite 100 (Two Galleria Tower) in Dallas, TX. If you have any questions or would like a free consultation on your IT needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Abdul Subhani
Managing Partner
In This Issue:
Google Plus One - What Is It All About?
Benefits of Blogging for Businesses
Email Marketing - Reach Out To Masses
Online Affiliate Marketing - Expand Your Marketing Base
Online Affiliate Marketing - Expand Your Marketing Base

Online affiliate marketing is a promotional or advertizement strategy that is used by many companies these days in order to publicize their products or services almost free of cost. The one distinctive feature about affiliate marketing is that the customers or business associates (called Affiliates) are used as promotional elements to spread word about the business among visitors of their websites and online portals. Thus no employees or separate advertizing departments are used in this strategy for expanding the market base. The affiliates on the other hand get certain rewards in return for their effort. These may be in the form of discounts on future purchases, accumulated rewards points that can be redeemed later or even hard cash. This acts as a constant motivating factor for them to keep working on getting in more and more customers for the company. 


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