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Latest News and Ideas from  MCM Productions,llc   
September 19th, 2012
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The Latest and Greatest 

Dear  , 

The Latest and the Greatest

  Keep it relevent


In our $18 billion dollar promotional products industry the most common client question is "What's new?" It can be easily answered in a minute or two. With 25 years of experience, we try to turn the conversation to, "What is relevant". Don't get us wrong, we like and advise many clients on new products. The key is determining if "new" will perform the job.


This is where a good discovery conversation will help filter down the options based on your goal, your message, your market and the environmental components which range from budget to how you will deliver your promotional product.


With this data we can narrow down your options to simplify the selection process and insure the results. So much of what is new in promotional products relates to social media and accessories for technology tools. This is ideal if these channels fit your marketing requirements. However if these are not your channels we need to delve a little deeper.


If you are marketing to the multitude of other channels that include corporate events, athletic programs, employee awards, non technology new product introductions and more, then we are confident that relevant and sometimes "old school" promotional items will convey your message in the most cost efficient and effective manner. Simply put, the newest capacitive stylus will be lost on an audience that doesn't use a smart phone.


Give us a call and we will be happy to show you the latest and greatest but also what we think are the most relevant products to make your best impression on your audience.

What's Hot?

Solar Cell Phone and Tablet Chargers are Hot!

 solar charger



Based on our observations and research, we are seeing solar chargers becoming one of the hottest new products. We classify them as a "high end" product, as their price point range is $13 to $38 depending on model. They make perfect gifts particularly for people on the go.


We joke about the busy person who claims they are going to "disconnect" from the office and the internet. However, the moment the low battery indicator appears on the cell phone or tablet, panic sets in. Even when one is not off the grid and the cell phone begins to die, disaster can be averted with a practical solar cell phone charger.


True confession - We were driving to visit some friends at their vacation home. We had never been there before. Everything we needed, address, phone number and GPS app for the directions was in a smart phone whose battery was dying. We didn't have a cable to charge the phone. Note this was all taking place pretty close to the middle of nowhere. If we had one of these solar chargers, it would have been an easy fix. Instead we barely made it to their place by luck.


Don't let your most loyal clients and team members get digitally stranded. Check out this complete line of solar chargers today.







Over the past several months we have published a number of pages on our web site under the theme of high end promotional items. The search engine gods have bestowed a lot of new web traffic for us. The search engine optimization story here is that Google data said that no one searched for this term. We gambled and experimented with some nice traffic.


If you are looking at higher priced awards giveaways and gifts, click on High End Promotional Items and take a peak at what everyone else is looking at.



Time to Run

It's hard to believe that the middle of September has past and that the start of 4th quarter of 2012 is less than 2 weeks away. No, it is not too early to be planning for holiday gifts and year end promotions. Instead of waiting until the last minute we would like to hear from you now to help you get the right products at the best price and not have to worry about another deadline. 

Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us.

Christiane Hartley, 
Promotional Products Consultant 
MCM Productions, LLC
P: 888-344-6060 
F: 888-590-6688 - our new blog powered web site

MCM Productions is a WBENC Certified Woman Owned Business