BodyTalk Unlimited Newsletter          
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Editorial and questions for Ask Dr. Ka'imi:                                                                                                           
May 2010
In This Newsletter

Upcoming Seminars with Dr Pilipovich

Module 4(7) -Columbus OHIO

Module 4(7) - Sapporo JAPAN

Advanced Modules Integration - Columbus OHIO

Chinese Medicine for BodyTalkers - Irving TEXAS

Sessions with
Dr. Pilipovich

Would you like to book a distance session or an in person session at Ka'imi's Boulder clinic? Email us here


BodyTalk Unlimited
2525 Arapahoe Avenue, E4-406, Boulder, Colorado, 80302, USA
+1 866 883 6438

This month's newsletter recognizes that being in practice is as much an art as it a science. M
astering technique and learning the protocol helps you get results - but results are only part of the story.

The art of practice is about making clients feel seen and heard. And the challenge for practitioners lies in doing more than simply following the protocol. You have to find a way to make the client feel like your session is addressing their needs. This is where the information in the advanced modules comes in. There is a wealth of bodymind awareness insights in those modules, but learning to integrate it and relate it to your client takes practice. This is what the Advanced Modules Integration (AMI) course is about - putting it all together.

One thing that I cover in the AMI course is how planetary archetypal balancings can address musculo-skeletal problems. I have given an example of this in the article 'Thinking or Feeling?' below. This article gives an archetypal perspective on neck pain and offers some practical advice on dealing with it.

Thinking or Feeling?

Neck tension is a very common complaint. My results with this area really improved when I realized that a tension between Mercury and Venus is a common underlying cause of these complaints. Mercury rules the cervical spine, which makes perfect sense when we remember that Mercury provides intellectual curiosity - it makes us look around for interesting things. The cervical spine physically allows to look around, so this is a natural affinity between the neck and Mercury. Venus rules the thoracic spine, and the thoracic area is where we feel all of our emotions. Venus represents feminine energy and hence being in touch with our feelings.
Mercury and Venus need to work together in order for the junction between C7 and T1 to be open and mobile. If there is tension in someone's natal chart between these two planets, they will tend towards a lot of tension at the base of the neck. The person will be aware of neck and shoulder stiffness, and since this is where the brachial plexus is, nerves to the arms are affected and the person may develop carpal tunnel syndrome. So it is good to know that balancing these two planets can bring relief to neck shoulder and wrist pain.
On a psychological level, this imbalance represents some imbalance between thinking and feeling. Both should work together - intellect divorced from feelings can rationalize any behavior. Feelings that are not interpreted don't really serve to guide our learning and evolution. Imbalances can occur in many ways: one person may intellectualize their emotions rather than actually feeling them. Another may have feelings that are so strong that they can't think clearly - they are simply lost in their emotions without learning from them.
Two ways that this knowledge comes up for me is to have both a physiology definition and a consciousness definition come up on a balancing between Mercury and Venus. There could be other consciousness definitions possible so you may need to play with the keywords for these two planets to come up with one that fits the client's situation. I also have this Mars/Venus relastionship come up when searching for a label for a secondary matrix at the joint between C7 and T1, which for me is a common location for matrices. When you clear this imbalance at that joint, the person experiences relief from neck tension, and is more able to integrate their thinking mind and feeling mind, so that both play a balanced role in looking at their issues.

Miracle of the Month


This month's miracle comes from my own case files and highlights the power of healing when the client is ready to 'shift'.
The client is a 75 year old woman who has been suffering from macular degeneration for over ten years. This condition involves degradation of the blood vessels in the retina leading to blurred vision and eventually blindness, and is not considered curable - it just gets progressively worse. She received occasional BodyTalk sessions over this time, and although it didn't reverse her condition, it did slow down the progression of the disease and she was able to keep driving much longer than her retina specialist had predicted. She had to stop driving in 2008, limiting her ability to live a normal life.

She then had three BodyTalk sessions, one month apart. Many links either to the eyes or involving definitions about eye health and vision came up in each session. A few months later, she told me that her retina specialist had certified that she could resume driving as her vision had improved to be within legal limits for driving and her improvement had been stable over several visits. Normally, macular degeneration just gets worse, so this was an exceptional finding. She had received some medical treatment for one eye, and her physician expressed genuine surprise at how much the eye had improved, assuming his treatment was the source of improvement - until my client reminded him that he hadn't treated the other eye which had improved as well!
I'm always curious as to why a condition improves when it does as I believe there is often a change in life circumstances that makes the person more ready to shift. One note is that several sessions happened close together, which allows them to synergize. If there is too long between treatments, sometimes the positive changes from a session are not fully integrated into the bodymind, and the results "wear off" because of lack of an appropriate follow-up appointment. In this case, it turns out that the woman's family situation had recently changed. Her husband had died some years ago, and both of her sons lived in other states. Many of her friends were of failing health - several friends or acquaintances were dying every month. Around this time one of her sons moved back to her state, and she felt like she had hope for the future again. I believe this is part of both why she had more sessions and why the sessions were able to target her vision more effectively - she had something to look forward to. She celebrated by buying a car and is driving further now than she has in many years - her world has really opened up.

The Art of Practice Class


There was great anticipation when the Advanced Modules Integration course was introduced by the IBA in 2007. Unfortunately there are misconceptions about AMI and it has not been well attended across the board. This course is actually is a professional development course, and arguably the most valuable course to promote growth in your practice. While AMI is a requirement to sit the exams, this IS NOT a review course for the exams. Too many people are missing out on this great material because of this misunderstanding.

AMI pulls together the extensive teachings of Modules 3 - 9 . All other courses are so full of specific information that there is limited opportunity to integrate this vast knowledge into practical understanding you can apply in your practice. It is a chance for you to get insight into how an Advanced Senior Instructor uses BodyTalk in clinical practice, to ask questions, to share ideas with other BodyTalkers in a supportive, focused environment.

This course will deepen your comprehension of the BodyTalk System and transform your practice. Sitting the advanced exams is optional.

If you are interested in sitting the exams - RELAX! You do not have to sit them the day after. Ka'imi prefers that you go home and let the material to filter into your practice, allowing you to integrate it in your own way. At a later stage you can schedule an exam date and start studying toward that. And you don't have to take both exams at once. Focus on one at a time (3 & 6 or 4/7 & 9).

When you are ready to sit, find someone willing to proctor the exam, we mail the exam papers, you sit the exam and mail them back. Ka'imi will mark the exam and arrange a phone meeting to discuss the paper, using this as another opportunity for continual learning.

The more professional we are in how we approach and are perceived in our practice, the stronger the BodyTalk matrix will continue to grow. Don't miss the opportunity to be the best health care professional you can be.

"I had high expectations for this course and they were exceeded. Ka'imi really tied it all together and deepened my understanding of all the advanced module concepts....I now feel I can explain all my formulas in a metaphysical way to simplify things for myself and my client." - Pat Sullivan WA

"The Advanced Module integration course taught by Sr. BT instructor Ka'imi P not only brought together all the advanced modules but brought deeper insight to the application of the modules to the basics, which is the foundation. I learned so much, even though I have monitored Mod's 3-9 several times. Ka'imi knocked it out of the ball park and showed me how much further I can take it!" - Ann Williams TX

".... I think it is what a lot of BodyTalkers have been waiting for - it rounds up all the training and clinic practice beautifully. It really is the (he)art of BodyTalk."- Rosilyn Kinnersley Melbourne Aus

Ask Dr. Ka'imi
Adv Sr. CBI, VP for Academic Development at the IBA

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How do I explain natural/pathological consciousness to
my clients?

Maria Eduarda Arongaus from Canada emailed this question to clarify how to present these concepts to clients.
First, we have to understand what these terms mean. The terms themselves are a bit confusing, but I retained them for historical continuity when I rewrote the Module 3 manual. I'll start by defining what these terms mean.

Every organ, endocrine or body part has many roles in the body, both physiologically and psychologically. The functional intelligence that each body part needs to perform physically indicates what roles it plays in the mind. This allows us to  draw connections between the body and the mind. For example, physiologically the liver helps to manage our future metabolic needs and manufactures the right chemicals to meet our planned activities. From a consciousness perspective weak liver function leads to lessened ability to make plans in life. This correlation between the physical liver function and planning ability has been observed for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. The liver has many roles in the body, and so it  has many consciousness issues related to it.

Balancing the natural consciousness of a body part refers to balancing all of the related consciousness issues. Rather than highlighting one consciousness issue you are simply balancing all of them at once.

Balancing pathological consciousness simply means that you are picking one consciousness issue that has become imbalanced or pathological. For example the hips are supposed to provide strength, but they are also supposed to remain flexible. If the hips work so hard at being strong that they become rigid and inflexible, the consciousness of strength in the hips has become pathological.

So what to say? Quoting the whole discussion above is just too theoretical an explanation for a client. Just keep it simple:

If you are balancing natural consciousness just say that you are balancing natural function of that body part on all levels. Or you could mention that the body part in question has several jobs or roles and that this link is to help address and balance all of them.

If you are balancing pathological consciousness just say that you are balancing the function of that body part around the particular issue that has come up. I wouldn't mention pathological consciousness because it is too easily misconstrued.

It's all in your mind
Christina Stinchcomb from Colorado was interested in more information on reported cases of multiple personality disorders where each distinct personality had specific diseases not present in the others.
One source of information is in Michael Talbot's 'The Holographic Universe' You can also find reports of this phenomenon in 'Multiple Personality Disorder from the Inside  Out' edited by Barry Cohen, and in a number of studies funded by the US National Institute of Health (search

The cases are truly fascinating - one personality is actually insulin dependent, one is not. One personality gets a violent rash when drinking orange juice, but the rash goes away when the personality shifts, even if the person drinks more juice. And so on.

What is really interesting about this work is that it clearly demonstrates how many diseases we think of as being hard-wired in the body really are in the mind. The body does what the brain tells it to do, and the brain does what the mind tells it to do.  Our challenge then is to get better and better at being able to address deeply held belief systems, so they can no longer distort the mind, the nervous system and the body. 
Be Recognized as a
Health Care Professional
Advanced Modules Integration

Columbus OHIO, 23rd - 26th July 2010
Early Bird Discount Expires 25th June 

Take your practice to the next level! Take the opportunity to see how a successful practitioner and Advanced Senior BodyTalk Instructor approaches clinical practice.

Along with many other great insights to support your professional development, Ka'imi will detail the intake process, and how to manage intakes and follow ups with clients. "It's irresponsible to not do an intake!" This will help you refine your intake procedures so that you can understand the theme of each session.

This course will help you -
  • Integrate your knowledge to apply in professional practice
  • Gain confidence in your knowledge and practical use of The BodyTalk System 
Included in this course!
  • Extensive demonstrations, question and practice time with an Advanced SI
  • Extensions to advanced procedure including introduction of new concepts
"Ka'imi, you're a masterful teacher and I've learned so much in all the courses and training I've done with you. But seeing how you actually do sessions when in practice and with clients is the most valuable thing I've ever learned from you.Thank you for being and inspiration and a role model."
- Karen Atkins. Adv CBI

For more information and to register click here

Pre-requisites for this course are IBA membership and Modules 3, 6, 4(7) & 9
What is a Miracle?

There are two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as if everything is a miracle.

                                                       - Albert Einstein

BodyTalk Unlimited provides transformational seminars and other educational material in the fields of personal development, mind/body/energy medicine, and 21st century healthcare for its global customers and their clients.i symbol logo

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