Embracing Life Journal
November/December 2011 
Merry  Christmas and Happy New Year!

 After viewing the greeting, return here to the Journal for articles covering the latest news from Embracing Life Ministries. Various members of the ELM team will be contributing each month.

Check it out.  

Jonathan Neil & Debbie 12 2011
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The Second Advent       Jonathan Head Shot

By Jonathan Hunter  


More than in years past, I am focused this December on the significance of the second Advent that we are living in and through. We believers are anticipating the Lord's Second Coming when He will arrive not in a humble, hidden way as at His birth...but in glory and power, in the skies. A moment when every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord! Until that day we will continue to honor and celebrate His earthly appearance, yes. But for His children, living in this privileged time, preparation for meeting the King will not be with an offering of gold, frankincense or myrrh but with prayer, supplication and repentant hearts. On that world-shaking day when all are made utterly humble, as He once became for us, His appearance, tucked away no more in an obscure manger, His manifest Glory will be beheld throughout the cosmos.

My prayer is that all of you receiving this EL Journal will taste the fruits of your perseverance this coming year and that next December will testify to a great advancement of His Kingdom as never before in our lives!

All of us serving with Embracing Life Ministries wish you a Blessed Christmas and Prosperous New Year 





We Appreciate You!
 Neil and I wanted to give special acknowledgment to all of you that have served and given to the ministry this year:

 the team at Vineyard Anaheim,  those who have recently joined us on the team for the events at HRock this year; the one time givers, our long-time and new monthly pledgers; and the staffs that serve us and the pastors that oversee us at Vineyard Anaheim and HRock:  Thank You All! 

Gary Greeno 2008
Gary Greeno

I Am Not a Victim

by Gary G. Greeno


Speaker: My name is Gary.

Group response: Hi Gary.

Speaker: I Have Parkinson's Disease


 The line that separates living as a victim of circumstances and accepting what has happened while living life to the fullest extent possible is often a faint and hard to distinguish line in the sand of the road we call life.  Sometimes it is a bold, double thick white line on black asphalt.  But, sometimes it is a blur, a smudge, a squiggle.  Not a line at all. 


Wise people who have already traveled this road have taught us that although we have no control over what happens to us, we have total control over how we respond.  To those of us who are responding to life-defining conditions I have this encouragement  "Let us respond with victory.  Not as victims."


(Disclaimer:  I am not a goal setting individual.   My attitude towards New Year's Resolutions has, for as long as I can remember been, "Don't set any. Don't fail at any.")


Keeping that in mind, here are some labels I have recently discovered on my personal target.


I WILL NOT...let Parkinson's dominate my conversation.  I determine to find something else to talk about in addition to my physical condition.  

I WILL NOT... let Parkinson's be my default interpretation of what someone means when they say, "How are you?" 

I WILL NOT...deny my physical disabilities, but

I WILL...strive to live so that my friends and acquaintances have things other than Parkinson's to think of when they think of me.

I WILL...practice responding with a polite "Thank you" when someone attempts to be kind to me in word or deed.


We hope you will consider sharing this email with friends and loved ones whom you think would benefit from the ministry of Embracing Life. This is a good way to introduce the material and we would appreciate your passing it along. Thanks!


Jonathan Hunter

Embracing Life Ministries


Embracing Life Series
Vineyard Anaheim
 Jan 19-April 12
 Room 265
 Call Debbie at 714-777-4777, Ext 3014 with questions or rsvp



 Something To Say


Bekah Moon 12 2011
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Bekah Moon

EL Worship Leader 

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