Tiffany's Tip of the Month
Are You SAVI?
If you're in business, you're constantly learning.
Some need to stay up-to-date with advances in technology, techniques, certifications, regulatory & legal environments, or research just to stay viable and competitive. Others just feel more engaged, creative, and innovative in their daily work when they are learning--no matter what the content is.
That's why knowing how you learn is critical to your success.
The Accelerated Learning Handbook by David Meier, discusses how recent brain research has shown that learning occurs most rapidly when students are involved in the following four kinds of activity during their learning experiences:
- moving and doing (Somatic)
- talking and hearing (Auditory)
- observing and picturing (Visual)
- problem-solving and reflecting (Intellectual)
When you decide to seek out education, ask questions to find out what kind of learning activity you'll experience (S,A,V,I). If that training does not incorporate all four kinds, consider a learner-centered provider who does.
By thoughtfully combining intellectual activity, physical movement, and the use of as many senses as possible, Ready2ACT students have experienced quick, and lasting learning in our instructor-led training, E-Learning solutions, and customized, blended approaches.
If you're a Auditory, Visual, and/or Intellectual learner, click on this 54-second video to learn from ingenuity expert, Red Green:
 | Red Green - Cheap Power Windows |