Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce Logo
In This Issue
The 3/50 Project
SMVFA Donates to Quest
More Website Improvements
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Shop Local Project Catching On... 
The 3/50 Project

We're shining the spotlight this week on The 3/50 Project.  From The350Project.Net - "The goal is simple: Ask consumers to frequent three local brick and mortar businesses they don't want to see disappear, and to spend a very affordable $50 per month doing it.
Could be those three. Another three. Doesn't matter. It's about funneling revenue back into local business. You know--the folks that pour money back into the community via commercial property taxes, payroll taxes, sales tax, and salaries (not to mention all that good will by way of volunteer time, silent auctions, sponsored softball teams, workshops, book signings, etc.)."  According to The 3/50 Project, if just half the employed U.S. populations spent $50 each month in independently owned businesses, their purchases would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue.  And for every $100 spent in independently owned stores, $68 returns to the community trhough taxes, payroll and other expenditures.  If  you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here (probably less, since the chains are pretty much all out of town).  Retailers: you can download flyers to give to each of your customers encouraging them to shop 3/50 style, you can get graphics and text to put on your website, you can sign up to show your support and they will reciprocate with a link to your site, all by visiting (and registering at)  What a concept, a national "Buy Local" program...Thanks to Sally Morrison of Sierra Madre Books, Maddie Romo of Savor the Flavor, and Ron Brandley of Leonora Moss for bringing this program to our attention.
Join Our Mailing List
Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce
Weekly Update - Here's another way to stay updated - join us for "Coffee with the Chamber" each Thursday morning, anytime between 7am and 9am, at the Chamber office (37 N. Auburn, #1).

It appears that this weekly update is being well received, thank you to those who've written us or spoken to us about it.  Don't forget to forward this to your friends and business associates, and remind them that if they use the "Join Our Mailing List" to subscribe, they can get their own copy in their "Inbox" each week.  Of course they always have the option to unsubscribe if they decide they no longer want to receive it.
We've signed up a sponsor, and a coupon advertiser.  As soon as we have their artwork and information, they'll start appearing in the newsletter.  This is a great opportunity for you, too!  Sign up to advertise in the E-newsletter.  It's surprisingly inexpensive, and our distribution list is growing each week...
Chamber Member SMVFA Donates to Firefighters Quest for Burn Survivors
questdonation The Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters Association recently made a donation to the "Firefighters Quest for Burn Survivors," a non-profit organization managed by firefighters and civilians who volunteer their services to assist those that have been affected by burn injuries (click photo to enlarge.) According to the organization's website, FQBS hosts several fund raisers throughout each year in which donations are received and distributed on behalf of each donor to local burn centers and foundations, as well as burn survivors and their families.
Firefighter's Quest was founded in 1996 following the Southern California Malibu Brush Fire in which six firefighters were injured while trapped in a "Firestorm".
To find out more about the organization, please feel free to call Toll Free (866)937-8378, or visit them online at
More Website Improvements
govaffairsscreen We mentioned in our last newsletter that we are trying to improve the website.  The goal is to make it a more effective website, and a better tool for not only our members, but non-members who visit the site.
We've now added a "Government Affairs" page, to help keep you more informed about what's happening with local, county, state, and federal governmental affairs.  Interested in knowing what's up with the Planning Commission and City Council that might affect business?  Don't remember the web address to get the latest update on the websites of Sen. Feinstein or Sen. Boxer?  Would you like to be added to the newsletter subscriber list, or the e-mail update list for state and federal representatives?  Need the address of Congressman Dreier's local office?  Want to know what State Senator Bob Huff is "Tweeting"?  Who is listed as a supporter of Assemblyman Anthony Adams on his Facebook page?  You'll find all of this information and more on the Chamber's Government Affairs page.  Click on the picture above, and you'll be transported directly there, but if you want to get there after this newsletter's been deleted, just remember the address, it's simple.
Let The Chamber Help You Promote Your Business
farmerbooth Did you know that every week the Chamber takes all the member promotional literature we have in the office down to the Farmer's Market (click photo to enlarge) for distribution?  Do we have your promotional literature?  We can't hand it out, if we don't have it.  In addition, the Chamber is going to be preparing packages that will be given to new Sierra Madre residents and to new member businesses.  Also, we occasionally attend meetings where it's appropriate for us to promote our members. We'd like to include your literature and promotional items in those packages.  Flyers, brochures, refrigerator magnets, pens, key fobs, coupons, any promotional items you have and would like to use to introduce yourself to potential new customers.  Even if it's just a stack of business cards. Bring us a hundred or so, so they'll last a little while...Drop your promotional material by the Chamber office, or call us and we'll come by and pick it up!  Most marketing experts agree that it takes several instances of putting your name in front of potential clients before it starts to take hold.  Let the Chamber help you get your name in front of your future customers...
Members - 4th of July Help Needed!!!
Can you help us with 4th of July?  We'll need a few
bodies to help us set up the electrical and lighting for the Beer Garden on July 2nd, and to tear it down on July 5th.  Please give us a call at
355-5111 if you can give us a hand.  We'll try and have the time narrowed down by the time you call....And speaking of 4th of July - here's the event schedule:
Friday, July 3rd
Food booths open at 5pm. 
Concert featuring "The Sheds" at 6pm, and "Aluminum Marshmallow" 7pm to 10pm. 
5th Annual "Bubble Wrap Fireworks" approx. 8pm. 
Beer Garden open from 5 - 10pm, sponsored by 4th of July Committee, Sierra Madre Athletic Association, Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, July 4th
Sierra Madre Woman's Club Pre-Parade Open House, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., 8am
4th of July Parade, 10am
Outdoor Games at Memorial Park, Noon
Dixieland Jazz by Nightblooming Jazzmen at Memorial Park, Noon to 4pm
Food and Beer Garden at Memorial Park, Noon to 4pm


Save 25%
Would you like to promote  your business by offering a discount to your fellow Chamber members?  We'll be sending out this newsletter on a weekly basis, and would like to be able to include special discounts available only to recipients of this newsletter.  Be one of the first five businesses to sign up, and we'll reduce the advertising rate by 25%.  Sign up for a week or a month, your choice...Call 355-5111 for
Offer Expires: After the first five business sign up!