Welcome Message
We've made it through the "Happy New Year" messages and the "How was your holiday?" period. Now it's time to get back to reality and work towards attaining new and exciting goals in 2010. And dare I say it, but I hope that one of your goals is to become the best speaker you can be!
To further your public speaking goals, I'm very excited to share a speech given by Sir Ken Robinson, a champion on the significance of creativity in the educational system. Not only is this speech funny, insightful and fascinating, but Sir Ken demonstrates a very unique delivery style -- an almost complete lack of body movement. This, in turn, puts added attention on the content of his speech...and rest assured, this content does not disappoint. In fact, it is absolutely brilliant.
In other features, be sure that you "Don't Miss the Boat!" with special discounts for Presentation Skills Coaching, only until February 28. Check out my upcoming speaking engagements in February (to which you are ALWAYS welcome, by the way). And see what I learned when I went back to high school last month in the "Where Was I Last Month?" feature.
As always, I love receiving your comments about the newsletter, so feel free to email me with your feedback!
For the McGill Leadership Skills Development Workshop Series
Date: Feb. 3, 5:30-7:30 |
Customer Raves
"From bland to brilliant. Suzannah worked with several top executives in advance of a company meeting held once every four years for an international construction company. They were initially hesitant to work with her, saying they didn't need the help. However, after spending time working with her, they all now endorse Suzannah and even exerted peer pressure on the execs who initially chose to not get coaching. Those holdouts are now advocates also."
Wally Adamchik, President, Firestarter Speaking & Consulting
Cool Quote
It's not how strongly you feel about your topic, it's how strongly they feel about your topic after you speak. ~Tim Salladay |
In this 19-minute speech, Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.Having had the pleasure of seeing him present in 2006 at a conference, I am now very excited to feature one of his talks in this newsletter. Discussion of this speech will focus on three things: His movements, what makes his content so compelling, and ways in which he links himself with the audience.
Sir Ken does not move around when he speaks. In this video, you'll see that the camera is focused on his upper body and face only, and he stays planted on his feet throughout his presentation. This is a stellar example of how it's possible to engage an audience without moving around, gesturing, or "working the stage." This is quite unique to Sir Ken, as most speakers feel more comfortable moving around, and there's nothing wrong with that either.
Sir Ken uses so many core components of a persuasive speech that it's no wonder his audiences are mesmerized. Let's take a look at a five of them:
Clearly stated hypothesis, problem statement, and introduction. Within the first three minutes, he states his hypothesis ("My contention is all kids have tremendous talents and we squander them. Pretty ruthlessly. So I want to talk about education, and about how creativity is as important as literacy"). He gets to his point quickly and concisely.
Definition of terms. We all know what the word "creativity" means. But in reality, the definition of "creativity" can vary, depending upon the context in which it's used. Sir Ken actually defines the term, ensuring that he and the audience understand it in exactly the same way.
Stories. There are at least five stories scattered throughout this speech, and each one is relevant to the points that he makes. Some are funny, some are poignant...and all are relevant.
Rule of Three. Sir Ken uses the "Rule of Three," reflecting the studies that show that people learn better in three's. At 3:00, he reveals the three things he's going to talk about at the conference. At 13:00, he states "We know three things about intelligence." This is a powerful technique used by both speakers and writers.
Vivid language. Sir Ken uses vivid, metaphoric language that creates imagery and impact (Example: "We have mined our minds in the way we strip-mine the earth."
Humour: Several parts of this speech are just downright funny. And despite the fact that his subject is a serious one, his ability to inject humour is one of his greatest strengths.
Shared learnings: Sir Ken links how his speech fits in with the speeches from other conference speakers, thereby establishing a sense of community among all attendees. It also proves that he isn't using a memorized or "canned" speech.
Watching Sir Ken Robinson is a lesson in how great speech content can move an audience - even if the speaker doesn't move at all.
Save 10% on Presentation Skills Coaching
Do you spend hours and hours preparing your brochures, website, and marketing materials, but fail to get your point across when you're actually in front of the client?
let someone else walk away with your opportunity.
Offer valid until February 28, 2010.
Back in High School!
I spoke at a high school Career Day in January. While the experience brought me back to the "good 'ol days" of my youth, it also reinforced the benefits - and wisdom - of age!
CAPS Sales & Marketing Seminar
With Peri Shawn, Executive Performance Coach and National President of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). |