front signBayonne Place
Property Owners Association, Inc.

PO Box 242414

Little Rock, AR  72223
November 2011
In This Issue
Technology Connection
Winter Coat Drive
Free Trees from Entergy
Christmas Decorations Coming
Board Members
Dear Neighbors,
Greetings from your 2011 Bayonne Place POA Board.

The leaves are changing and the petunias are getting ready to be planted.  What a great time of the year!

Your board is busy, as usual.  Currently, we are waiting for two proposals to add security cameras to our front entrance.  In the past year, technology has gotten substantially better and depending on costs and logistics, we believe it is a great time to add cameras to our entrance.  This may be a slow process, so we will keep you all posted on any progress that is made.

Also, the Bayonne Place POA Resident Directory is on its way to the printers.  If you would like any of your information withheld or changed, please contact Missy Bridges, 367-8289,
by Monday, November 7th.

Your comments are extremely helpful.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 

Technology Connection
Facebook: Click to connect to Bayonne Place Neighborhood POA




Archived Newsletters and Emails:   Click for Archives
Coat and Winter Clothing Drive for The One, Inc.
Fellow Chenal POA Members,

My name is Sharon Bennett-Goodson and I live in DuQuesne Place. I'm writing you today to ask for support for a local charity, The One, Inc. (  The One, Inc. exists to identify and meet needs of our homeless and/or impoverished neighbors that are not currently being met. Their mission is to fill the gaps that prevent those in need from gaining independent lives once again.  Aaron Reddin is passionately involved in aiding the homeless and providing the support they need, while allowing our homeless neighbors to maintain their dignity - something we can all understand. I have been working with his organization for the past several months in helping get those needs met.

As you know, cold weather approaches us.  There are many without the proper clothing to protect them from the elements.  This is where we can help. The One, Inc is currently holding a drive for winter coats and clothing.  I will gladly collect any coats or clothing items at 203 DuQuesne Circle and take them to the donation drop for this organization.  I can also provide those individuals dropping off  items with a tax receipt for their charitable donation. Personally, I greatly enjoy The One, Inc. 's message: "No rules. No apologies. Just help."  Thank you in advance for any help that you can provide! 

Sharon Bennett-Goodson

Energy Saving Trees

We want to make sure that you were aware that you can reserve one free 2' to 4' tree from Entergy.  This is a great opportunity to add trees to our neighborhood.   


Currently trees are going fast they have about 9,000 of the 10,000 free trees left for Entergy customers.   The trees are 100% free, no strings attached as long as Entergy customers plant them in an energy-saving location.  The trees are courtesy of Entergy using their Energy-Saving Trees program.  Any resident that is an Entergy customer can reserve a 2' to 4' Free Tree while supplies last.  


They have 10 different trees to choose from including Red Maple, Crapemyrtle, Baldcypress, American Sweetgum, and Redbud.  For a person to claim a tree they need to do as follows:Go Online to (please watch the Online Tutorial on the website for a good overview of how the tool works)Plant Tree In Energy-Saving Location and Take Care of It.


Christmas Decorations Coming Soon

 We are excited that two wonderful Bayonne residents (Mary Jane Riggan and Ginger Fleming) have stepped forward to plan and coordinate the installation of our 2011 front entrance holiday decorations.


We believe that they have a unique design in mind and that the neighborhood is going to look fabulous.  Thank you, ladies!  


2011 Board Members
Frank Pohlkamp, President         60 Iviers          690-1686             Community Affairs
Kristi Diaz, Vice President           24 Equennes   868-1398                 Community Standards
Michael Johnson, Vice President  4 Iviers           658-5282              Landscape, Lighting
Lynn Reynolds, Treasurer            24 Durance     868-4983      Debits and Credits
Missy Bridges, Secretary             50 Iviers          367-8289             Correspondence

We are blessed to live in a beautiful community with wonderful neighbors.  Please feel free to contact any of your board members with your suggestions and concerns. 


Your Bayonne Place Property Owners Association Board