Making Sure Your Clients are Protected: 

"Personal Insurance" - An Overlooked Financial Product

Mike Gardner / BNC Insurance and Ellen Kroesen / ACE Private Risk
The Expected Family Contribution: 
What is it and How does it Effect the Cost of College
Stephanie Mauro, CCPS / College Planning 101
This program has been submitted to CFP Board for two (2) CFP CEUs.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Antonees, White Plains, NY
We hope you can join us!
Click here for complete program and registration details!
Click here to visit our website where online registration and credit card payment options will be available shortly.
An Important Reminder 
About Financial Education Day: 
Have you invited your friends, family, clients and colleagues?

Have you reached

out to your community centers, 

area non-profits, churches or synagogues?

Have you forwarded our last email about the event to
everyone you know who might benefit from attending?

If not, don't wait! Do it today!

Financial Education Day 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Westchester Community College (Gateway Center)

18 Top Quality Speakers 

(including Jean Chatzky of NBC's Today Show)

One-on-One Consultations 


Please share these informational links:

 Click here for the event flyer

Click here for the program brochure

Click here to visit the college website

Click here to view a video overview of the event

The FPA Of The Greater Hudson Valley To Host 

A New Member Breakfast   

The membership committee will be hosting a New Member Breakfast on Thursday, April 5.  This is a special event for new and prospective FPA-GHV members. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the benefits of membership, upcoming events, and how to get involved, as well as to meet FPA-GHV Board Members and network with your peers who have recently joined us.  There is no charge for attending the breakfast.

 Date and Time:  

Thursday, April 5, from 7:30 am - 9:00 am.
Antonees (Elk's Club)

115 North Broadway
White Plains, NY

E-mail invitations to new members and guests will be going out shortly. 

A Special Invitation from our FPA CT Neighbors

FPA GHV members are cordially invited to attend the 28th Annual FPA CT State Conference on Wednesday, April 25, at their FPA member rates! Held at the AquaTurf in Plantsville, CT (near Southington), the conference is an all-day event offering multiple tracks and up to 7 CFP CEs and 4 CT Insurance CEs. Kick-off keynote speaker is Michael Kay, CFP�, who spoke at the FPA National Conference in 2011 to rave reviews. At lunch attendees will hear about the Outlook for the Financial Markets from Bob Froehlich, Chief Investment Strategist for Wealth Management at the Hartford. The event wraps with The Honorable David Walker, Founder, President and CEO of The Comeback America Initiative and former Comptroller General of the US, with What You Should Know About Upcoming Fiscal and Other Government Reforms.EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS THURSDAY, MARCH 15. Click here for details.


Save the Date!

Our Next Allied Professional Networking Breakfast is set for Thursday, May 31st!


Our next Allied Professional Networking breakfast is set for Thursday, May 31 at the Doral Arrowwood (by popular demand.)  


As we mentioned in our last E-News, our first such event on January 17th that we co-sponsored with the WCNYSSCPA and Westchester County Bar Association was a huge success, so remember, seats are limited and you don't want to wait to register as soon as you receive the "official" announcement in your inbox soon. 


To read 1/17 event testimonials, click here.

A Government Relations UpdateCapitol Building

The 2nd Annual FPA Council of NY Legislative Day has been set for May 14th-15th, 2012. The primary goal is to introduce and explain the financial planning profession and to offer to be a resource on issues of importance to FPA members in the future. We expect to send several board members to represent our chapter this year. Our thanks to our Government Relations Director Laura Medigovich for providing this update and staying on top of legislative developments that may impact our profession.

FPA GHV Events Schedule - Mark Your Calendars Today!

Saturday, March 10 - WCC Financial Education Day

Tuesday, March 13 - FPA GHV Dinner Program

Thursday, April 5 - FPA GHV New Member Reception

Tuesday, April 10 - FPA GHV Dinner Program

Tuesday, May 8 - FPA GHV Dinner Program

Thursday, May 31 - Allied Professional Breakfast

June Ethics Program (date/time/location TBA) 


Our FPA GHV Chapter is now on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook and we encourage you to join and contribute

to our community today!

 Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn  Like us on Facebook

   Our Latest Stats:

Twitter - 80 tweets; following 131; 31 followers

Linked In - 80 members

Facebook - 6 likes




Retweet & Share! 

Our members of the group, followers, "likes" need to take the information they receive and pass it along. Otherwise, it's like getting a great piece of information to help your clients but you just slip it into your pocket never to be shared or seen again.


*Facebook is the place few professionals want to go, but it's a great place to find most of your clients. The best part is that you don't necessarily have to create a Facebook account, but if you want to be able to reach your clients with this information, you need to extol the virtues of FPA GHV, how it helps them help their clients, and where to find us. As our Resident Social Media Expert Denise Konkol says, "I often counter people who say "I'm never on Twitter or Facebook - I think it's silly," with "It's not about you - it's about where your customers and clients are." Just consider these stats: Facebook will likely eclipse 1 billion users in the next 2 years and Twitter has a "paltry" 50 million heavy users of the site.


While most of you are probably comfortable on LinkedIn, for information or events that you may wish to share with clients and the greater public, it really is a B-to-B platform.


Jennifer Jalil Feliciano - (914) 462-8978


Mike Gardner - (914) 967-1230
Security Benefit
Marcello Cosentino - (973) 722-0644
Stephen Luongo - (212) 909-8615
Aqua Rock
Jeffrey Salgo - (917) 414-7399


Group M Logo


Public Relations & Integrated Marketing - (845) 535-3453 x207



Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Logo

John Frohling - 800.342.7462 Ext. 64783


Contact Information

Lori L. Somerville, FPA GHV Chapter Executive

Phone:  877-817-8400  Email:  lori@fpaghv.org