This month's featureROTARY:


#110 July 15 2011 

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PDG Eddie Blender

PDG Eddie Blender, publisher of "Our Foundation Newsletter" and founding member of RGHF

This year, I've spent a lot of time at the "podium" telling stories about Rotary. My main focus - "The Rotary Road to World Peace" and "Rotary's Quest - the Eradication of Polio."


Many folks do not know much about our incredible and historical involvement in the Polio eradication campaign.  The eradication of Polio is Rotary's corporate quest, its benchmark.  When folks think they know something about Rotary, most often the standard that they use to measure us - is our battle against Polio.


Dr. Robert (Bob) Scott, Chair of the International PolioPlus Committee writes the lead article in this month's Our Foundation.  His story is called: "Can Polio be Eradicated? Some Considerations!"


This is the first time in the ten year history of the Our Foundation Newsletter that an issue has been entirely devoted to one topic - Polio.


Rotary's Polio Eradication Campaign is a proud and powerful story.  The quest is reaching its most difficult and final days. We are almost there! Polio is more geographically focused than ever before, and the political commitment in the polio-endemic countries to eradicate Polio is stronger than ever.

You also can tell the story!  Utilize this informative newsletter. Please share Rotary'sPolio Eradication story with your friends, in your club, your district andzone.  Please pass this newsletter forward! 

Eddie Blender,

Publisher - Our Foundation

Peace is
We are (this-close) to
Eradicating Polio



July 15, 2011