Welcome to David Ashkenaz
Independent PrintSmith Consultant Newsletter
Dear Friends and PrintSmith Users,
Todays topic is PrintSmith Vision. Please read what I know about this new product that is coming!
Also discuessed below is my PUSH support package and PrintSmith's yearly maintenance program.
As always, please continue with your emails and comments on future topics, I really appreciate hearing from everyone!
The current version of PrintSmith is 8.1.15, upgrade today!
Best Regards,
David Ashkenaz
Independent PrintSmith Consultant
If you haven't heard yet, PrintSmith's next version will be PrintSmith Vision.
Having seen an advanced copy of it at GraphExpo in October, it will be a browser based program, which means, no more dongles and to activate PrintSmith, you would launch your browser. The benefits are many, any workstation can do price changes, can do daily/monthly closeouts and it will operate on any operating system, both Windows and Apple!
From what I have also heard, only the bare minimum of PrintSmith (no tracker/scheduler/Report Writer) will be launched when it is ready for the public use. This may hinder some users from starting PrintSmith Vision when it is released.
Release date should be sometime in 2012.
I for one am looking forward to this improvement in PrintSmith.
PUSH Support vs. PrintSmith Support
I have had many inquires on which is better to spend money on, my PUSH (PrintSmith Users Support Hotline) or on PrintSmith support by EFI.
This is a decision each user has to make. I have many users on PUSH support AND on PrintSmith Support. I also have many users that are only on PUSH. Although I won't sway users one way or another, keep in mind that the benefits of PUSH are virtually 24/7 support, yes, I DO answer and respond to calls 7 days a week! You also get a dedicated phone number that is answered by me!
Remember, although I give high quality support, I can not give you upgrades on the software, you would need PrintSmith support, however, I do support any and all versions of PrintSmith
Please read below about PUSH and the special offer available. |
I had some users purchase bar code readers from another source. They informed me that they looked just like the ones I sell. However, they don't work with PrintSmith!
There are hundreds of different bar code readers on the market, some look exactly like the ones I sell, however, they won't work on PrintSmith as the ones I use have to be programmed to work. Although I make a small profit on the readers I personally:
- Program them to work with PrintSmith
- I test and re-test them
- They come with a full 12 month warranty
Sometimes, I do get bad readers, but if you ever do from one that I sold you, I will make sure they get replaced at no charge to you!
That is the difference between my readers and other readers!
The same applies for the credit card readers. |
PUSH Support
2nd to None Service!
I understand PrintSmith's Support has raised prices for the new year. Now is the best time to consider your options.
Consider the many benefits of my consulting services as well as my PUSH support:
- Over 25 years of experience using PrintSmith to all of it's capabilities.
- Over 15 years of experience owning/operating a successful printing business.
- I have a degree in Business Management and 25 years in Accounting.
PUSH 2nd to None Service!
- Dedicated number for fast and easy access to your SUPPORT needs!
- Available 24/7, 365 days/year!
- ROI in just a few months, adding more profit to your bottom line!
Anyone who purchases PUSH and then decides to have me do an onsite visit within the first 45 days will receive a full refund on PUSH, the cost would be deducted from my fees and expenses!
Cost is $550.00 per year and can be paid via credit card. Please use the link below and upon receipt I will send you a paid invoice and also the PUSH direct support phone number. It is answered 7 days a week!
PUSH Support Credit Card Form |
Bar Code Readers
Bar Code readers are still available, directly through me (call or email me please), and are also offered by me on eBay .
- Track the amount of time spent on a job at each point from beginning to end. (i.e. Graphics; Output; Proofing; Press set up; Production; Bindery; etc.
- Quickly find where a job is when the client calls for status.
- Get better reporting.
Order YOURS today!
ALL of the scanners are PRE- PROGRAMMED to work with PrintSmith and are compatible for both PC and Mac.
Wired Scanner....................................... $200.00 each
Wireless ..................................................$650.00 each
Please use the credit card form to order!