August 2012
David Ashkenaz,
Independent PrintSmith Consultant
Dear PrintSmith Users and Friends,
News on PrintSmith Vision has been released and it's looks very promising. I saw a preview of it last October and benefits may be worth the time and money to upgrade. The launch date in September for the "basic" version and later this year for the version that has Tracker and Scheduler. More information will be forth coming once it is released and I have a chance to "test" it out.
Please note, I will continue to support all versions of PrintSmith on all platforms. No matter how new or how old your version is, you can always rely on me for continued support and service.
David Ashkenaz

New Product Introduced

More information on NeatDesk Scanners


I am happy to announce that I am now a distributor for NeatDesk scanners. If you are unfamiliar with this product, please go to my website( and see what it can do. I am impressed that you can scan a vendors invoice and it goes directly into QuickBooks (and other programs!).


NeatDesk will scan business cards for easy retrieval and also will put the business card information into an Excel spread sheet. Great way to get a mailing list or email list from all the business cards you have around!


NeatDesk will also scan receipts (credit card and cash receipts) to form an expense report. It scans the receipts and adds them all up and even categorizes them on the basic expense report format, lodging, car rental, airlines, etc. It also makes a "neat" copy of the receipts for filing away.


NeatDesk scanners are a MUST for every business.






My Upcoming Trips
Many users want to save some money when they schedule a visit with me. My fees haven't gone up in over 3 years and are less expensive than other consultants you may hire. However, I am happy to combine trips and save users some of the expenses that go into a trip. As such, I am going to be in the following areas during August and September. Please call or email me for more details and exact fees for my services.
Once I quote a fee, I never raise it. Sometimes airfares go up or hotel rates rise, however, once I quote a fee, I will never raise it.
Also note, you pay for a full day of support. My hours are traditionally 8-5.
Cities on my agenda for August and September include:
Boston, NYC and area, Washington, DC, Southern and Northern California and Maui.
I look forward to visiting with you so that you can also have your PrintSmith run efficiently and properly!
Remember, I have 15 years of PrintSmith experience and over 35 years of printing experience, with lots of references! Know who you hire before you hire!
Are you backing up PrintSmith and
are you restoring it?
Well it happened again! This time a user in Michigan lost his PrintSmith data. Although he was backing up PrintSmith on a regular basis, he failed to restore PrintSmith as I strongly suggested in this newsletter before.
Jim failed to take his backup copy of PrintSmith and restore it to see if it would work. As such, it didn't work and he lost approximately 2 years worth of data.
1) Back up PrintSmith
2) Restore PrintSmith at least once a quarter to verify the data is backing up correctly.
This is another topic I discuss at all training sessions!
PUSH Support Expands
Thanks to everyone who signed up for my PUSH - PrintSmith Users Support Hotline. It is growing and adding PrintSmith users each and every week! The rates are $550.00 per year or $300.00 per 6 months. For this you get 24/7 support and this includes nights, weekends, and holidays!
Try it, you will be surprised on the level of support I do give!
As many of you know, I sell the bar code scanners that work with PrintSmith. They are guaranteed for one year (unless of course you drop them or break them).
Please be aware, not all bar code scanners work with PrintSmith and not all of them can be programmed to work with PrintSmith. Although you may find similar one on the web, please note that I only support the ones I sell.
They are priced at a discount as I sincerely believe ALL PrintSmith users should be using them. They save time when tracking jobs and if you use Tracker, they are a must!
Please call or email me on pricing.
David Ashkenaz
Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor
 Independent PrintSmith Consultant